Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Я хожу в кино очень редко. 2. В тот вечер он позвонил своему портному и заказал еще один костюм. 3. При данных обстоятельствах я думаю, они должны точно знать, что произошло. Возьми лист бумаги и напиши все подробно. 4. Китти, которая стояла на палубе и смотрела на реку, ушла к себе в каюту. 5. «Я в Париже по делу, - сказал я. – Я ужасно занят». 6. Я решил, что завтра поеду в Вашингтон на автобусе. 7. «Мы будем играть в покер в субботу вечером». «Вы все еще играете в покер?» 8. Джон усердно работал. 9. Эта кофта связана вручную? 10. Когда он вошел в комнату, дочь хозяина играла на скрипке. 11. Она была близорука, но из тщеславия не носила очки, за исключением случаев, когда работала, или читала, или ходила в кино. 12. Я приехал в аэропорт рано, на такси. 13. Она стояла у такси, разговаривая с кем-то. 14. А все-таки вы не угадали, что я американец по происхождению. 15. Она была убеждена, что Хьюго играл в футбол, чтобы заработать на жизнь. 16. Пойдемте сегодня вечером в кино. 17. Рой перестал играть в крикет много лет назад. 18. Я уже не дежурил, когда она пришла, поэтому я понятия не имею, какую комнату она посещала. 19. Она взяла меня за руку и повела к дому. 20. Я думала, что вы ушли играть в гольф. 21. Казалось, доктор Вассар делала заметки на чем угодно, что попадалось под руку. 22. Я подумал, что тоже буду в отпуске. 23. Она посмотрела, как бы случайно, на стол, за которым сидели футболисты. 24. «Мне следовало помнить, что она умеет держать себя в руках», - подумала миссис Слейд. 25. Она что-то держала в руках. 26. Сколько театров у вас в городе? 27. Что идет в кино

около твоего дома?   


Insert the necessary articles in their proper places before the italicised nouns in the following sentences.

1. I thought of all those heroines of fiction who looked pretty when they cried, and what contrast I must make with blotched and swollen face and red rims to my eyes. 2. Both readers of course will draw the obvious conclusions from this. 3. Never before had he seen such cold steely determination in her eye – such cruel look of indifference. 4. I've brutalized many men into shape but I wouldn't take a chance on half number of women. 5. He thought of all people Fox had shaken hands with – the President of the United States, every living scientist whose name was famous. 6. "It seems to be such large company," she said, at one place. 7. Here you are a complete stranger with an acquaintance of less than half hour and you came up to me with a cock-and-bull story about your aunts. 8. All complications which led up to it were unknown. 9. Evenings, when still at his post, he would occasionally read in the evening papers incidents concerning celebrities whom he knew, whom he had drunk a glass with many time. 10. She was horrified at herself for having such thought and she turned pink. 11. He had a little office in the place, set off in polished cherry and grill work, where he kept in a roll-top desk, rather simple accounts of the place-supplies ordered and needed. 12. He was quite disagreeable figure. 13. There gathered, before the matinee and afterward, not only all pretty women who love a showy parade, but the men who love to gaze upon and admire them. 14. Dick said in quite natural voice, not too loud: so if you don't feel up to going out, I'll tell Nicole and we'll have a very quiet last evening. 15. Sorrow in her was aroused by many spectacle, an uncritical outburst of grief for the weak and the helpless. 16. She came and sat beside me and I knew the waiting of all five years had been for her. 17. For one in so delicate position he was exceedingly cool. 18. Mr. Cowlishaw found himself in rather difficult position of speeding his first patient and welcoming another one in the same breath. 19. It is really a great pleasure to have such acquisition to our little community. 20. He'd been too much of gentleman not to marry me. 21. I smiled at the hall-porter—not patronizingly, but as if to imply that in my opinion a child could operate so simple mechanism. 22. All four boys in the locker-room spoke in low tones and there was none of the usual horsing around. 23. I won't lecture to you, we have too acute realization of your physical suffering. 24. Before they went out, as fine-looking couple as could be found in Paris they knocked softly at Rosemary's door. 25. She thought what good time they would all have being with him to-night. 26. "How lovely face and figure she has," he said bowing as he sat. 27. It's rather small place, but it has a lot of atmosphere. 28. That leaves the situation in rather unsatisfactory state. 29. I am not asking you. I have faced all possibilities and I prefer it that way.

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