Study the vocabulary notes and translate the examples into Russian.

Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics:

A. 1. The room had changed as if something sinister had been re­moved from it; something which dimmed the lights, something which threatened him. Комната изменилась, как если бы что-то зловещее было удалено из неё; то, что делало освещение тусклым, то, что угрожало ему. 2. The centre of the lake was glittering, but along the edge the green banks could be seen reflected and the blue sky, the colours clear yet strangely altered into the colours of a dimmer and more obscure world. Центр озера сверкал, но по кромке было видно отражение зелёных берегов и голубого неба, краски, ещё светлые, странно переменялись в цвета тусклого и более тёмного мира. 3. The folds around his mouth seemed to express eternal disgust. Складки вокруг рта, казалось, выражали вечное отвращение. 4. The author unfolded all the historic events of which his hero could have been a witness. Автор раскрыл все исторические события, свидетелем которых мог быть его герой. 5. The instant flashed and was gone. Момент мелькнул и прошёл. 6. Ever so carefully he placed his hands on the table, fingers interlaced, an artificial diamond flashing on his little finger. С неизменной тщательностью он положил руки на стол, с переплетёнными пальцами, и с мерцающим искусственным алмазом на мизинце. 7. Bending forward,


Ernest turned round and flashed his spectacles at Bob who was study­ing the programme. Наклонясь вперёд, Эрнест обернулся и сверкнул очками на Боба, который изучал программу. 8. The pitch darkness squeezed Bart from all sides. "You promised...," whispered Charley, giving him a slight squeeze on the elbow. Кромешная тьма сжимала Барта со всех сторон. «Ты обещал ...», прошептал Чарли, слегка сжав ему локоть. 9. "Well, in eight hours or so we shall be there," he said, squeezing shut the lid of his watch. «Ну, в восемь часов или около того мы будем там», сказал он, и, надавив на крышку часов, закрыл её. 10. The measures taken to ease the money squeeze in the USA have not been successful so far. Меры, принимаемые, чтобы решить проблему недостатка денег в США не увенчались успехом до сих пор. 11. The lorry would have been better for the trip, as the load would have a tight squeeze in the small car. Грузовик сгодился бы лучше для поездки, так как груз пришлось бы плотно сжать в небольшом автомобиле. 12. She looked at the stage with a furrow be­tween her brows, seeing nothing, her hands squeezed together in her lap. Она смотрела на сцену, морщиня брови, не видя ничего, с руками, сжатыми на коленях. 13. An old lady who has for some obscure reason begged me not to divulge her name, happened to show me the diary she had kept in the past. Случилось так, что старушка которая по непонятным причинам просила не разглашать её имя, показала мне дневник, который она вела в прошлом. 14. He was a noisy robust little man with a gleam of real tal­ent concealed in the obscurit ot his verse. Он был шумливым крепким маленьким человечком с проблеском настоящего таланта, таившегося в неизвестности скрывавшегося в тени его стихов. 15. The curtains were drawn back and the window-pane behind her displayed a huge frost picture which obscured the dim morning light, so that it was quite dark in the room. Занавески были одёрнуты назад и оконное стекло позади неё отображало огромную морозную картину, затемнённое в тусклом свете утра, так что в комнате было совсем темно. 16. The learning we received only tended to obscure our vision. Познания, полученные нами, лишь затуманили наши представления. 17. The children took the risk of getting into old Mr. Radley's garden. Дети рискнули забраться в сад старого мистера Рэдли. 18. By concealing the truth you are running a serious risk of being suspected. Утаивая правду вы серьезно рискуете попасть под подозрение. 19. He took off his gasmask, sniffed and decided to risk leaving the mask off. 19. Он снял противогаз, вдохнул носом и решил рискнуть остаться без маски.
B. 1. The boat had the tempting look that small rowing boats have, but Dora resisted the temptation to get into it and glide upon the glittering lake. Лодка имела тот заманчивый вид, что имеют небольшие гребные лодки, но Дора не поддалась искушению залезть в неё и скользить по сверкающему озеру.2. His sister ran away from home with an actor who happened to be playing in Kansas City and who took a passing fan­ cy to her. Его сестра сбежала из дома с актером, который, так случилось, играл в Канзас-Сити и мимолетно увлёкся ею. 3. The old quartet has broken up but sometimes they come together again for TV, records, concerts and anything that takes their fancy. Старый квартет распался, но иногда они снова объединяются вместе для телевидения, записей, концертов и всего, что им нравится. 4. The turn of the conversation had upset Mark; he did not like to hear Pete talking like this. То, как повернулся разговор, расстроило Марка, он не хотел слышать Пита, говорящего подобные вещи. 5. She said she would leave him for a while and earn her own living. When things took a turn for the better she would join him again. Она сказала, что она уйдет от него на некоторое время, чтобы заработать себе на жизнь. Когда дело примет поворот к лучшему, она вернётся к нему снова. 6. He is an old chum of mine, and feels my pulse, and looks at my tongue, and talks about the weather, all for nothing, when I fancy I'm ill; so I thought I would do him a good turn by going to him now. Он – один из моих старых приятелей, и щупает мой пульс, и проверяет мой язык, и говорит о погоде, всё впустую, когда я воображаю, что я больна, поэтому я подумала, я оказала бы ему хорошую услугу, пойдя к нему сейчас. 7. Haven't you a turn for something? What about literature, art and so forth? У Вас есть какие-то способности? Как насчет литературы, искусства и так далее? 8. What was she afraid of here which made her dream vaguely of an escape, rescue, a shock which would dissolve barriers? Что её тут страшило, заставляя смутно мечтать о побеге, о спасении, о шоке, который растворил бы барьеры? 9. The president called for the student union to be dissolved. Председатель призвал к роспуску студенческого союза. 10. Though scrupulously clean, the room appeared dusty, as if the walls were dissolving into powder. Хотя и досконально вычищенная, комната казалась пыльной, как будто стены обращались в порошок. 11. There was trouble here at the time of the dissolution of the monasteries and that bridge was destroyed. Здесь были беспорядки, во время, когда ликвидировали монастыри, и этот мост был разрушен. 12. Girls of her type do not smash a man's life, they build it. Девушки её типа не разрушают жизнь мужчины, они её создают.13. He smashed the ball into the net through the goalkeeper's


upflung hands. Он забил мяч в сетку ударом сверху вниз через брошенные вверх руки вратаря. 14. Most of the wall and the towers of the city are faked поддельные, but the restoration is wonderful. Большинство стены и башен города поддельные, но реконструкция - прекрасна. 15. The innocence of their converse had been a fake . Невинность их беседы была обманом 16. This play and other Shakespearean discoveries were soon revealed to be fakes. Эта пьеса и другие шекспировские открытия вскоре были разоблачены, как фальсификация.17. A town councillor was charged with forging votes in his favour. Член городского совета был обвинён в фальсификации голосования в его пользу. 18. A wealthy banker, a man respected by all, he was arrested one day on a charge of fraud. Состоятельный банкир, человек, уважаемый всеми, он был арестован однажды по обвинению в мошенничестве.

15. Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary:

1. By doing this he put his health at stake. – By doing this he risks his health. 2. He embraced his lit­tle daughter and his eyes became brilliant with joy. – He squeezed his little daughter and joy flashed in his eyes. 3. He has let me down. – He has done me a bad turn. 4. The literary critic found that the young poet's verses lacked clarity. – The literary critic found that the young poet's verses were vague. 5. I have written to him twice, now you should do it. – I have written to him twofold, now you should do it. 6. He was sitting with his arms crossed on his chest. – He set folding his arms on his chest. 7. The motorbike moved past at great speed. – The motorbike flashed at great speed. 8. I don't believe his story, he is lying. – I don't believe his vague story. 9. What you intend to do is rather dangerous. What you intend to do is rather risky. 10. The attraction was too strong for him to resist it. The temptation was too strong for him to resist it. 11. I'm rather to suppose that he has told her all about it. – I rather fancy to suppose that he has told her all about it. 12. He smiled warmly and pressed my hand hard, which rather surprised me as I knew he didn't like me. – He smiled warmly and gave me a squeeze of the hand, which rather surprised me as I knew he didn't like me. 13. Kind­ness ought to be repaid by kindness. – One shall take turns at doing good. 14. The doctor didn't allow her to eat tomatoes, but this one looked so attractive that she decided to have it. – The doctor didn't allow her to eat tomatoes, but this one looked so tempting that she decided to have it. 15. How many dresses can you stuff into this small suitcase? You must, at least, double them carefully, or they'll be in a mess! – How many dresses can you squeeze into this small suitcase? You must, at least, fold them carefully, or they'll be in a mess! 16. They defeated the enemy forces utterly. – They smashed the enemy forces utterly. 17. How could she have said such a thing? – How could she risk to say such a thing? 18. They are going to be divorced. – They risked to be divorced 19. The lights in the hall went down. – The lights in the hall dimmed. 20. I can't say I have a clear idea about it. – I have a vague idea about it.

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