Ex.6 Translate the sentences and define the functions of the Participle: a) attribute, b) predicative, c) adverbial modifier.

a) Participle I
1. A molecule is a compound consisting of two or more atoms.
2. Combining hydrogen with oxygen in the proportion of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen we produce water.

3. When speaking about oxygen it is necessary to say that it is a colourless, odourless gas having density at standard pressure and temperature of about one seven-hundredth that of water. It is soluble in water becoming liquid at about 180 °C.

4. While burning different substances combine with oxygen.

7. The boiling solution has neither colour nor odour.

b) Participle II

1. The solution of the problem required concentrated efforts of many scientists.

2. The data required were analysedin our laboratory.

3. When required, the data will be appliedin our practical work.

4. The investigations analysed resulted in an interesting discovery.

5. Heated glass is plastic.

6. When heated, glass can be easily worked.

7. Some new properties of the polymer found during the experiments were quite unexpected.  

Ex.7 Translate the sentences with Absolute Participle constructions.

1. The sun having risen, they continued their way. 2. The professor being ill, the lecture was put off. 3. The wool was placed in the warehouse, the cotton being forwarded to the factory. 4. Weather permitting, the ship will leave port tomorrow. 5. There being a severe storm at sea, the steamer could not leave the port. 6. If being Sunday, the library was closed. 7. The work finished, we went home. 8. The signal given, the train started. 9. The weather being fine, they went for a walk. 10. The goods having been unloaded, the workers left the port. 11. Business on the London Metal Exchange was very brisk that day, over one thousand tons of tin being sold in the afternoon. 12. Agriculture is Costa Rica’s chief activity, mining and manufacturing being little developed. 13. Modern digital computers operating with tremendous speed, it is widely used in science and engineering. 14. Radio was invented in Russia, its inventor being the Russian scientist A.S. Popov. 15. Then they heard the noise of the plane, its shadow passing over the open glade.

Ex.8 Translate the sentences, paying attention to the Participle and its functions.
1. Being very ill, she couldn’t do her work. 2. The first rays of the rising sun lit up the top of the hill. 3. The tree struck by lightning was all black and leafless. 4. Being busy, he postponed the trip. 5. Having been shown the wrong direction, the travelers soon lost their way. 6. Having descended the mountain they heard a man calling for help. 7. Flushed and excited, the boy came running to his mother. 8. He stood watching the people passing by. 9. While being examined, the boy couldn’t help crying. 10. Strictly speaking, he is not a good student.

Ex.16 Define the form and the function of the Participle in the sentences. Translate them.

 Using isotopes in measuring the diffusion of metals we got much more accurate data.

 Being used in measuring the diffusion of metals isotopes gave much more accurate data.

 Scientists have found a simple way to produce a laser beam of any colour and frequency desired.

 Having used a laser beam scientists obtained accurate calculations of Jupiter's temperature - minus 150°F.

 Being produced by the laser the narrow intense beam travels great distances without spreading.

 When sent to the Moon in 1962 an intensive red beam illuminated a section of the Moon only two miles in diameter.

 Having reached the surface of the Moon, it returned to the Earth three seconds later, its return being recorded by sensitive devices.

 The beam traveled 800,000 km in space, its velocity approaching that light.

Lesson 5

The Gerund

Герундий – это неличная форма глагола, обладающая свойствами как существительного, так и глагола. Выражает процесс действия.

Образуется V + ing

    Характерным признаком герундия является наличие перед ним:

1. предлога;

2. притяжательного местоимения;

3. существительного в притяжательном или общем падеже.

Герундий с относящимися к нему словами образует герундиальный оборот.

Формы герундия.

Tense Active Passive
Simple Perfect driving having driven being driven having been driven



1. Subject

Reading books in English is very important.– Читать книги на английском языке – очень важно.

There is no avoiding it. - Этого не избежать.

It’s no use going there. - Бесполезно идти туда.

2. Predicative

1. after to be: His hobby is collecting stamps. – Его хобби – коллекциониро-вание марок

2. after can’t stand, can’t bare, can’t help: She couldn’t helplaughing. - Она не могла удержаться от смеха.

I can ’ t stand her singing. - Не могу выносить ее пение.

3. He gave up smoking. - Он бросил курить. (после глаголов, выражающих начало, продолжение и конец действия: to stop, cease, keep on, go on, continue, start, finish, begin, give up).

3. Attribute (after nouns + preposition)

I had a chance of meeting him.–У меня был шанс встретиться с ним.

She has difficulties in speaking.– У нее проблемы с говорением.

4. Object

1.direct object(after verbs without prepositions)

I enjoy swimming in the sea.– Я люблю купаться в море.

He denies having taken the book.– Он отрицает, что взял книгу.

2.indirect object (after verbs with prepositions)

I am afraid of diving.– Я боюсь глубоко нырять.

They depend on his coming in time.– Они зависят от его своевременного прихода.

5. Adverbial modifier of: (всегда с предлогом)

2.time (with prepositions: upon, on, after, before, at…)

On coming home he lit up a fire. - Придя домой, он зажег камин.

3.manner (in, by)

We spent the day in packing. - Мы потратили день на упаковку вещей.

4.attendant circumstances (without)

We danced without speaking. - Мы танцевали молча (без разговоров).

5.purpose (for)

The floor is used for dancing.–Площадка используется для танцев.

6.concession (in spite of)

In spite of being ill she finished her work. - Несмотря на болезнь, она закончила работу.

7.condition (without)

You can’t go there without being invited. - Вы не можете пойти туда без приглашения.


8. reason

I feel better because of having spent a month at the seaside. - Я чувствую себя лучше, потому что провел месяц на морском побережье.

Note : В функции обстоятельства герундий используется после предлогов in, at, on, after, before, etc…

    Герундий с последующим существительным указывает на назначение предмета, отвечает на вопросы «для чего? для какой цели?» и переводится либо существительным в именительном или родительном падежах, либо прилагательным. Выполняет функцию определения.

    a smoking room – комната для курения;

    a boiling point – точка кипения.

Compare: Participle: a dancing girl® no changes are possible.

              Gerund: dancing shoes® shoes for dancing

                       riding clothes® clothes for riding.


Gerundial Object

    Это сочетание притяжательного местоимения или существительного в притяжательном или общем падеже с герундием. Такой оборот переводится придаточным предложением с союзами «что; то, что; о том, чтобы; в том, что», причем герундий в русском предложении становится сказуемым этого придаточного предложения. Притяжательное местоимение или существительное становится подлежащим придаточного предложения.

    We all know of their designing a new type of semiconductor radio set. – Мы все знаем, что они проектируют новый тип радиоприемника на полупроводниках.

    Smirnov ’ s taking part in the development of the new cooling system was of great help to us. – То, что Смирнов принял участие в усовершенствовании новой охладительной системы, очень помогло нам.


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