Exercise 1. Write down the English equivalents for the following Russian words and word combinations.
Чердак; подвал; ванная комната; кладовая; мыльница; смеситель; ванна; стиральная машина; водонагревательная колонка; бетон; кирпич; бревно; общежитие; однокомнатная квартира; коттедж; бунгало; вилла; ряд домов, построенных вплотную; один из двух особняков, имеющих общую стену; отдельный дом; небоскреб; шторы; фен; пылесос; музыкальный центр; камин; парадная; черный ход; дом с двумя входами; сад перед домом; в передней части дома; перед домом; письменный стол; постельное белье; двуспальная кровать; комод; кресло-диван на двоих; тумбочка для аппаратуры; сарай; терраса; гараж; приспособление; крыльцо (подъезд); встроенная мебель; бытовые приборы; домовладелец; экономка; домашнее хозяйство; расходы на хозяйство; маляр; новоселье; просторный; камин; пригород; окраина города; убираться в доме; обставлять мебелью; трущобы; жилье; перила; тротуар; подъезд к гаражу; фонарь; забор; клумба; кухонный полотенец; салфетки; подоконник; водоотвод; фонарный столб; диван-кровать; тумбочка; сервант; электрическая конфорка; ранчо; антенна; труба; лестница; ставни; черепичная крыша; столовые приборы; мусорная корзина; столешница; жидкость для мытья посуды; противень; губка для мытья посуды; уютный; удобный; переставить мебель; сделать ремонт.
Exercise 2.
Study the following examples illustrating the proper use of idioms and expressions. Render the sentences into Russian paying special attention to the translation of italicized phrases.
1. Every Sunday I like going to “The Black Horse” pub, as drink are on the house there.
2. When Erin went away to college, she took everything but the kitchen sink.
3. When Chad’s grandmother saw that he had used her fur coat in his science experiment, she hit the roof.
4. The man next door got a new car, so my cousin got one too. He has to keep up with the Joneses.
5. They got fed up with the noisy, crowded city, so they moved to a one-horse town out West.
6. She lives way out in the boondocks.
7. When the President arrived, he was given the red-carpet treatment.
8. Helen was thought to be a home-bird at school, but it turned out in fact that she was quite fond of clubbing.
9. Pessimists think that optimists tend to build castles in the air.
10. “Come in, Honey! Make yourself at home. I’ll be with you in a minute!”
11. We’ve just bought a new detached house in Notting Hill, so we are planning our housewarming party.
12. All days were alike there nothing to write home about.
13. Flora liked the homey atmosphere of Aunt Fran’s farm.
Exercise 3.
Match the Russian expressions on the left with their English equivalents on the right.
1. Новая метла по новому метёт a. there is no place like home
2. Выносить сор из избы b. East or West home is best
3. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше c. Home sweet home
4. Всяк кулик на своём болоте велик d. To wash dirty linen in public
5. Дом, милый дом e. Misfortunes never come alone
6. Очень уютно f. A new broom sweeps clean
7.Каждая птица любит свое гнездо g. As snug as a bug in a rug
8. Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит h. The more, the merrier
9. Мой дом – моя крепость i. A cock is valiant on his own dunghill
10. Пришла беда – отворяй ворота j. Every bird likes its own nest
11. В тесноте, да не в обиде k. My house is my castle
Read the dictionary definition of some words and phrases from the Topical Vocabulary. Deduce the meaning from these definitions and put them down in your notebook.
1. a long large container that you fill with water and sit or lie in to wash yourself
2. a container for keeping bread in so that it stays fresh –
3. a house which is all on ground level –
4. a hard white substance produced by baking a type of clay at a high temperature –
5. a substance used for building that is made by mixing sand, very small stones, cement, and water –
6. a small house in the country –
7. a machine that washes dishes –
8. a pipe that carries rain water away from the roof of a building –
9. a structure made of wood, metal etc that surrounds a piece of land –
10. the opening in the wall of a room, used for a wood or coal fire to heat the room –
11. a small, useful, and cleverly-designed machine or tool –
12. one of two strong upright poles fixed to the ground to support a gate –
13. the edge of a road next to the path, where water collects and flows away –
14. the area just inside the door of a house or other building that leads to other rooms –
15. someone who owns or is in charge of a house –
16. the edge of the pavement at the side of a street –
17. a small comfortable public room in a hotel or other buildings used by many people –
18. a square piece of cloth or paper used for protecting your clothes and for cleaning your hands and lips during a meal –
19. to change the shape or appearance of something –
20. to repair and paint a building so that it is in good conditions again –
21. one of the circular areas on top of a cooker that is heated by gas or electricity
22. one of a pair of wooden or metal covers on the outside of a window that can be closed to keep light out or prevent thieves from coming in -
23. a thing used for heating a room or for cooking, which works by burning wood, coal, oil or gas –
24. a flat surface for working on, especially in a kitchen –
Exercise 5.
Complete the sentences with a suitable noun or verb.
1. I opened the………, walked up the………and rang the……….
2. We had to………six flights of stairs to get to her flat because the………wasn’t working.
3. I’ve got a great………from my balcony.
4. Do you own the flat or do you………it?
5. I’ m living in the house now but it actually…………to my brother. He bought it two years ago. It was in very bad………then, but he spent a lot of money on it.
6. It costs a lot of money to………a house when you live in a cold climate. Central………is usually quite expensive.
Exercise 6.
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