The main aim of teaching reading at school is communicative efficiency in

a)general and close reading;

b) searching and skimming reading;

c) the technique of reading.



10. Mark the correct answer to the following characteristics of the skills: “ Speaking and writing_______”

a) are written forms of communication;

b) involve language production and are productive skills;

c) are oral forms of communication.


Scientific character; interdependence; consistency and simplicity; recurrence of speech operations and language material; communicative character of teaching-learning activities are

a) characteristics of the system of exercises;

b) methodological principles of constructing the system of exercises;

c) criteria of classification of exercises.


If you ask your students to read the words, which they usually misread: cold – could; come – some; called – cold; walk – work; then they are doing an exercise in

a) establishing phoneme-grapheme correlation;

b) reading isolated words and word combinations;

c) predicting a word form.  


13. Mark the correct answer to the following characteristics of the skills:

“Listening and reading_____”

a) involve receiving messages and are receptive skills;

b) are written form of communication;

c) are oral form of communication.


A group of replies characterised by structural, semantic and intonation completeness is called

a) a macrodialogue;

b) a dialogical unit;

c) a dialogical whole.    


15. Point out the stage of teaching writing in school to which the following statement corresponds:

“The main concern of teaching writing is its technical side. Much prominence is given to teaching handwriting and spelling.”

a) junior;

b) intermediate;   

c) senior.


16. Decide which of the following methods and approaches corresponds to the following main characteristics:

“The language is broken down into small grammar components that are presented in a strictly controlled sequence aimed to build language competence through knowledge and interiorisation of the linguistic rules.”

a) structural;

b) direct;

c) communicative.


The preparatory stage in forming dialogic speech habits and skills is

a) mastering a dialogic reply;

b) mastering certain dialogical units;

c) mastering microdialogue. 

18. The alternative dictation drill technique, sometimes called dictogloss, develops both listening and writing skills. The dictation drill technique is focused on:

A) meaning;        

b) form;     

c) both meaning and form.

19. Decide which of the kinds of communicative competence corresponds to the following definition: “________ is the ability to form illocution acts appropriately according to the context of communication (to invite, request, thank etc.).”

a) Lingua-cultural competence;

b) Linguistic competence;

C) Illocution competence.


20. Decide which of the following methods and approaches corresponds to the following main characteristics: “Drilling in the classroom normally follows a three-phase scheme consisting of stimulus – response – reward.”

a) Grammar-translation;

b) Neuro-linguistic programming;

C) Audio-lingual.


Interpretative listening

a) deals with a number of options on the same subject or two or more texts on the same topic;

b) is a skill to interpret the received information, place it in a different light, evolve the idea conveyed in it, to comment on the heard depending on the listener’s own knowledge and experience;

c) is a skill to draw conclusions, approach what has been heard critically, understand the purpose and implications of the text.


22. Decide which of the kinds of communicative competence corresponds to the following definition:

“_________ is the ability to take into account peculiarities of TCL, its culture, history etc.”

a) lingua-cultural competence;

b) social-linguistic competence;

c) linguistic competence.


23. Decide which of the following methods and approaches corresponds to the following main characteristics:

 “A situation where students learn together, based on group work; communicating in English is based on cooperation between students to negotiate meaning and understanding with each other.”

a) Task-based learning;

b) Self-directed learning;

C) Cooperative learning.


Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 436; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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