The disyllabic foot in which the stress is upon the second syllable is called

a) trochee;           

b) amphibrach ;

C) iambus.


Metonymy is based on

a) similarity; b) contiguity;c) contrast.


Assonance is the repetition of

a) the same stressed vowel;

b) the same unstressed vowel;

c) the same consonant.

Slang words belong to the bulk of

a) neutral words ;

b) common colloquial words;

C) special colloquial words.


Rearranging questions in the direct word order is called

A) secondary inversion ; 

b) partial inversion ;

c) complete inversion .


6.Fill in the gap:________ is the sequence of ideas where the weakest element is added to one or several strong ones and thus receives prominence due to an interruption inthe pattern of predictability.

a) Climax;

b) Anticlimax;

c) Enumeration.


Asyndeton is   

a) the deliberate omission of the pronominal connective creating a blend of the main and the subordinate clauses;

b) the deliberate omission of the connective where it is generally expected to be according to the norms of the literary language;

c) the repeated use of conjunctions.

A stressed vowel is followed by the same sounds in

a) assonance;

b) perfect rhyme;

c) alliteration.


Anaphora is

a) the repetition of the same word or words at the end of two or more successiveclauses or sentences;                                        

b) the repetition of the same unit both at the beginning and at the end of the utterance;

C) the repetition of the same word or words at the beginning of two or more successive clauses or sentences.


The three-syllabic foot in which the stress is upon the second syllable is called

a) anapest;

b) dactyl;

c) amphibrach.


11. Graphon is used to reflect                                                                                                      a) the authentic pronunciation of words;                                                                                     b) to imitate sounds produced in nature;                                                                                     c) to achieve a melodic and rhythmic effect.

12. Fill in the gap: ______is used to create the second plane, or background, to the narrative, to reproduce two parallel lines of thought.

a) Detachment;

b) Parenthesis;

c) Syntactic tautology.


13. Fill in the gap: _______ is a combination of sounds the aim of which is to make the sound of the utterance an echo of its sense.

a) Indirect onomatopoeia;

b) Alliteration;

c) Direct onomatopoeia.


If we can indicate the exact word in whose meaning there is contradiction between the said and the implied, this type of irony is called

a) stylistic irony;

b) verbal irony;

c) sustained irony.


Meiosis is

a) overstatement;

b) understatement;

c) play on words.


Intentional treating idioms as if they were word combinations (or single words) used in their primary sense results in the formation of

a) zeugma;

b) pun;

c) anticlimax.


17. A figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of objector idea is used instead of another to suggest likeness or analogy between them is called:      

a) metonymy;

b) epithet;

C) metaphor.


18. Fill in the gap: ______ is the repetition of the general scheme of a sentence, by means of the pronominal subject and an auxiliary or modal verb, representing the predicate of the main sentence.

a) Syntactic tautology;

b) Emphatic construction;

c) Catch repetition.


Belles-lettres style is known for

a) its precision and logical cohesion;

b) its imagery;

c) absence of ambiguity.


20.Fill in the gap:_________ is a confrontation of two separate phrases (sentences or even paragraphs) of opposite meaning.

a) Oxymoron;

b) Antithesis;

c) Anticlimax.


The stylistic device based on peculiar use of negative constructions is called


b) meiosis;

C) litotes.


Aesthetical-cognitive” function distinguishes

a) Belles-Lettres style;

b) Publicistic style;

c) Scientific style.


Archaisms are included into the group of

a) neutral words;

b) elevated (literary) words;

c) degraded (colloquial) words.


The stylistic device which is often used in fables and parables for didactic purposes is called

a) metaphor;

b) periphrasis;

C) allegory.


Parenthesis is based on

a) redundancy of syntactical elements;

b) the absence of elements which are obligatory in a neutral construction;

c) change of fixed word order.


A milder word replacing another word which is obscene, profane or having unpleasant associations is

a) a periphrasis;

b) euphemism;

c) metonymy.


Colloquialisms are

a) avoided in polite conversation;

b) limited to a highly informal communication;

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