Characteristics and destination area products


Kefir – one of the most popular fermented milk products to which share more than 2/3 of their productions fall.

Kefir has all useful properties of dairy drinks and belongs to dietary fermented milk products. The main nutrients of kefir are present at a digestible form therefore this product is especially valuable to children, the elderly and recovering after a disease people. Medicinal properties of kefir are well-known in traditional medicine and are explained by accumulation of antibiotic substances (the lowland and others, developed by barmy cages).

The main advantage of kefir – an opportunity to have pro-biotic effect, i.e. to influence favorably structure of microbes of intestines: kefir suppresses growth of pathogenic microorganisms, thus, he promotes prevention of development of intestinal infections and helps in the presence of dysbacteriosis.

Besides, consumption of kefir well affects protective forces of an organism: he increases immunity. Kefir is recommended to apply to restoration of forces at an anemia, at some diseases of digestive tract.

Also, positive effect of kefir on a condition of the people suffering from a syndrome of chronic fatigue is noted. At sleep disorders, neurotic states as one of indispensable components of a diet of patients kefir as in addition he possesses the calming action on the psychological sphere is besides recommended. Kefir normalizes work of an urinary system: raises a diuresis, influences nitrogenous exchange, promoting the strengthened removal of his products and also brings urea, phosphates and chlorides out of an organism. In this regard kefir is recommended as an obligatory component of good nutrition of children of early age.

The acidic environment formed by kefir in a stomach promotes good digestion of calcium, iron and vitamin D, improves digestion and digestion of all nutrients.

Kefir is more suitable, than other dairy products, for those who don't transfer lactose: he helps to acquire lactose, being the catalyst.

Kefir possesses strong sokogonny action that is explained by contents in him lactic acid, casein, alcohol and carbonic acid. Lactic acid not only gives certain tastes, but also substantially defines its dietary and preventive properties. She intensifies release of digestive enzymes in an intestinal path and stimulates their action.

Lactic acid promotes increase in digestion of phosphorus and calcium an organism. The useful effect of kefir is caused by his overwhelming action in relation to a number of microorganisms including to pathogenic organisms. Their ability besides lactic acid to produce the substances stopping development of harmful bacteria in intestines namely hydrogen peroxide, acetic benzole acid and some other is the cornerstone of such effect of kefir. It leads to braking of putrefactive processes and the termination to formation of toxic products of disintegration. Dairy drinks in baby food hold a specific place as in comparison with dry mixes has higher physiology. Children have an allergic reaction. As a result of researches it has been confirmed that lactic bacteria prevent development of cancer. Bacteria induce immune system to mobilize all forces of an organism for fight against cancer cells. Microorganisms of fermented milk products play a large role in accurate proportional accumulation of useful substances. Also kefir neutralizes the toxins which are available in an organism and removes cholesterol level in blood. Thus, kefir is fine prophylactic against long action on an organism of toxic agents and diseases warmly - vascular system. For this reason for the smoking people, diabetics, and also suffering from excess weight, it is necessary to include kefir in the diet. Despite the acids which are a part of kefir, kefir treats the food neutralizing acid. Kefir promotes formation of important enzymes, thanking whom in a stomach less acid, causing burning sensation is formed.

Assortment of kefir

Depending on the applied milk and a mass fraction of fat kefir is developed:

- fat – with the content of fat of 1%, 2,5% and 3,2%;

- low-fat – from skim milk;

- kefir fat with vitamin C addition;

- kefir low-fat with vitamin C addition;

- Tallinn – with a mass fraction of fat of 1%;

- The Tallinn low-fat;

- kefir of 6% of fat content – from the homogenized mix of milk and cream;

Before the kefir of dense consistence which hardly is pouring out from a bottle came to retail chain stores. Now produce kefir of more liquid consistence. Both that, and another don't differ on the chemical composition. A difference only in a way of preparation. If earlier kefir was skvashivat directly in bottles, then in big tanks (picture1) now. Besides, when kefir is already ready, it is carefully mixed and only after that directed to pouring in bottles, packages or sacks.


Picture 1- Kefir of 1% 1 L and Kefir of 2,5% 1 L


Kefir differs from other fermented milk products in a unique set of the bacteria and fungi which are its part. He is divided on one-day, two-day and three-day. Classification reflects certain qualities of kefir: its acidity, extent of accumulation of carbonic acid and alcohol and also extent of swelling of proteins.

The percent of ethyl alcohol reaches 0,07% (on outdated technology with use of abomasal enzymes there could be tenth shares of percent) in one-day and 0,88% (BME) in three-day. In this regard kefir, especially three-day, small children should use with care and also at some diseases, for example, epilepsies. It is connected with the fact that toxic impact of alcohol on these categories of people is much stronger, than on the others. [19]



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