Факультет рекламного мистецтва

1. Перепишіть наступні речення . Зазначте , які з речень є :

A) виразом прохання ( make a request),

B) пропозицією (make an offer),

C) розповіддю про можливості (talk about ability)?

Перекладіть речення на українську мову.

  1. I could speak Italian fluently when I was a child, but I’ve forgotten a lot.
  2. Can we send you our order next week?
  3. Would you let us make a decision ourselves?
  4. She can provide marketing research best of all.
  5. Could you start in three weeks’ time?
  6. May I come in?

Виберіть логічно підходящі модальні дієслова, вставте їх в речення.

  1. Calculation is very important thing. You……… calculate your profits ahead not to lose any important number.

A) must          b) need to          c) don’t have to       

  1. Marketing is not as important for bookkeepers as for managers and you ………….. spend less studying it than managers.

A) mustn’t          b)should       c) need to                     

  1. You can have a catalogue with a few pages of basic information about your shops, but it …………. be very complicated.

A) should         b) needn’t      c) doesn’t have to                     

  1. Training personnel staff to deal with applicants in your subsidiaries is very important. They ………..learn to be good psychologists to applicants.

A) should         b) need to      c) mustn’t                

  1. Staff ………….also have good economic knowledge of the money market so as to be able to answer customers’ questions.

A) needn’t            b) should       c) must 

  1.  Services …………. be presented attractively if you want people to use them.

A) need to            b) shouldn’t  c) must 

Доповніть статтю правильною термінологією.


Alfitel is committed to creating and delivering value – value to its customers, value to its employees, and value to the region. Our success in moving towards this goal is most evident in the financial ……(1) for this year. Our …….(2) at the close of the year was 140 million euros, that is, an increase of 12% over the previous year. This strong …..(3) in a rather difficult year for the economy shows the value of the service the company provides to its …..(4) . It also shows the commitment of its staff to this goal.

The pre-tax profit was 15.6 million euros, while the profit after was 8.8 million, which is 11% above that for the previous year.

The Directors have pleasure in ….(5) an ordinary …..(6) of 10.2% and 9.5% preference share dividend.  

1. a) results           b) conclusions            c)statistics

2. a) revenue         b) cash flow               c) share

3. a) trend             b) benefit                    c) growth

4. a) customers     b) buyers                    c) employees

5. a) declaring      b) recommending       c) introducing

6. a) share price   b) dividend                  c) asset

З’єднайте слова з їхніми дефініціями та перекладіть українською мовою.

1. a supplier      a) the value of goods or services sold during a certainperiod of time

2. turnover        b) a person or a company that sells goods in a large quantities to businesses   

3. a wholesaler c) a document sent by a seller to a customer that lists the goods sold and says
how much they cost

4. an invoice     d) a person or company that sells a particular type of product to a customer

5. a retailer       e) a company or a person that sells goods to membersofthepublic

Доповніть речення словами з таблиці та перекладіть речення українською мовою.

deliver    doing      hesitate  receipt placing
  1. Thank you for ……… an order with “TST systems”?
  2. We confirm ………… of your order dated June, 5, 2005.
  3. Shipping normally takes two to three weeks. We can…….. within a week.
  4. Do not ..…. to contact us if you need further information.
  5. Looking forward to …………… business with you again.



Відредагуйте текст. В кожній з 1 по 6 строки є одне невірне слово. Підкресліть невірні слова. Напишіть у позначених місцях вірні слова.

Management guru Peter Drucker once wrote that people do not buy a 7 mm drill bit or because they want a 7 mm drill bit. They buy the drill bit because they can need a 7 mm hole. What exactly did Drucker want to say ? He meant that so all great business ideas are essentially about one thing: meeting a need. In many ways, it is true that once will you have discovered a need that has not yet been very met, you are halfway to a good business for idea. So if you are looking for a great idea, start with yourself, think of your own needs. Think of something you need or want , which is not readily available on the market.     1…………. 2…………. 3………….   4…………. 5…………. 6………….

Прочитайте текст. Перепишіть та письмовоперекладіть 1-3 абзаци.

Consumer motivation

1. Modern marketing begins with the consumer. A consumer’s decision to buy a product is an attempt to solve a problem or satisfy a need. In a competitive marketing economy, each manufacturer wants to inform consumers about its product and motivate them to buy it. Therefore, marketing communicators need to understand some basic theories of consumer motivation.

2. One is that purchasing motives may be conscious or unconscious. Brands in the same category are often very similar. Sometimes there is a considerable difference in price. Many consumers will buy the more expensive brand. If they are asked why, they might say, “Because this one tastes better.” That is conscious motivation for the choice. But there is often an unconscious motivation, too.

It might be that they want to impress their friends, or that it is the product their parents used. They may not want people to think they can’t afford the more expensive brand. It is likely that unconscious motives are even more important and powerful than conscious ones. For effective advertising, it is desirable to try to determine both kinds of motive.

3. Another distinction is often made between rational and emotional motives. The advertiser might appeal to either or both. In its advertising. Sears appeals to reason: “You can count on Sears service to follow you when you move.” “brand. It is likely that unconscious motives are even more important and powerful than conscious ones. For effective advertising, it is desirable to try to determine both kinds of motive.

4. Another distinction is often made between rational and emotional motives. The advertiser might appeal to either or both. In its advertising. Sears appeals to reason: “You can count on Sears service to follow you when you move.” “You can count on Sears for credit when you need it.” Coca-ColaTMappeals to emotion, with its slogan, “Have a CokeTM and a smile.”

5. In 1954, A.H. Maslow first wrote about his theory of human needs. He said that they form a hierarchy, or pyramid. At the bottom of the pyramid are physical needs. Above them are social needs; then the needs for safety and esteem; and, at the top, the need for self-actualization. The urge to meet needs provides motivation. According to Maslow, the basic physical needs, such as food and drink, must be met before is satisfied, another must emerge; man’s needs can never be fully satisfied.

6. Maslow’s theory applies to the marketing concept. A population whose needs are physical will not require luxury automobiles, for example. Those may satisfy the higher need for esteem. In less developed economies, the greatest proportion of needs are at the bottom of the hierarchy. In more developed economies, those basic needs are generally satisfied. A greater proportion of products fulfils needs toward the top of the pyramid. Knowing the level of need of a target population helps the advertiser in planning a motivational appeal.

8. Прочитайте 1-3 абзац та дайте письмовувідповідь на наступнізапитання:

1. What does pyramid of human needs consist of by Maslow theory of 1954?

  1. What does Maslow theory apply to?
  2. What helps the advertises in planning a motivational appeal?


Контрольна робота № 3

Варіант № 3

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