Факультет рекламного мистецтва

1. Перепишіть наступні речення . Зазначте , які з речень є :

A) виразом прохання ( make a request),

B) пропозицією (make an offer),

C) розповіддю про можливості (talk about ability)?

Перекладіть речення на українську мову.

  1. Linda could sang opera songs when she was young.
  2. Can we organize a meeting with Chief Accountant for you?
  3. Would you let us know if there’ll be some changes in the contract?
  4. Monika can make a presentation of any product made by our plant.
  5. Could you book two return tickets to London?
  6. May take your magazine?

Виберіть логічно підходящі модальні дієслова, вставте їх в речення.

  1. Training personnel staff to deal with applicants in your enterprise is very important. They ………..learn to be good psychologists.

A) should         b) need to      c) mustn’t                     

  1. Bank staff ………….also have good knowledge of figures so as to be able to answer customers’ questions.

A) needn’t            b) should    c) must 

  1.  Credits …………. be presented attractively if you want people to take them.

A) need to            b) shouldn’t  c) must 

  1.  Unlike bookkeepers, you …………. keep a lot of cash in your department.

A) don’t have to            b) needn’t   c) must 

  1. The agreement ………. be checked before the end of the month.

A) should         b) needs to      c) mustn’t 

  1.  We …….. be patient when our goals are for the long term.

A) must          b) need to          c) don’t have to       



Stress is a part of life. The problem is that a high level of stress may lead to poor health, bad relationships at work, low morale, and a …..(1) of productivity. It is important to be able to recognize the …(2) of the stress, such as difficulty in communicating with colleagues, overeating, loss of appetite or sleeping badly. People in business may suffer ….(3) stress for many different reasons: if they are overworked, if they have to work ….(4) tight deadlines, if they always feel …..(5) pressure, if they cannot get their reports in on time or if they cannot meet their …. …………(6)

1. a) loss               b) fall                         c) down

2. a) shows           b) symptoms             c) signals

3. a) on                 b) from                       c) under

4. a) for                 b) with                      c) to

5. a) on                  b) below                    c) under

6. a) targets           b) aims                       c) opportunities

З’єднайте слова з їхніми дефініціями та перекладіть українською мовою.

1. a credit card a) extra money that you get if you have invested moneyor that you pay if you
have borrowed money

2. an account    b) money that you keep in a bank to use later   

3. a loan            c) a sum of money that you borrow

4. savings          d) an arrangement between a bank and a customer for the customer to pay in
and to take out money

5. interest          e) a plastic card that you use to buy goods

Доповніть речення словами з таблиці та перекладіть речення українською мовою.

involves  is responsible        let  sharing deals

1. Mary Fox is our Quality Control Inspector. She ………… for monitoring our products and trying to improve their quality.

2. Could you ……… us have your previous employer’s details?

3. Would you mind …….. an office with three other people?

4. Monika Flex works for Export Department. She ………. with selling overseas.

5. David White works for Research and Development. His job ............. developing new products and new ideas.



6. Відредагуйте текст. В кожній з 1 по 6 строки є одне невірне слово. Підкресліть
  невірні слова. Напишіть у позначених місцях вірні слова.

Basically, the same rules apply for both business e-mails and letters: be clear, be polite, and be brief. Over the past of ten years, there has been a tendency for business correspondence to become a simpler, more informal, and this tendency is often even more visible in e-mails. But some things they have not changed. Clarity of layout is still important, so use paragraphs and can space them out. Grammar and spelling too need to be accurate if you want to make a good impression on your business and partners. Remember that even the best spellchecker cannot find all errors, so always check your e-mails carefully for accuracy.   1………….   2…………. 3…………. 4…………. 5………….   6………….

Прочитайте текст. Перепишіть та письмовоперекладіть 1-3 абзаци.

What is a product?

1. After “Know your prospects,” the second cardinal rule of advertising and merchandising is “Know your product.” “Product” needs definition. Is an insurance policy a product? Is a bank account a product? Is “Drive 55-Save Lives”? Is “Protect endangered species”? Yes. Services and ideas are products. They serve consumers, and they are advertised. They are subjects of communication between “consumers” and “producers.” Insurance companies, banks, organizations, and interest groups have images, just as brands of soup and soap do. Many books, including this one, tend to treat only consumer goods as products. It should be remembered that what is said here generally applies to services and ideas as well.

2. A retail store is a product, too. Like goods, services, and ideas, a retail store has an image in consumers’ minds. It serves consumers, it is advertised, it communicates, it has an identity. Studies show that consumers are at least as loyal to a store as they are to a particular product or brand. They choose a store for such reasons as location, convenience, appearance, cleanliness, quality and variety of goods, politeness of employees, availability of desired goods, price, and even atmosphere.

  3. Another way of defining a product is to say that someone who buys a product actually buys three: the identifiable product, the service and warranty that go with it, and the purchaser’s expectations of product performance. Marketing communicators need to be aware that they are addressing a whole complex of consumer interests.

4. How can a product best be matched to consumers’ expectations, so that it meets their needs? One method is market segmentation, discussed in the previous unit. Its significance for the product can be seen in the two approaches to market segments. In a strategy of concentration, the marketing effort is directed toward a sizable subgroup of the population, such as working mothers of young children. Products are manufactured and marketed to meet their particular needs. In a strategy of differentiation, two or more subgroups are identified and selected. A marketing program is designed for each. Car manufacturers differentiate according to income level. They produce cars in several different price ranges. Cereal boxes come in various sizes, to suit families at different price ranges. Cereal boxes come in various sizes, to suit families at different stages of the family life cycle. Shampoo is made for people with “normal,” “dry,” and “oily” hair.

8. Прочитайте 4 абзац та дайте письмовувідповідь на наступнізапитання:

  1. What is the marketing effort directed toward in a strategy of concentration?
  2. What items are identified and selected in a strategy of differentiation?
  3. What is differentiated by car manufacturers; shampoo manufacturers?


Контрольна робота № 3

Варіант № 5

Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 630; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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