Факультет рекламного мистецтва

1. Перепишіть наступні речення . Зазначте , які з речень є :

A) виразом прохання ( make a request),

B) пропозицією (make an offer),

C) розповіддю про можливості (talk about ability)?

Перекладіть речення на українську мову.

  1. Michael could skate when he was a child.
  2. Can I help you with the presentation?
  3. Would you let him sign the agreement without additional consultations?
  4. Philip can send you fax tomorrow.
  5. Could you contact us as soon as possible?
  6. May take your report as a sample?

Виберіть логічно підходящі модальні дієслова, вставте їх в речення.

  1. Signing a contract is very important thing. You……… find a point that would be of mutual interests.

A) must          b) need to          c) don’t have to       

  1. Finance is not as important for sales representatives as for accountants and you ………….. spend less on education than accountants.

A) mustn’t          b)should       c) need to                     

  1. You can have a website with a few pages of basic information about your supermarket, but it …………. be very complicated.

A) should         b) needn’t      c) doesn’t have to                     

  1. Training staff to deal with customers in your shops is very important. They ………..learn to be helpful to customers.

A) should         b) need to      c) mustn’t                    

  1. Staff ………….also have good economic knowledge of the Letters of Credit so as to be able to answer customers’ questions.

A) needn’t            b) should    c) must

  1. Services …………. be presented attractively if you want people to buy them.

A) need to            b) shouldn’t  c) must 



Many people have only two …….(1) a day: breakfast and dinner. Sometimes they have dinner in a restaurant. But usually they have dinner at home and invite guests. Jane invited her friends for dinner last night. Her husband Tim is wonderful …….(2)! He announced Goulash, national Hungarian ……(3), and one of Thai meal , which he tasted last year in Bangkok. Tim worked in Thailand for a year, so he is keen on Thai …….(4). The third meal was specially cooked for Michael and Susie. They are vegetarians, so they don’t eat any ………(5). But all liked chocolate mousse. They found it to be delicious and asked the ………….(6).  

1. a) meals            b) dishes                    c) courses

2. a) cooker          b) dish                       c) cook

3. a) dish              b) cuisine                   c) meal

4. a) kitchen         b) cooking                 c) cuisine

5. a) meal             b) meat                       c) food

6. a) recipe           b) cookbook               c) receipt

З’єднайте слова з їхніми дефініціями та перекладіть українською мовою.

1. interest      a) a person or company that sells a particular type of product to a customer

2. a chequeb) a person or a company that sells goods in a large quantities to businesses   

3. a supplier  c) the value of goods or services sold during a certain period of time

4. a wholesaler d) a printed form that you use to pay for something instead of using money

5.turnover      e) extra money that you get if you have invested money or that you pay if you
have borrowed money

Доповніть речення словами з таблиці та перекладіть речення українською мовою.

makes sure deliver       place  contact deals

1. We can …………….. half of our products( arranged in Contract) in a week.

2. Could you ……… us as soon as possible?

3. If you …….. your advertisement in our magazine you’ll have 20% of discount on it.

4. Brian Moon works for Logistic Department. He ………. with arranging delivery in time.

5. Nick Black is our Security officer. He .......... that our staff and premises are protected against crime.

Відредагуйте текст. В кожній з 1 по 6 строки є одне невірне слово. Підкресліть невірні слова. Напишіть у позначених місцях вірні слова.

Reducing stress is in the interest of both employers and employees. First of all, less stress mean more productivity because, as everybody knows, the results of stress are often illness and absent from work. Every year, millions of days of work is lost because of stress and stress-related illness. As regards employees, on the other hand, a lower level of stress leading not only to increased job satisfaction, but also to best relationships at work and at home. Of course, they also contributes a great deal to a general feelings of happiness.   1………….   2…………. 3………….   4…………. 5…………. 6………….

Прочитайте текст. Перепишіть та письмовоперекладіть 1-2 абзаци.

Brand name

1. The choice of a brand name might be one of a marketing communicator’s most important decisions. An appropriate, attention-getting, memorable brand name effectively communicates the product concept and stays in consumers’ minds. Standard Oil Company of New Jersey spent $100,000,000 to find a corporate name. They wanted one with no meaning, so that they could build into the name their own meaning and image. A computer supplied 10,000 possible names, which research reduced to one. That name was tested in 169 languages and dialects to see if it had a negative meaning in any. (Standard Oil wanted to avoid the problems of Chevrolet’s Nova and American Motors’ Matador: “It doesn’t go “[no va] and “killer” in Spanish.) The winner was Exxon, one of history’s most successful brand names.

2. Some terms used in branding may require definition. A brand is a name, sign, symbol, design, term, or combination of those. It identifies one company’s products and distinguishes them from a competitor’s. A brand name is the part of the brand that can be spoken. A brand mark is the part of the brand that can be recognized but not spoken. The style of lettering on a Coca-ColaTM bottle is familiar throughout the word. That is the brand mark. The words “Coca-Cola”TM are the brand name. A trade name is the name under which a company operates: Procter and Gamble, Kimberly Clark, Xerox. In the United States a trademark is protected by law. It gives the seller sole rights to use a brand name of a brand mark. Both “Coca-Cola”TM and “Coke”TM are trademarks.

3. Exxon’s way of choosing a brand name was unusual. Several other strategies are more common. Some companies use the company name with identification of the product: Kraft Barbecue Sauce, Kraft Mayonnaise, Kraft Salad Dressing. This strategy is used by well-established companies. The company name gives prestige and value to the individual products, which are of a similar type. Other manufacturers use the company name with a brand name: Polaroid One-StepTM, Polaroid SX-70. The brand names indicate product differentiation; the company name ties them together. A third strategy is commonly employed by large corporations with several diverse product lives. They use a brand name with product identification. Thus Procter and Gamble (trade name) has its Duncan Hines (brand name) cake mixes in various flavors, such as German chocolate (product identification).

8. Прочитайте 3 абзац та дайте письмовувідповідь на наступнізапитання:

1. What strategy is used by well-established companies choosing a brand name?

2. What is the second type of choosing a brand name?

3. What strategy is commonly employed by large corporations with several diverse product lines?


Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 1193; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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