Факультет рекламного мистецтва

1. Перепишіть наступні речення . Зазначте , які з речень є :

A) виразом прохання ( make a request),

B) пропозицією (make an offer),

C) розповіддю про можливості (talk about ability)?

Перекладіть речення українською мовою.

  1. I could dance Rumba when I was a child.
  2. Can we meet with our partner next month?
  3. Would you give us more details of the project we discuss?
  4. He can organize conference in March.
  5. Could you book one single room in the name of Robert Smite?
  6. May take your phone?

Виберіть логічно підходящі модальні дієслова, вставте їх в речення.

  1. Training staff to deal with customers in your subsidiaries is very important. They ………..learn to be helpful to customers.

A) should         b) need to      c) mustn’t                    

  1. Staff ………….also have good economic knowledge of the bank transactions so as to be able to answer customers’ questions.

A) needn’t            b) should    c) must 

  1.  Services …………. be presented attractively if you want people to buy them.

A) need to            b) shouldn’t  c) must 

  1.  Unlike online retailers, you …………. keep large stocks of goods in your shops.

A) don’t have to            b) needn’t   c) must 

  1. The report ………. be checked before the end of the next week.

A) should         b) needs to      c) mustn’t 

  1.  We …….. be patient when our goals are for the long term.

A) must          b) need to          c) don’t have to       


What is a patent?

A patent for an invention is a legal document issued by a government, which gives the inventor the right to stop other people for making, using or selling the invention without the…..(1) of inventor. When a patent is ….(2) , the invention becomes the property of the inventor. Like any other form of property or business…..(3), the patent can then be bought, sold, rented or hired. Patents are territorial rights, which means, for example, that a UK patent will only give the ….(4) rights within the UK and rights to stop others from importing the patented products into the UK.

There are three essential conditions that an invention must ….(5) in order to be patentable. First, it must be completely new. Second, there must be “ an inventive step” – most patents are in fact for ….(6) in technology which already exists. Third, it must be possible to make the invention, or to use it in industry.

1. a) permission    b) allowance              c) consensus

2. a) granted         b) applied                  c) enquired

3. a) account         b) asset                      c) balance

4. a) keeper           b) holder                    c) importer

5. a) establish        b) prove                     c) fulfill

6. a) alterations     b) increases                c) improvements

З’єднайте слова з їхніми дефініціями та перекладіть українською мовою.

1. savings         a) the value of goods or services sold during a certain period of time

2. turnover        b) money that you keep in a bank to use later   

3. an order           c) an arrangement between a bank and a customer for the customer to take out
more money than they have paid in

4. an overdraft  d) a request by a customer for goods or services

5. a retailer       e) a company or a person that sells goods to members ofthepublic

Доповніть речення словами з таблиці та перекладіть речення українською мовою.

deliver  is in charge        hesitate  send  deals

1. Anna Rodriguez works for Personnel. She ……. With staff problems, as well as with recruitment and training.

2. Would you ……… us price list of your products ?

3. Shipping normally takes two to three weeks. We can…….. within a week.

4. Do not ..…. to contact us if you need further details.

5. Bill Brown is our new Maintenance Engineer. He checks all our equipment regularly an …… of all repairs.



Відредагуйте текст. В кожній з 1 по 6 строки є одне невірне слово. Підкресліть невірні слова. Напишіть у позначених місцях вірні слова.

Sanlito Inc. experienced a very good year. The combined revenue from all there operations is up 6%. Their earnings before interest and tax is up 8% over last year, and their earnings are up for the fourth consecutive years, with an increase of 20%. They are in solid shape: their balancing sheet is strong and their business unit are healthy. So they will be able to survive any possibility downtown in international markets, and to take advantage of any improve as well.  1…………. 2………….   3…………. 4…………. 5…………. 6………….

Прочитайте текст. Перепишіть та письмовоперекладіть 1-2 абзаци.

Market segmentation

1. “Know your prospects” is the first cardinal rule of advertising. The “prospects” are the target group of consumers. They are the people most likely to buy the product and to be satisfied with it. The major instrument for reaching the right audience is market segmentation. The total market is divided into homogeneous subgroups. Then the advertising campaign is directed toward a particular market segment.

2. For market segmentation, consumers are analyzed and defined in three ways: demographically, psychographically, and geographically. Demographic data are measurable facts; they are generally available from census reports. Useful demographic data include information about number of total population, rate of population growth, population density, per capita income, marital status, spending patterns, employment, ethnic origin, age, and education. Demographic information might, for example, suggest an advertising campaign aimed at married people of thirty to forty-five years of age, with a high school education and an income of under $15,000 a year. Demographic facts usually receive the most emphasis in market segmentation, because they are the easiest to obtain and measure.

3. However, especially as people become able to spend more on luxuries, psychographics become more important. They deal with both the quantity and quality of prospects. The potential market is segmented according to such factors as way of life and personality traits. Some people like to stay at home and watch television; others prefer more active outside entertainment. Some are careful shoppers who look for bargains; others buy on impulse, or because of a brand’s prestige as they perceive it. Psychographic data cut across demographic lines. For instance, according to income, a grocery store clerk and a classical musician might be in the same demographic category. Psychographically, they are likely to be very different in their values, attitudes, and purchasing patterns. Demographics show what people do. Psychographics are concerned with why they do it. Thus psychographics more clearly show the relation between consumer and product.

8. Прочитайте 3 абзац та дайте письмовувідповідь на наступнізапитання:

  1. What is the potential market segmented to?
  2. What is the difference between a grocery store clerk and a classical musician psychographically?
  3. What do psychographics more clearly show?


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Варіант № 4

Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 1195; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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