Exercise 36 Translate the sentences.

1. Я ніколи не п’ю багато води. 2. Ваша інформація дуже важлива. 3. Мені потрібно багато грошей. 4. У кiмнaтi було багато меблів. 5. Демої ножиці? 6. Йому потрібні окуляри, але він не може їх знайти. 7. На вулиці було багато людей i машин.  8. Де ваш багаж? 9. Я чув якийсь шум хвилину тому. 10. Будь ласка, переглянь цю газету. Там є цікаві новини. 11. Ваше волосся занадто довге. 12. В неїбагато роботи.


Indefinite (Simple) Tense

(Часи групи Indefinite)




I, you, we, they work He, she, it works


went(2 форма)

will work


I don’t work

He, she, it doesn’t work

didn’t work will not (won’t) work


Do you work...?

Does he, she, it work...?

Did he work...? Will youwork...?

Present Indefinite (Simple) Tense

Вживається для позначення дії, яка трапляється звичайно, регулярно у теперішньому часі, або для констатації позачасових фактів та явищ. Часто використовуються такі обставини: always, often, seldom, rarely, sometimes, usually, every day, never, frequently, as a rule.

I usually get up early. – Язвичайновстаю рано.

The Sun rises in the East. – Сонце встає на сході.


Exercise 37 Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

1. Не always comes home late in the evening. 2. I often visit my parents. 3. They study every day. 4. We learn English. 5. They speak English very well. 6. We usually go to the seaside on holiday. 7. My little brother likes cocoa with cereals.


Past Indefinite (Simple) Tense

Вживається для позначення одноразових або послідовних дій у минулому. Обставини минулого часу: last month, some days ago, yesterday, long ago, the day before yesterday та ін.Також вживається у питальних реченнях, що починаються з when, what time.

I worked hard and finally won the prize.

When did you see her last?

Exercise 38 Read the verbs paying attention to different pronunciation of the–edsuffix.

[t] [d] [id]
like – liked reap – reaped hope – hoped miss – missed work – worked pack – packed phone – phoned play – played cry – cried snow – snowed tie – tied try – tried state – stated end – ended fade – faded want – wanted spot – spotted upgrade – upgraded


Exercise 39 Name the Past Simple of the following verbs.

Go, help, study, read, ask, give, play, come, fly, begin, get.


Exercise 40 Make these sentences negative and interrogative.

1. I went to London last year. 2. He helped his brother yesterday.       3. They studied at the University ten years ago. 4. He read adventure books in his childhood. 5. She gave me some pictures yesterday.


Future Indefinite (Simple) Tense

Вживається для позначення майбутніх дій. В сучасній мові допоміжне дієслово willвживається для вcix ociб (але shall для першої особи може вживатися в офіційному стилі). Обставини часу: tomorrow,in a year, next week, soon, the day after tomorrow та ін.

We will take exams in June.

I will go to Kiev next month.

Exercise 41 Make these sentences negative and interrogative.

1. They will live in the country in summer. 2. We will play tennis next weekend. 3. She will study at college next year. 4. They will have a very important match next Saturday. 5. She will leave school in a year.

Exercise 42 Say the sentences in the Past and Future Simple, adding the appropriate time guide. Beforehand, revise the forms of irregular verbs: come, go, have, read, take, begin, leave, swim, tell, and know.

1. I usually come to the Academy at nine. 2. He goes to work by metro. 3. I don’t often take books from the library. 4. My friend leaves for Moscow. 5. My son tells me everything. 6. The little boy skates well. 7. The girl learns to dance. 8. He doesn’t swim at all. 9. I play tennis every Thursday. 10. We know many English words. 11. She often helps her mother about the house. 12. I study at college.


Exercise 43 Change the verbs in brackets in accordance with the context.

1. My friend (work) at a factory. 2. Our group (go) to the theatre next month. 3. My mom (graduate) from the Academy 15 years ago. 4. I (come) home later than usual yesterday. 5. He (read) the book about Robinson Crusoe in his childhood. 6. Schoolchildren (have) the longest holidays in summer. 7. The great Russian poet A.S.Pushkin (be born) in 1799. 8. The teacher (ask) the new grammar rule at the next lesson. 9. My little sister usually (sleep) till 10 o’clock. 10. My mother (celebrate) her birthday two days ago.


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