Differentiate between the traditional and the genuine hyperboles.

1. Her family is one aunt about a thousand years old. (Sc.Fitzgerald) original

2. There were about twenty people at the party, most of whom I hadn’t met before. The girls were dressed to kill. (J.Braine)traditional – сногшибаттельно

3. She was very much upset by the catastrophe that had befallen the Bishops, but it was exciting, and she was tickled to death to have someone fresh to whom she could tell all about it. (S.Maugham) traditional защекотали до смерти

4. Tom was conducted through a maze of rooms and labyrinths of passages. Тома провели через лабиринт комнат и лабиринт проходовTraditional (Ch.Dickens)

5. I hope, Cecily, I shall not offend you if I state quite frankly and openly that you seem to me to be in every way the visible personification of absolute perfection. (O.Wilde) traditional

Compare hyperbole and understatement преуменьшение.

1. They were under a great shadowy train shed with passenger cars all about and the train moving at a snail pace. В черепашьем темпе  (Th.Dreiser)

2. Calpurina was all angles and bones; her hand was as wide as a bed slat and twice as hard. (H.Lee) ее рука был такой широкой как кровать и в два раза тяжелее

3. She would recollect and for a fraction of a fraction of a second she would think “Oh yes, I remember,” and build up an explanation on the recollection. (J.O`Hara) Она хотела бы вспомнить и на долю доли секунды она помнила бы «О да, я помню» и построитла объяснение на воспоминания

4. Her eyes were open, but only just. “Don’t move the tiniest part of an inch.” (J.D.Salinger) не двигайтесь тончайшая часть дюйма

5. He’ll go to sleep, my God he should, eight martins before dinner and enough wine to wash an elephant. (T.Capote) восемь мартини до обеда и достаточно вина, чтобы помыть ( напоить) целого слона

6. The little woman, for she was of pocket size, crossed her hands solemnly on her middle. (J.Galsworthy) маленькая женщина размером с карман скрестила руки ровно по ее середине




Recommended literature:

1) Galperin I.R. Stylistics –M.: Higher School, 1977.- P. 138-176.

2) Арнольд И.В. Стилистика. Современный английский язык: Учебник для вузов.- 4-е изд., испр. и доп.- М.: Флинта: Наука, 2002.- С. 150-162.

3) Гуревич В.В. English Stylistics. Стилистика английского языка: учеб. пособие/ В.В.Гуревич.- 4-е изд.-М.: Флинта: Наука, 2009.- С. 27-36.

4) Скребнев Ю.М. Основы стилистики английского языка: Учебник для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз.-2-е изд., испр.- М.: ООО «Издательство АСТ»: ООО «Издательство Астрель», 2000.- С. 102-120, 145-149.

5)  Кухаренко В.А. Практикум по стилистике английского языка. Seminars in Stylistics: учеб.пособие/ В.А.Кухаренко. М.: Флинта: Наука, 2009.- С.47-74.


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