Do you remember any speaking names from the books you have read?
The Bible isthe most read, most sold book in the English language with close seconds going to the Lord of the Rings books and the Harry Potter Books.
6. Simile, periphrasis, euphemism, hyperbole:
What is simile?
· Simile is an explicit statements of partial identity (likeness) of two object (like, as, as…as, as… thought; to remind, to resemble, to seem; e.g. as obstinate as a mule). Unlike in ordinary comparison objects compared by means of simile belong to different classis. Simile and metaphor may differ not only structurally, but also in its form; metaphor may also be called hidden simile.
What is the difference between simile and metaphor?
What is periphrasis?
· Periphrasis (circumlocution) is a description of what could be named directly. It may have a form of a phrase or a sentence; its used of a long pase os state of a short.
What is logical/ figurative periphrasis?
· Periphrasis (circumlocution) is a description of what could be named directly. It may have a form of a phrase or a sentence; its used of a long pase os state of a short.
- Logical (based on one of the inherent properties f the object or, perhaps, features of the object described) e.g. the most pardonable of human weaknesses = love
- Figurative (based on metaphor, metonymy, irony) e.g. the Sun = the punctual servant of all work
6) What is euphemism?
· Euphemism is a word or phrase use to replace an unpleasant word or expression by a conventionally more acceptable one. E.g. a person of unsound mind, a loony, a mentally disabled person; to be no more, to join the silent majority, to kick the bucket. The life of euphemism is shot. Very soon they became with the referent and thus give way to a new words or phrase.
What spheres are especially affected by euphemistic circumlocution?
What is hyperbole?
· Hyperbole is a deliberate overstatement or exaggeration of feeling or feature essential to the object. E.g. absolute perfection; to be about a thousand years old
7) What is the difference between hyperbole and understatement?
Tasks and exercises:
Analyse the cases of metaphor from the point of view of its semantics, originality, expressiveness, syntactic function.
1. The clock had struck, time was bleeding away. время текло медленно ( утрата) Часы пробили , время сочилось медленно как кровь genuine(A.Huxley)
2. There had been no rain in the night, and now all the trees were curtseying to a fresh wind… Ночью не было дождя, деревья приседали , образуя свежий ветерок genuine(A.Huxley)
3. Every hour in every day she could wound his pride. Каждый миг каждый день она могла задеть его гордость trite (Ch.Dickens)
4. In the spaces between houses the wind caught her. It stung, it gnawed at nose and ears and aching cheeks, and she hastened from shelter to shelter… (S.Lewis) Даже меж небольшими расстояниями домов ветер мог достать ее, кусая ее за щеки, нос и уши,а она так и металась из одного укрытия в другое
5. It being his habit not to jump, or leap, or make an upward spring at anything in life, but to crawl at everything. (Ch.Dickens) Это стало его привычкой не прыгать или делать скачкообразные на чем попало, а просто ползать по всему
6. It was a ladylike yawn, a closed-mouth yawn, but you couldn’t miss it; her nostril-wings gave her away. (J.D.Salinger) Это было женщина – постоянный зевок, этого пропустить было нельзя, ее ноздри были словно взлетающие ноздри genuine
7. The artistic center of Galloway is Kirkcudbright, where the painters form a scattered constellation, whose nucleus is in the High street, and whose outer stars twinkle in remote hillside cottages, radiating brightness as far as gatehouse of Fleet. (D.Sayers) Художественный центр Галловэй в Кирксаббрайте, где художники образовывали подобие рассеянного созвездия, ядро которого приходилось на Хай-
8. He smelled the ever-beautiful smell of coffee imprisoned in the can. (J. Steinbeck) От него доносился чудесный запах заточенного свежего кофе в банке стрит и чей внешний облик представлял собой мерцание удаленных коттеджей на склоне холма, излучающих яркость до самого сторожа ворот.genuine
10. It was his habit not to jump or leap at anything in life but to crawl at everything. (Ch. Dickens) см 5
11. The laugh in her eyes died out… (M. Spillane) смех в ее глазах потух trite
12. And the skirts! What a sight were those skirts! They were nothing but vast decorated pyramids; on the summit of each was stuck the upper half of a princess. (A. Bennett) И юбки, что за зрелище были те юбки! Они были огромные словно декорированные пирамиды, на вершине каждой возвышалась верхняя часть принцессы. genuine
2. State the type of relations in the following examples of metonymy.
1. She saw around her, clustered about the white tables, multitudes of violently red lips, powdered cheeks, cold, hard eyes, self-possessed arrogant faces, and insolent bosoms. (A.Bennett)
2. Scepter and crown must tumble down.
And in the dust be equal made
With the poor crooked scythe and spade. The relation of proximity (J.Shirley)
3. The praise was enthusiastic enough to have delighted any common writer who earns his living by his pen. a concrete thing used instead of an abstract notion (S.Maugham)
4. He made his way through the perfume and conversation. a concrete thing used instead of an abstract notion (I.Shaw)
5. She was a sunny, happy sort of creature. Too fond of the bottle. a concrete thing used instead of an abstract notion or the relation of proximity (A.Christie)
6. There you are at your tricks again. The rest of them do earn their bread; you live on my charity. a concrete thing used instead of an abstract notion (E.Bronte)
7. It must not be supposed that stout women of a certain age never seek to seduce the eye and trouble the meditations of man by other than moral charms. the container instead of the thing contained (A.Bennett)
8. He was interested in everybody. His mind was alert, and people asked him to dinner not for old times` sake, but because he was worth his salt. the container instead of the thing contained (S.Maugham)
9. It was easier to assume a character without having to tell too many lies and you brought a fresh eye and mind to the job. The relation of proximity (J.B.Priestley)
3. Analyze the following cases of irony.
1. Contentedly Sam Clark drove off, in the heavy traffic of three Fords and the Minniemashie House Free Bus. (S.Lewis) Cэм Кларк с полным удовлетворением выехал в самый час пик трех фордов и минимашин бесплатных домашних автобусов ЧТО ЗА ФИГНЯ? ГДЕ ИРОНИЯ?!
2. Stoney smiled the sweet smile of an alligator. (J. Steinbeck) Стони улыбнулся сладкой улыбкой аллигатора.
3. Apart from splits based on politics, racial, religious and ethnic backgrounds and specific personality differences, we’re just one cohesive team. ( D.Uhnak) Если не считать политические, расовые, религиозные и этнические различия, а также конкретные личностные расхождения, мы просто одна сплоченная команда
4. But every Englishman is born with a certain miraculous power that makes him master of the world. As the great champion of freedom and national independence he conquers and annexes half the world and calls it Colonization. (B.Shaw) Но каждый англичанин рождается с определенной чудодейственной силой, которая делает его властелином мира. Как говорил великий чемпион свободы и национальной независимости, он побеждает и подчиняет половину мира, что и есть колонизация
5. All this blood and fire business tonight was probably part of the graft to get the Socialists chucked out and leave honest businessmen safe to make their fortunes out of murder. (L.Charteris)
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