Ex. 16. Make one sentence out of the following pairs of sentences by using gerundial phrases. The part in bold type is to become the predicate.
Model: She talked about food. It made him feel hungry. Her talking about food made him feel hungry.
1. He had been with us for twenty minutes. He didn't say a word. 2. He made everything clear to me. He explained every detail. 3. She has quite a gift. She makes complicated things clear and simple. 4. He surely risked.He might have broken his neck when he jumped across the stream. 5. My brother has a very irritating habit. He hums some tune all the time. 6. She sang out of tune. It annoyedme immensely. 7. We haveno objections. They may leave earlier. 8. She looked out of the window. She saw a large crowd gathering in the garden in front. 9. They were engaged.They were bedding out the flowers. 10. She was very much disappointed.She had not received any letters. 11. We keptthe child from crying. We told him funny stories. 12. He decided not to go there. He gave upthe idea completely. 13. Why are you sitting idle? You ought to takethe initiative into your hands. 14. He was nst at all helpful. More than that, he was a burdento us.
Ex. 17. Translate into English.
1. Дефо неоднократно штрафовали и сажали в тюрьму за нападки на власти. 2. Теккерей был очень способен к рисованию. Я недавно узнал, что он сам иллюстрировал «Ярмарку тщеславия». 3. Клайд избегал говорить о своем прошлом с Сондрой и ее друзьями. 4. Сондра была разочарована, когда узнала, что Клайд всего лишь бедный родственник Гриффитсов. 5. Лорд Горинг любил говорить парадоксами и испытывал удовольствие, когда его не понимали. 6. Леди Чил-терн вспомнила, что когда-то училась вместе с миссис Чивли. 7. Миссис Чивли намеревалась выйти замуж за лорда Горинга. 8. Лорд Горинг не дал миссис Чивли вмешаться в дела сэра Роберта Чилтерна. 9. Больше всего леди Базилдон не любила, когда ее поучали. . 10. Об этом стоит написать. 11. Не то что у него нет чувства юмора, просто ему сейчас не до шуток. 12.Неизвестно, как долго бы продолжался этот лесной пожар, если бы не пошел сильный дождь. 13. «Раз увидеть лучше, чем сто раз прочесть», — гласит; народная пословица. 14. Когда обмениваешься мнениями, это позволяет лучше сформулировать свои собственные мысли.
Ex. 18. Point out predicative constructions with the gerund in the following sentences and define their functions.
1. I hate the idea of Larry making such a mess of his life. (S. M.) 2. Later, in the night, I was awakened by the sound of someone moving softly about the room. (A. Chr.) 3. Do you think there is much chance of one seeing him again? (A. Chr.) 4. Well, it was the same fellow. And do you remember me saying that I was sure I had seen him somewhere before? (P. W.) 5. "Will you pay any attention if I forbid you to go?" "No, darling," I said, "none." Then she said, "That's what I imagined. In that case there doesn't seem to be much point in my forbidding it." (S. M.) 6. What can be the possible use of Larry's learning dead languages? (S. M.) 7. Jane bit her lip till the blood came, and walked back to her seat with out another word, but she couldn't help the tears of rage rolling down her face. (Galsw.) 8. "Well," he said, "I couldn't help Irene's having no money." (Galsw.) 9. He had called there three times now without her being able to see him. (Galsw.) 10. His having come home so late has caused her much anxiety. (Cus.) 11. I'm afraid just at first he'll be rather lonely and I shall feel more comfortable if I can count on your keeping an eye on him. (S. M.) 12. I shan't mind its coming out a hundred or so over the mark. (Galsw.)
Ex. 19. Form predicative constructions with the gerund out of the elements in brackets.
1. They might, she always felt, disapprove of (women, to smoke) in public halls. (Qalsw.) 2. ...I did ask her why she could not sleep and what kept (she, to think) so much as she listened to the nightingale. (Bates) 3. "It's not much good (me, to spend) half an hour writing to your urtcle if he changes his mind the next letter he gets from you," said the headmaster irritably. (S. M.) 4. Kate smiled at (Anthony, to shift) on his chair. (Gr. Gr.) 5. "I couldn't stop (she, to come here)." He spread his hands helplessly. (M. D.) 6. If you don't object to (me, to accompany) you as far as the door, sir...? (A. Chr.) 7. Louise did not mind staying there, although she was always glad to get away to a bath with hot water, and a meal without (dogs, to clamour) round the table. (M. D.) 8. No one would dream of (he, to be) so near at hand. (A. Chr.) 9. Slipping into the room like a ghost, she crept into her grandmother's bed, and finished (she, to cry) unchided until she fell asleep. (M. D.) 10. "You must not mind our (to be surprised)," she said. (A. Chr.) 11. After all I'm partly to blame for (you, to miss) the train so the least I can do is to help you out of a jam. (Cus.) 12. ...there was still a chance of (Bart, to come). (Cus.) 13. Naturally, I realise that this pleurisy will put her back a bit, but I suppose it won't prevent (she, to be) out by the end of October? (Cus.)
Ex. 20. Recast the following sentences so as to use predicative constructions with the gerund. Use prepositions where required,
1. Presently I became aware that someone was moving softly about this room. 2. I was about to suggest that you should lunch with me. 3. For my part I had never before suspected that Kate had a deep vein of superstition in her nature. 4. I cut short his lamentations, by suggesting that we should start for the camp at once. 5. I like you so much because you are such a good cook. .6. I boasted that my father was different; he would understand that I was an artist. 7. She took a peculiar delight in the fact that he was Peter's son. 8. He felt proud of the fact that he had been able to win a woman whom everybody admired. 9. She gave no sign that she heard that he had slammed the door. 10. She insisted that he should drop his voice. 11. He was clever, no one had ever denied that he was clever.
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