Ex. 3.  A. Find Russian equivalents to the following English terms

1) to make an appointment; 2) a board of directors; 3) labour force; 4) shop floor; 5) private property; 6) to get a (month’s) notice; 7) to give notice; 8) trade union; 9) shop-steward;   10) to enter into negotiations; 11) application form; 12) to put in an application 13) for good; 14) to be employed by; 15) to meet the demand; 16) to meet the order; 17) to meet the loan; 18) basic rate

2) выполнить заказ; 2) профсоюз; 3) производственная площадь; 4) цеховой староста; 5) вступать в переговоры; 6) оплатить ссуду; 7) навсегда; 8) подать заявление о приеме на работу; 9) тарифная ставка; 10) предупреждать об увольнении; 11) работать у кого-либо; 12) правление директоров; 13) анкета поступающего на работу; 14) частная собственность; 15) удовлетворять спрос; 16) назначать встречу; 17) рабочая сила;          18) получить предупреждение о предстоящем (через месяц) увольнении;


B. Translate the following sentences and put questions to the underlined words.

1. Several workers who are employed by Mr.Healy have got a month’s notice because of redundancy (ñîêðàùåíèå øòàòîâ). 2. He has put in an application for a job with a salary of $20,000 a year. 3. We entered into negotiations with our partners to produce highly sophisticated computers. 4. The mechanic gave the garage manager one week’s notice of his intention to leave. 5. He says that he is leaving the country for good. 6. Madonna’s latest record has been so successful that record stores are finding it difficult to meet the demand. 7. I’m afraid we can’t meet your order right now because we are short of skilled staff. 8. Can you meet the loan as stated in the papers signed by your manager? 9. Before having an interview with the employment manager, the prospective employee should fill in an application form. 10. From a practical standpoint, the shareholders of a large public corporation can’t run the company, they elect    a board of directors to represent them.


Ex. 4. Fill in the blanks with missing words given below.

1. Operations of this type often ... the use of highly ... equipment. 2. Some politicians ... experts to write their speeches for them. 3.  He had managed to save a lot of money by working ... . 4. ... is payment in addition to what is usual, necessary or expected. 5. Two thirds of my ... goes on my monthly rent and fuel... . 6. If you want to ... the job, you have to give a month’s ... . 7. His employers gave him a gold watch on his ... . 8. He used to be a professional cyclist - now he ... bikes for a French company. 9. He put all his ... in the bank. 10. This is the first time that a woman has been ... to this post. 11. He said the company would remain independent, though a large competitor had offered to buy a 25% ... in the company. 12. Many Americans change jobs during their lifetime, for example, someone who has been a teacher for 15 years might decide to ... that profession in order to begin a restaurant business.

involve, bonus, notice, hire, bills, savings, sophisticated, retirement, designs, appointed, overtime, salary, quit, stake

Ex. 5. Correct Grammar mistakes if any and translate the sentences.

1. I thought Peter worked for hire but he were the head of the firm. 2. If you want open your own business, you must to apply from a permission. 3. He got paid double for working overtime. 4. Your wages shall be doubled because you have save the company so many money. 5. You don’t know that the word ‘salary’ go from the word ‘salt’? 6. Problems on work is more likely to be solved by tactful negotiations than by confrontation. 7. Current estimates suggests a ratio of one car to every three people and the figure is rise. 8. You savings is safe with the Bank America. 9. This sounds like a good job - company car, generous salary, opportunity to travel - why isn’t you apply? 10. We were hired a car on the airport and drove it about on holiday.  11. Why do the personnel manager always pick at me? I’m not the only one who comes late.


Ex. 6. Translate the following word combinations paying attention to Participle I, Participle II and Gerund.  Make up several sentences of your own using these phrases.

A. 1) the signed contract for supplying equipment; 2) when applying for a job; 3) at the appointed time; 4) a loan granted by the bank; 5) a newly appointed Sales manager; 6) the bank owning 10% of shares; 7) an unexpected appointment; 8) having reduced interest rates; 9) a well-run business; 10) payment made through a bank; 11) without using cash; 12) a firm specializing in importing consumer goods; 13) having opened the account with the bank; 14) a multi-national corporation owning several assembly plants in this country; 15) the insured real estate; 16) to be responsible for arranging the delivery of goods; 16) having prepared a feasibility study; 17) a firm advertising soft drinks; 18) government policy of reducing taxes; 19) having paid the bill; 20) the terms of car hiring; 21) having assessed the cost of repairing; 22) taking into account the law of demand and supply; 23) discounts offered for regular customers and large orders; 24) a large amount of money spent on promoting the product; 25) to earn money by leasing flats and houses.

B. 1) магазин, торгующий высококачественной парфюмерией; 2) оплаченный чек; 3) до того как вложить деньги в какое-нибудь дело; 4) застрахованный автомобиль;                  5) открывая счет в банке; 6) получив ссуду; 7) имея 20 процентов акций компании;           8) быстро растущее предприятие; 9) до подписания контракта; 10) оборудование, доставленное на прошлой неделе; 11) уменьшая налоги; 12) дилер, представляющий нашу компанию; 13) поврежденная упаковка; 14) получив премию за сверхурочную работу; 15) заработанные деньги; 16) цех, произвîдящий комплектующие детали;          17) условия найма штата сотрудников; 18) планы по расширению производственных площадей; 19) получив заказ на поставку запчастей; 20) скидки, предложенные за покупку товара оптом


Ex. 7. Translate the following sentences paying attention to Participle I, Participle II and Gerund.

1.I have no intention of resigning, it’s up to them to dismiss me if they aren’t satisfied.      2. There were so many people applied for the job that we had difficulty in deciding whom to select. 3. She knows a lot about operating computers but she can’t seem to express the idea clearly to the rest of us. 4. In calculating wage rates, the worker’s skill and experience are taken into account. 5. The government plans to reduce unemployment by giving incentives and tax advantages to small businesses. 6. The Accounts Department organizes the paying out of wages to the personnel on dates fixed by collective agreement with the trade union. 7. Wages are fixed either in accordance with the amount of time worked (hours, days, weeks) - it is called time wages, or in accordance with the quantity of articles produced - it is called piece wages. 8. When the business began expanding, a second accountant was employed. 9. They’ve recruited a top advertising agency to help boost sales of their new computer game system. 10. The time appointed for the meeting was 8 p.m.


Ex. 8. Match the words listed below with the following definitions.

1. A person who is seeking appointment to a particular post. 2. A payment made to employee when he/she works longer than normal hours. 3. What someone becomes when he/she no longer required at work. 5. The act of terminating employment from the employee’s side. 6. Someone is charge of a group of people in a factory . 7. The people who work in and for an organization. 8. Money paid to people after a certain age. 9. The workers who process data under the control of managers. 10. The employees who check a company’s financial affairs.


bonus, dismissal, foreman, personnel, pension, accountants, unemployed, applicant, overtime, operators


Ex. 9. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in italics. In some cases you’ll have to make a negative for by using the prefix dis-; un-; mis-.

1. operate  a) The new assembly line should be in ... by tomorrow morning. b) The... length of the Kuibushev Railway is 4,800 km. c) The switchboard ... was unable to find the person I wanted. d) Do you know how to ... this printer? e) The ... of Metro doesn’t depend on weather conditions. f) Before ... the machine, you must read the instruction.

2. impress   a) It’s important to create a good ... when meeting clients. b) The results from our new French subsidiary (дочерняя компания) are very ... . c) I’m afraid she was ... by our presentation. d) The first ... is not always right. e) You will be ... by the quality of this equipment.

3. inform    a) Please, let me know if you need any more ... . b) I enjoyed her talk. It was very ... . c) I have been ... that she no longer works for this company. d) Before we can decide where to buy our materials we require as much ... as we can get on the suppliers. e) The buyers ... the suppliers that they would double the order were the price reduced by 15%.

4. employ  a)... is almost 8% in this country. b) The ... are entitled to various social security payments. c) The boss informed his ... that they would receive a 5% pay increase. d) Her ... gets very angry if she uses the phone too much. e) I’m looking for temporary ... during the summer holidays.

5. skill a) The Chairman was ... at avoiding answering awkward question. b) The ... workers in the Production Department are well paid. c) To be a good manager, you need many ... d) The ... workers in our company are the lowest paid.

6. decide a) Weight up the pros and cons of each alternative before ... b) Being a currency dealer in a bank, she has to make quick ... c) I haven’t ... yet whether to quit my present job, but I must make up my mind soon. d) Because we were ..., we wasted time and lost the contract. e) He’ll never be a good manager. He’s so ... f) I like my staff to make ... for themselves, but they seem afraid to show any initiative.


Ex. 10. Problem solving.

Suppose you are the Managing Director of a bank. These three men applied for a loan. Will you give them loans? Why? On what condition? With what securities?

1. Mr. Brown is a talented young chemist. He invented a new frost-resistant paint. He wants to start his own business. 2. Mr. Nevil is the General Manager of a shoe company. Some of his products are out-of-date and sales are going down. He has ten years of experience in management. 3. Mr. Stone launched five businesses in his life. All of his companies went bankrupt. Now he’s got a new brilliant idea of starting a furniture factory in Arisona.




Text a              



The people who (руководить) a company are known as the (руководство). The management is made up of individual (руководитель). The managers are usually (назначать) to their posts by the (правление директоров). If a manager is appointed to a higher post in the firm, he is given (повышение). When someone is promoted he usually receives a (оплата) rise.

The men who actually (производить) the goods in the assembly plant or factory are known as the workers or (рабочая сила). The men working on the (производственные площади) in the factory operate the equipment. Workers who have specialized (навыки) or who are trained to operate (сложный) equipment are called (квалифицированные рабочие). If the company needs to (увеличивать) its (рабочая сила), it tries to (нанимать) new workers to work on the (производственные площади). They might undertake a recruitment programme and they will (назначать) workers who (обращаться за работой). The workers are normally paid (зарплата) for working a certain number of hours each week. (Зарплата) is paid weekly; a manager’s (оклад) is normally paid monthly. If a worker works more than his required number of hours, he works (сверхурочно), and he is (платить) at (сверхурочный) rates which are higher than the normal rate of pay. Some factories operate a shift system. The men work 8-hour (смена) throughout the 24 hours so that the assembly plant operates all the time.

Most of the workers belong to a (профсоюз). The (профсоюз) represents the workers and (вести переговоры) with the (руководство) on their behalf. If there is a labour problem or industrial unrest, the (цеховой староста) might (вступать в переговоры) with the management on behalf of the workers. Industrial unrest is frequently about (оплата) or (условия труда). (Профсоюз) might negotiate a pay rise or a (премия) payment for increased productivity, for example. Firms often also give a (премия) at Christmas.

If someone wants to leave his job he must (предупреждать). Workers normally give at least a week’s notice. Managers usually give one or three months’ notice. If someone leaves (навсегда) because he is old, he (уходить на пенсию). Someone who goes into retirement after working for a firm for a long time is normally given a pension. This pension is a regular (платеж) for him to live on his retirement.


text b


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