Exercise 4. Change the following sentences using Participle I perfect (active and passive) to denote an action prior to the action of the finite verb

Model: 1. - She put the coat on and started for the door.

- Having put the coat on, she started for the door.

2. - After he had done his homework he went out for a walk.

- Having done his homework, he went out for a walk.

1. After he had had a holiday he felt better. 2. We were told that bad weather was on the way and cancelled our excursion. 3. Now that I have heard your side of the question I'm more inclined to agree with you. 4. The young man finished the essay and gave a sigh of relief. 5. After he had made an appointment with Mr. Brown he told the director about it. 6. Mr. Hudson made a long distance call to their customer in London and went out to have lunch. 7. The secretary typed the letters, then put them all in envelopes. 8. Our luggage was weighed and registered first and then taken to the plane. 9. After they had settled all the questions they signed the agreement. 10. She locked all the doors then she went to bed. 11. The boss was told about their rival's plans and he called a meeting immediately. 12. I brought my suit from the dry-cleaner's and saw a large stain on it. 13. After he had made so much efforts to reach his goal he wasn't going to give everything up easily. 14. I was warned about the coming crisis and withdrew all the money from the bank.

Exercise 6. Rewrite the following sentences so as to use an adverbial clause of time insteadof the constructions with the Participle.

Model: 1. - When speaking at the meeting yesterday, I forgot to mention this (act.

- When I was speaking at the meeting yesterday, I forgot to mention this fact.

2. - When asked about the accident, Ann began to cry.

- When Ann was asked about the accident, she began to cry.

1. Having looked through a lot of journals and newspapers, Harry began to write his report. 2. When asked if he realised the danger, he said he did. 3. Climbing the mountain, he broke his leg. 4. Entering the room the detective found it empty. 5. When interviewed he refused to answer this question. 6. Finding himself short of petrol, the motorist drew up at the next filling station. 7. While giving evidence the witness avoided looking at the accused. 8. Having seated his visitor, the lawyer picked up his pen. 9. Looked at from a different angle, the problem didn't seem very difficult. 10. While seeing the film, I remembered my childhood. 11. Having booked seats for everybody he hurried to the platform. 12. Finished with his breakfast, he remained for some time at the table, looking through the newspapers. 13. Having remained alone, he began to unpack his luggage. 14. Discovering that she had a talent for music, the shop assistant gave up her job to become a pop singer.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English. Mind the type of the adverbial modifier.

Model: 1. - Будучи написано карандашом, письмо было трудно разобрать (= Так как письмо было написано карандашом, ...). - обстоятельство причины

-Being written in pencil, the letter was difficult to make out.

2. - Будучи ребенком, я часто плакал (= Когда я был ребенком,...)- обстоятельство времени

-When I was a boy, I often cried (= When a boy,...)

1. Будучи очень занятым, он не мог навестить своих друзей. 2. Будучи студентом, он принимал участие во многих спортивных соревнованиях. 3. Будучи иностранкой, она с трудом понимала английскую разговорную речь. 4. Будучи рассеянным, он часто забывал ключи от комнаты. 5. Будучи в Лондоне, я часто виделся с ним. 6. Будучи способным ребенком, он хорошо учился по всем предметам. 7. Будучи школьником, я каждое лето отдыхал в спортивном лагере. 8. Будучи больной, она отложила деловую поездку. 9. Будучи очень занят, он не сразу услышал меня. 10. Будучи в Киеве, он не смог принять участия в нашей конференции. 11. Будучи в Киеве, я посмотрел новую пьесу этого писателя. 12. Будучи наказанным, мальчику не разрешали играть с другими детьми. 13. Будучи молодым, он сменил несколько профессий, прежде чем стал капитаном корабля. 14. Будучи очень усталым, он плохо слушал вопросы учителя. 15. Будучи молодым, он сражался на фронте во время Великой Отечественной войны. 16. Будучи в командировке, я однажды пошел в местный театр и получил большое удовольствие от спектакля.

Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences into English using Participle I or Participle IIas an adverbial modifier of time.

1. Когда ему дали больше времени, он смог перевести статью. 2. Услышав эту новость, я побежал рассказать ее другу. 3. Приехав домой, он увидел, что его совсем не ждали. 4. Упаковав вещи, я пошел вызвать такси. 5. Закончив лекцию, профессор стал отвечать на вопросы студентов. 6. Подходя к дому, я вспомнил, что забыл опустить письмо. 7. Написав письмо, она отнесла его на почту. 8. Прочитав книгу, он вернул ее своему другу. 9. Будучи переведенными на другой язык, стихи потеряли свою красоту. 10. Приехав в Лондон, мы сразу же отправились осматривать город. 11. Закончив эту работу, вы сможете отдохнуть два дня. 12. Когда его ругают, он только улыбается. 13. Когда его спрашивают, он всегда хорошо отвечает. 34. Он всегда говорит очень много, и когда его слушают, и когда не слушают. 15. Осмотрев больного и поставив диагноз, врач направил его в больницу. 16. Прослужив в армии два года, он вернулся взрослым человеком. 17. Читая библиотечную книгу, не делай в ней пометок. 18. Пройдя мимо этого дома вчера, я слышал, как кто-то прекрасно пел. 19. Увидев полицейского, он перешел на другую сторону улицы. 20. Прожив долгое время за границей, он был рад вернуться на родину.


Функция Форма причастия Место в предложении Примеры Перевод
Обстоятельство причины Adverbial modifier of cause (reason) Participle 1 non-perfect perfect Participle II В начале или в конце 1 Having plenty of time (= As we had plenty of time), we decided to walk to the station   2. Being absent- minded (Because he was absent-minded) he often left the keys to his room.     3. Having never seen John's father I cannot tell you what kind of man he is.   4. Not knowing his address (Because we didn't know his address) we could not write him. 5. Embarrassed, he didn't know what to say. 6.Given the book only yesterday, he was not able to read it.   1. Имея много времени(- Так как у нас было много времени),- мы решили пойти на вокзал пешком 2. Будучи рассеянным(=Так как он был рассеянным), он часто забывал ключи от комнаты. 3. Поскольку я никогда не видел отца Джона, я не могу сказать, что он собой представляет как человек. 4. Не зная его адреса, мы не могли ему написать. 5. Испытывая смущение, он не знал, что сказать. 6. Так как ему дали книгу только вчера, он не смог прочитать ее.  


1. Причастие I и причастие II в функции обстоятельства причины переводятся на русский язык действительным причастием (зная, придя, сделав), страдательным деепричастием (будучи спрошенным) или придаточным предложением причины (с союзами "так как", "поскольку").

2. В некоторых случаях трудно, а иногда и нельзя установить, выражает ли причастный оборот с Perfect Participle Active обстоятельство причины или обстоятельство времени, поскольку он может объединять в себе оба значения (как и соответствующий ему деепричастный оборот в русском языке);


Having lived in Moscow for many years        Прожив в Москве много лет (Так
(= As he had lived in Moscow for many         как он прожил в Москве много
years, or: After he had lived in Moscoe           лет, или: После того как он
for many years), he knew the city very            прожил в Москве много лет), он
well.                                                                 знал этот город очень хорошо.

Exercise 1. Read the following sentences. Point out the Participle used as an adverbial modifier of cause. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. Having spent four years in personnel management, I feel well qualified for the job. 2. Not knowing what to do, I telephoned the police. 3. Exhausted by the long journey, he soon fell asleep. 4. Being in London, I could not help him. 5. Not knowing the man, I can't introduce you to him. 6. Not having seen her for nine years, he didn't recognise her. 7. Having failed the exam the first time, he decided to take it again. 8. She didn't say a word shocked by his proposal. 9. Finding him a bore, I kept out of his way. 10. Being unable to help in any other way, I gave her some money. 11. Having failed to qualify as a doctor, I took up teaching. 12. Having been warned about the bandits, he left his valuables at home. 13. Being only a student, I can't afford to get married. 14. Having been bitten twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog up.

Exercise 2. Change the following sentences using Participle I to express cause.

Model: 1. -1 thought he was asleep. I switched off the radio.

- Thinking he was asleep, I switched off the radio.

2. - Peter had passed the final exams well. He was offered a good job.

- Having passed the final exams well, Peter was offered a good job.

1. He saw his mistake and stopped arguing. 2. Since they knew that he was rich, they made him pay through the nose. 3. He has no sense of what is right or wrong. He is amoral. 4.1 had heard that Ron was fond of playing tennis. I bought Ron a pair of tennis shoes. 5. I knew that the mountains were dangerous. I took a guide. 6. I felt tired. I stopped at a motel to rest. 7. Cliff believed he could trust Catherine. He told her about his plan. 8. Since he had missed a lot of lessons, he failed the exam. 9. As Peter had no relatives in the city, he had to stay at a hotel. 10. They robbed the mail train. They looked for a place to hide the money. 11. As we wished to see as much of the town as possible, we hired a car. 12. I had been to his place before. I didn't wish to go there again. 13. I stood in front of the mirror. I could see what was going on behind my back. 14. Since the burglar had not left any fingerprints, he could not be caught.

Exercise 3. Combine the sentences beginning with not + ParticipleI to express cause.

Model: 1. - She didn't wish to continue her studies. She decided to become a typist.

- Not wishing to continue her studies, she decided to become a typist.

2. - We hadn't received a letter from Mike. We sent him an urgent telegram

- Not having received a letter from Mike, we sent him an urgent telegram.

1. We didn't have ready money. We couldn't even dream of buying a car. 2. As I didn't get through to him on the phone, I sent him a telegram. 3.1 didn't know where the Wilkins lived. I couldn't visit them. 4. We hadn't learnt the time of departure. We missed the train. 5. I didn't know about a vacancy in the Marketing Department. I didn't apply for the post. 6. I didn't know Chinese. I couldn't read the contract. 7. We hadn't bought anything for dinner. We had to go to a cafe. 8. She stopped as she didn't know which way to follow. 9.1 had not seen the man before. I didn't recognise him. 10. Peter hadn't wound the alarm-clock. He overslept. 11. He turned to me for help because he didn't know how to deal with the problem. 12. We hadn't heard about his generosity. We couldn't ask him to lend us money to start up a business. 13. He didn't know the language. He couldn't take part in the conference. 14. We had never done business with this firm before. We couldn't sign such a big contract.

Exercise 6. Combine the two sentences using Participle II to express cause.

Model: - The speaker refused to continue. He was infuriated by the interruptions.

- Infuriated by the interruptions, the speaker refused to continue.

1. He decided to have a rest. He was exhausted by hard work. 2. We were woken up by some noise in the middle of the night. We decided to complain to the manager of the hotel. 3. Art students fail to understand the importance of science. They are inclined to regard science only as the power behind mass production. 4. We changed the lines of our research. We were disappointed by the results. 5. They gave him very little time. He was not able to collect the necessary data. 6. We decided to put off out trip. We were depressed by the news. 7. Brian was left alone in a strange town. He felt at a loss. 8. This novel was written by a popular writer. It was a great success. 9. The suit was made by a professional tailor. It looked very nice. 10. Mr. Brown was impressed by the picture and made up his mind to buy it. 11. Bill was given two tickets for the theatre. He invited Susan to go with him. 12. I was pressed for time. I couldn't even have breakfast. 13.1 was awarded first prize. I wanted to buy a new TV set with the money. 14. We were warned about the auditors' visit and were not surprised to see them.

Exercise 7. Rewrite the following sentences soas to usean adverbial clause of cause instead of the constructions with Participle I.

Model: - Being often sent on business trips I have seen a lot of the country.

- As I am often sent on business trips, I have seen a lot of the country.

1. Being a great admirer of music, he attended all the concerts. 2. Not remembering the title of the book, we had to look it up. 3. Being a poor speller, he didn't like writing letters. 4. Living in the country, we had few social visits. 5. Not having a car, she finds it difficult to get around. 6. Fearing that the police would recognise him, he never went out in daylight. 7. Having seen nothing like that before, I was eager to see the performance. 8. Not being allowed to read, he mostly spent his time listening to the radio. 9. Touched by their attention, the old woman smiled. 10. Having seen the photographs of the place, I had no desire to go there. 11. Being a very experienced worker, he was able to do the job in a week. 12. Wishing to please Jack, he accepted the invitation. 13. Not knowing the language and having no friends in the town, he found it hard to get a job. 14. Being unemployed, he hasn't got much money.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English using Participle I or Participle II as an adverbial modifier of cause.

1. Так как день был теплый, мы открыли окно. 2. Отказавшись от надежды получить повышение, он решил подыскать себе другую работу. 3. Будучи в хорошем расположении духа, он был весел и разговорчив. 4. Не зная, где получить эти данные, он попросил своего друга помочь ему. 5. Видя, что мой друг растроен, я попытался успокоить его. 6. Не зная ее адреса, я обратился в справочное бюро. 7. Так как я никого не знал, в офисе, я попросил Николая представить меня моим новым коллегам. 8. Зная хорошо английский язык, он смог работать в качестве переводчика. 9. Будучи новым человеком, он пока не задавал вопросов. 10. Узнав меня, он подошел к нашей группе и попросил разрешения присоединиться к нам. 11. Прочитав много книг С. Моэма, он хорошо знал этого писателя. 12. Будучи растроенным, он случайно повернул не в ту сторону. 13. Не имея много свободного времени, он читал газеты в автобусе по дороге на работу. 14. Побывав во многих странах, он знал много интересного о традициях других народов.




Функция Форма Место в Примеры


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