Exercise 4. Translate into Russian

A. receiving - received                     finishing - finished

buying - bought

opening - opened sending – sent

exporting - exported doing - done

promising - promised losing - lost

showing - showed translating - translated giving - given

closing - closed forgetting - forgotten killing - killed

bringing - brought

reading - read

preparing - prepared signing - signed

concluding - concluded selling - sold

teaching - taught

B. discussing, asked, answering, written, waiting, standing, signed, reaching, showing, telling, getting up, copying, discussed, repeating, asking, sitting, reached, building, copied, told, sold, comparing, packing, answered, closing, built, manufactured, signing, manufacturing, breaking, shown, listening, taking part, lost, studying, leaving, seeing, studied, understanding, counting, phoning

Exercise 5. Translate the following phrases into Russian.

A. a smiling girl, playing children, a writing boy, a falling tree, a laughing
baby, a sleeping man, a walking couple, reading audience, a running
sportsman, a developing country, a crying child, a burning house,
dancing students, the rising sun, a barking dog, the approaching train

B. a broken cup, a translated text, an unanswered letter, an opened
window, a closed door, an occupied room, stolen money, a written
letter, a fallen tree, a discussed problem, produced goods, a cooked
dinner, a surprised man, lighted windows, a developed country, an
excited student, a sent fax

Exercise6. Translateinto English.

А. покупающий, покупая, купленный, покупаемый продающий, продавая, проданный, продаваемый получающий, получая, полученный, получаемый подписывающий, подписывая, подписанный, подписываемый переводящий, переводя, переведенный, переводимый обсуждающий, обсуждая, обсужденный, обсуждаемый спрашивая, спрошенный, спрашивающий, спрашиваемый играя, сыгранный, играющий, играемый заказывая, заказанный, заказывающий, заказываемый разрушая, разрушенный, разрушающий, разрушаемый достигнутый, достигая, достигающий, достигаемый поднимая, поднятый, поднимающий, поднимаемый повторенный, повторяющий, повторяя, повторяемый

B. читающая девушка, разговаривающий студент, спящие дети,
играющие котята, приближающийся поезд, работающие
женщины, сидящая девочка, горящий дом, поющие птицы

C. хорошо подготовленный урок, принятое приглашение,
законченный проект, хорошо сданный экзамен, хорошо
поставленная пьеса, прочитанная книга, хорошо написанное
стихотворение, хорошо одетая женщина, хорошо сделанный
перевод, забытая мелодия, разбитая чашка, проданные билеты,
упакованные вещи, хорошо приготовленный обед, разговорный


Exercise 7. Find Participle I in the following sentences and define its form.

1. All the engineers working at the Ministry of Foreign Trade must know foreign languages. 2. Having been warned that bad weather lay ahead, the captain changed the course. 3. Having realized that she had missed the train the woman began to walk slowly to the bus stop. 4. A letter lying on the table must be posted at once. 5. Being badly wounded, he recovered slowly. 6. Turning round the corner, he saw a policeman. 7. Having found no one at home, he went to the neighbours. 8. Have you read the text being translated by the students? 9. Having said all he knew the witness left the box. 10. She wrote him a friendly letter thanking for his help. 11. Having been translated long ago, the novel is likely to be re-translated. 12. Having lived in the country for many years, he spoke English without a foreign accent. 13. Not knowing his address, I couldn't visit him. 14. I heard your name being mentioned at the conference. 15. Having been told to wait, she waited. 16. Being asked for her opinion she blushed. 17. Climbing the mountain, he broke his leg. 18. We saw the fire being put out. 19. Not wanting to miss the train, she ran all the way to the station. 20. The conference taking place in Moscow is devoted to the problems of peace and security.

Exercise 8.Read the textand definethe forms ofthe Participle.

People living in Japan have some customs different from ours. For example, we wipe our washed faces with dry towels, they wipe their faces with wet towels. Entering houses our men take off their hats, the Japanese take off their shoes. We give presents when arriving, they leave them when departing. When in morning we wear black, they wear white. We frown when being scolded, they smile. When we say that Japanese are strange people, they could reply, "The same to you".


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