Задание 6. Подберите русские соответствия следующим образным клише с учетом жанрово-стилевой специфики газетно-журнального текста

1. energy flows ("The New York Times")

2. capital injection ("The Financial Times")

3. the currency fall ("American Thinker")

4. economic ties ("The Washington Post" о налаживании экономических связей между Грузией и Западом)

5. information leaks ("The Independent")

6. money laundering ("The Guardian")

7. the pendulum of public opinion ("The National Interest")

8. ethnic cleansing ("The Observer")

9. the party's breakdown and policy paralysis ("Reuters")

10.  immunity from prosecution in Russia ("The Times")

11.  a surge of inflation  ("The Observer")

12.  economic and financial storm ("The Washington Post" )

Задание 7. Продумайте возможные стратегии перевода метафор, использованных в следующих предложениях.

1. The financial system suffered a temporary cardiac arrest.

2. But these are slim and tender shoots on which to base predictions that Russia is heading into a new spring of democracy.

3. Their aim is to derail Iran's nuclear weapons program.

4. The Russians have complained that the United States has given them the cold shoulder.

5. He runs the tiny republic with an iron fist.

6.  Senior American officials live in their own bubbles.

7. Vladimir Putin stripped away the independence of Russia's central bank.

8. Oil is the lifeblood of the Russian economy.

9. Now we learn Mr Crozier, already the UK's highest-paid public servant, has the same sort of fat-cat pension arrangement.

10.  Once aloft in the dark void of space, the Hubble promises a leap in astronomical observing power unlike anything since 1609, when Galileo first pointed a telescope at the heavens.

11. The Hubble is a spyglass that enables astronomers to look way back in time to earlier age of the cosmos.

12.  None of us are from Memphis. We are all transplants.

13.  And now he was forced to act as if he was an ignorant pawn.

14. The United States was not plagued by crony capitalism.


Задание 8. Переведите следующие предложения, уделяя особое внимание выбору значения многозначного слова с учетом приведенного контекста.

1. Cowperwood had an interest in this business and hoped to reap good profit.

2. President Carter advised his cabinet that he expected to resolve the remaining disarmament differences personally with Soviet leader.

3. The English channel is only twenty miles across but it presents a challenge even to the strongest swimmers.

4. Many communities have turned to private security companies.

5. Instead of declaring serious concerns about the court from the outset, the president and his representatives trumpeted their support.

6. Mozart’s dead, and I’m alive.

7. There are doubts that the Russia government could deliver on its tough austerity package.

8. If any clear message has come out of this meeting, it’s that the 178 nations will all have to change.

9. These institutions can be seen as an unusually sophisticated system of economic organization from an imperial centre.

10. The record of the British ministers has mostly been poor.


Задание 9. Проведите сопоставительный анализ исходного и переводного текстов и отредактируйте текст перевода.

Дата добавления: 2018-04-05; просмотров: 829; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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