Задание 10. Проанализируйте следующие переводческие решения с учетом характера и функций используемых в оригинале прецедентных феноменов

1. И.Я.: As a rationale for genocide it was dizzying, but at the same time wholly in character for the quixotic Karadzic, who seemed to have been forged by the vicissitudes of his past to become the principal architect of an attempt to re-engineer Bosnian history. (Times)

П.Я. Подобное обоснование геноцида выглядело странно, однако оно абсолютно соответствовало донкихотовскому характеру Караджича, превратности прошлого которого, казалось, специально подготовили его для роли архитектора, пытающегося переделать историю Боснии.


2. И.Я. The British know that villainy is where the artistic gold lies. (NY Times)

П.Я. Британцы знают: злодейство - это золотая жила в искусстве.


3. И.Я. The last supper: mystery of the Swiss motorbike courier (Times)

П.Я.Последний ужин - загадка швейцарского мотоциклиста-путешественника.


4. И.Я. Mr Henry's gastronomic marathon, has issued a personal appeal for information on his whereabouts. "He couldn't just have vanished into thin air leaving his notebook," said M. Bocuse. (Observer)

П.Я. Гастрономический марафон мистера Генри вызвал у повара личный интерес к его местонахождению. «Он не мог просто провалиться сквозь землю, оставив только записную книжку», - говорит Бокуз.


5. И.Я. Lost in translation: Mary Rose's demise blamed on multilingual crew.(Observer)

П.Я. Трудности перевода: Крушение «Мэри Роуз» произошло из-за непонимания в команде.


6. И.Я. Last September, America's great aviation daredevil took off on a routine solo flight, and was never seen again. (Independent)

П.Я. В прошлом сентябре, великий американский авиатор, сорвиголова, отправился в свой обычный одиночный полет, и больше его никто не видел.


7. И.Я.: When we try to impose democracy, we tarnish it. When we live up to our own best traditions, we can stimulate emulation and create the soft power of attraction. This approach is like “shining city upon the hill.” (Times)

П.Я.:Пытаясь навязать демократию, мы порочим саму идею демократии. Следуя собственным лучшим традициям, мы можем подать пример для подражания и создать мягкую силу привлекательности. Подобный подход – это что-то вроде «сияющего города на холме».


8. И.Я.: Big Brother is watching ... us. Eyeball scanners, gadgets that sniff bombs - airports get serious about security. (NY Times)

П.Я.: Большой брат следит за нами. Сканеры сетчатки глаз, всевозможные устройства для обнаружения бомб – аэропорты все больше заботятся о безопасности.


Задание 11. Определите тип и функции прецедентных феноменов в следующих текстовых фрагментах. Продумайте и обоснуйте возможные в этих случаях переводческие стратегии.

1. First we had to endure Lembit Opik, MP, playing his mouth organ to a song called By-Election in the Town. This included such lines as "Labor voters falling down, falling down" and "Delivering our Focus leaflets all around, all around" (Times).

2. In the teeth of recession and suspicion from the Socialists, who run the city and region, Mr Sarkozy is to lay out a vision for creating a green Greater Paris, linking the ancient city with its dense suburban sprawl. This, he hopes, could earn him a legacy as one of the capital’s builder kings like Napoleon III. (Independent).

3. An open-and-shut inquest has been conducted like an Agatha Christie whodunit with a dozen suspects in the court-room. (Times).

4. When a couple have many rough patches like Pete Doherty and Kate Moss, it can be hard to find new ways of resurrecting it. (Independent)

5. It seems that most of the people who are toughest on immigrants are those whose last names are as alien as mine. No matter where I came from, I am solidly on American soil now. In appreciation, I am committed to making the same sacrifices to protect America's values as the descendants of those brought over by the Mayflower(Daily News).

6. Oddly enough, although Dan is from a decent family and was educated at a posh school in St Albans, for some reason he has adopted an 'alright mate' semi-cockney accent of the Dick Van Dyke variety used in Mary Poppins. (Times)

7. It goes without saying that any violence directed against an individual for his or her ethnicity or beliefs is tragic, especially when perpetrated by those who claim to follow a man who forgave his own executioners from the cross (NYT).

8. "We Brazilians think that we are a country of promise, but that the time of promise is always passing, " says Lourival Sant'Anna, a respected journalist. "My parents were part of a generation in the 1950s who felt that they were building the country. But they became completely disillusioned by the military, high inflation and the lost decade"(Independent).

9. "It looks to some people now as if the emperor has no clothes," said Sung Won Sohn, chief economist at Wells Fargo, referring to Mr. Greenspan. "The Fed doesn't have much ammunition left, and if they use it, the markets will fast demand more."(NYT).

10. Could a team on the endangered species list less than two years ago really win the World Series? As for the Tigers, if they cannot make any good luck this weekend, perhaps they can take heart from the tagline for "Chicago": If vou can't be famous, be infamous (Times).

Дата добавления: 2018-04-05; просмотров: 300; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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