Задание 8. Подберите английские и русские соответствия следующим латинизмам и сокращениям

a posteriori (of an argument); a priori; conditio sine qua non; ergo; ibidem (ib, ibid); in situ; in vitro; per se; proviso; sic! ; status quo; sui generis; via; e.g. (exempli gratia); i.e. (id est) ; A.D. (Anno Domini); B.C.


Задание  9. Определите переводческие проблемы, сформулируйте стратегию перевода и выполните полный письменный перевод следующего текста.

Electron-Atom Collisions

Ian E. McCarthy The Flinders University of South Australia

Eric Weigold Australian National University

The detailed study of the motion of electrons in the field of a nucleus has been made possible by quite recent developments in experimental and calculational techniques. Historically it is one of the newest of sciences. Yet conceptually and logically it is very close to the earliest beginnings of physics. Its fascination lies in the fact that it its possible to probe deeper into the dynamics of this system than of any other because there are no serious difficulties in the observation of sufficiently-resolved quantum states or in the understanding of the elementary two-body interaction.

The utility of the study is two-fold. First the understanding of the collisions of electrons with single-nucleus electronic systems is essential to understanding of many astrophysical and terrestrial systems, among the latter being the upper atmosphere, lasers and plasmas. Perhaps more important is its use for developing and sharpening experimental and calculational techniques which do not require much further development for the study of the electronic properties of multinucleus systems in the fields of molecular chemistry and biology and of condensed-matter physics.

For many years after Galileo’s discovery of the basic kinematic law of conservation of momentum, and his understanding of the interconversion of kinetic and potential energy in some terrestrial systems, there was only one system in which the dynamic details were understood. This was the gravitational two-body system, whose understanding depended on Newton’s discovery of the 1/r law governing the potential energy. By understanding the dynamics we mean keeping track of all relevant energy and momentum changes in the system and being able to predict them accurately.

For the next 250 years Newton’s dynamics of force was applied with incomplete success to many incompletely-observed systems. At the same time an understanding of the relationship of momentum, energy, space and time was developed by Maupertius, Euler and Lagrange. The understanding of process involving the production and absorption of bosons began with Maxwell’s equations, although their significance in this sense was not realized until Einstein’s development of the photon concept. Atomic and nuclear physics were born at the same instant, the discovery of the nucleus by Rutherford (1911).

Задание 10. Сформулируйте переводческие проблемы и определите способы их решения при переводе названий следующих организаций.

1. International Union of Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

2. Center for International Environmental Law

3. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

4. International Organization on Business and Investments

5. United Nations Environmental Program

6. International Chamber of Commerce 

7. International Court of Justice

8. Association of South-East Nation

9.  The Gulf Cooperation Council

10.  Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society

11. World Tourism Organization

12.  South-Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

13. Council of Mutual Economic Assistance

14.  Guild of European Translators

Задание 11. Выполните полный письменный перевод следующих текстовых фрагментов.

1. With funding from the National Science Foundation, NEON program managers plan to collect and archive data online for at least 30 years. The information can be used by scientists to conduct studies, by policymakers to make science-related decisions, and by educators to teach students about the environment.

2. Doctor Aleida Guevara was recently in London, invited by the Cuban Solidarity Campaign to speak at the European Social Forum. In Cuba, she works as a doctor, specialising in allergies. She is firmly Cuban in every respect, except for the fact that she can’t stand coffee.

3. Xerox Corporation funded the initial research on personal computers in their Palo Alto laboratory in California. However, the company failed to capitalize on this work, and the ideas that they put together went into the operating system developed for Apple’s computers.

4. On the environment, IFG argues that conservation is the key to sustainable development, and that capitalist-oriented globalisation is resulting in its destruction. IFG opposes the emergence of a strong private sector as it undermines the role of government in the protection of human rights, and believes intellectual property rights, and TRIPs, should be reversed to reflect local and domestic interests rather than the interests of transnational corporations. (The International Forum on Globalization).

5. Medecins Sans Frontieres advances the importance of human rights and public health above international trade, intellectual property rights and commercial interests. This is clearly indicated through its ‘Access to Essential Medicines’ campaign. MSF claims that the poor’s access to medicine is restricted by market-driven prices, and that this is often the result of intellectual property rights protection that favours rich countries.

6. An analysis of the typical shopping basket at eight supermarkets by the British Market Research Bureau found that Sainsbury’s had the highest proportion of packaging that could easily be recycled (66 per cent) while Lidl had the lowest (58 per cent). Waitrose had the heaviest packaging (803g) and Tescothe lightest (646g).

7. The telescope is being run by scientists at the new Space Telescope ScienceInstitute, housed at Johns Hopkins Universityin Baltimore, Md. The data will be collected by some 380 institute researchers and computer technicians and will be used by scientists all over the world. Over the Hubble’s expected 15-year life-span, teams of astronauts will shuttle to and from the telescope to service and upgrade it.

Дата добавления: 2018-04-05; просмотров: 267; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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