Essential vocabulary



Сivil case – гражданское дело

criminal case – уголовное дело

small claims case – дело с небольшой суммой иска

probate case – дело о доказывании завещания


Types of offence


The UK:

Summary offences (мелкое преступление): these are minor offences that can only be tried in the Magistrates’ Court (Суд Магистратов). If the defendant (подсудимый, обвиняемый) pleads guilty, then a sentence is decided immediately. If they plead innocent, then a date will be set for a full trial at which the Judge or magistrates will decide whether to convict and what sentence to give. The maximum sentence that can be imposed is six months imprisonment.

Indictable offences (правонарушение, преследуемое по обвинительному акту): these are generally the most serious offences that will often lead to a lengthy term of imprisonment. Such trials (судебное разбирательство, судебный процесс) are taken to the Crown Court and the way they are held depends on how the defendant pleads. If they plead guilty, then it will be held only before a judge(судья), who will decide their sentence. However, if they plead not guilty, it will be held before a jury (присяжные) as well.

Either-way offences (преступление, подлежащее повторному рассмотрению) - these are offences that can be tried either in the Magistrates’ or the Crown Court. These are generally cases where the culpability (виновность) (the harm caused to society) is wide ranging and therefore sometimes they will be very minor offences and sometimes very serious ones.


The USA:

Felonies (уголовное преступление) are the most serious classification of crimes, punishable by incarceration (заключение в тюрьму) of more than a year in prison and in some cases life in prison without parole(освобождение под честное слово) and even execution. Both property crimes and person crimes can be felonies.

Misdemeanors (проступки) are crimes that do not rise to the severity of a felony. They are lesser crimes for which the maximum sentence is 12 months or less in jail.

Infractions (нарушения с выплатой штрафов) are crimes for which jail time is usually not a possible sentence. Sometimes known as petty crimes, infractions are usually punishable by fines, which can be paid without even going to court.

Capital crimes (преступления, наказуемые смертной казнью) are those which are punishable by death. They are, of course, felonies. The difference between other classes of felonies and capital felonies is the fact that those accused of capital crimes can pay the ultimate penalty, the loss of their life.



1. murder – убийство

2. attempted murder – покушение на убийство, преднамеренное убийство

3. manslaughter – убийство по неосторожности, непреднамеренное убийство

4. kidnapping – похищение людей

5. arson – поджог

6. hostage-taking – взятие в заложники

7. hijacking – налет на автотранспорт, угон (авто, самолета)

8. possession of firearm – владение огнестрельным оружием

9. robbery – ограбление с применением насилия

10. armed robbery – вооруженное ограбление

11. blackmail – шантаж

12. assault- нападение с угрозой физического насилия

13. battery – артиллерийский обстрел

14. violent disorder – нарушение общественного порядка с применением насилия

15. riot – бунт, потасовка

16. criminal damage – уголовный ущерб, преступное причинение ущерба

17. possession of a firearm without a certificate – владение холодным оружием без права на это

18. stirring up racial hatred – разжигание расовой ненависти

19. burglary – кража/ограбление со взломом

20. possession of false identity documents – владение поддельными документами / владение ложными удостоверениями личности

21. counterfeiting notes and coins – подделка банкнот и монет

22. theft – кража

23. forgery – подделка

24. public order offence – нарушение общественного порядка

25. affray – драка, скандал

26. perjury – лжесвидетельство

27. contempt of Court – неуважение к Суду

28. treason – государственная измена

29. slander and libel – устная и письменная клевета

30. road traffic offences (careless driving, drink driving, speeding, unlicensed driving)- нарушение правил дорожного движения (неосторожное вождение автомобиля, употребление алкоголя за рулем, превышение скорости, вождение авто без прав)

31. criminal negligence – преступная халатность

32. aiding and abetting – пособничество и подстрекательство

33. child abuse – жестокое обращение с детьми

34. child abandonment – отказ от ребенка

35. domestic violence – домашнее насилие

36. drug trafficking/distribution/ possession – распространение/владение наркотиками

37. embezzlement – мошенничество

38. obstruction of justice – препятствованию осуществлению правосудия

39. extortion – вымогательство

40. bomb hoax – ложная угроза о взрыве бомбы

41. identity theft – краж личных данных

42. shoplifting – магазинная кража, воровство в магазине

43. solicitation – домогательство

44. statutory rape – половая связь с лицом, не достигшим совершеннолетия

45. fraud – мошенничество, афера

46. mugging – хулиганство, ограбление на улице

47. sedition – подстрекательство к бунту

48. obscenity – ругательства в общественном месте

49. parking offence – парковка автотранспорта в неположенном месте

50. breach of the Official Secrets Act – нарушение закона о Государственной тайне

51. espionage – шпионаж



Incarceration (заключение в тюрьму)

The concept of locking someone up for a fixed period of time is relatively new to our culture. Some laws require the judges to impose what are called "determinate" prison sentences. A determinate sentence (лишение свободы на срок, предусмотренный законом) is a fixed-term sentence pronounced by a judge. For example, a defendant sentenced to "30 days in county jail" or "five years in state prison" has received a determinate sentence. Defendants who receive determinate sentences at least know the maximum period of incarceration as soon as they are sentenced, but they may get out earlier because of parole, or because they have not been a problem (good time credits) or because the jail or prison is overcrowded and their bed is needed for a new inmate(заключенный).

Other laws require judges to give "indeterminate sentences." Indeterminate sentences (лишение свободы на неопределенный период) are those in which the legislature (законодательство) sets a minimum and/or maximum time of incarceration, but leaves the decision as to when to release an inmate to prison officials (сотрудники тюрьмы). For example, a defendant sentenced to "serve not less than two nor more than twenty years in the state penitentiary (исправительный дом, катордная тюрьма)" has received an indeterminate sentence. As a general rule, indeterminate sentences are only imposed on people who are sentenced to prison after being convicted of a felony (обвиненный в совершении уголовного преступления).

Suspended Sentences (условное наказание, условный срок)

Sometimes a defendant's prison sentence is "suspended." A suspended sentence is jail or prison time that is put on hold if the defendant complies with certain other obligations, for example, the conditions of probation or the completion of a drug treatment program. Under a suspended sentence, the judge has authority to order the defendant to serve the sentence without first holding a trial (проведение судебного разбирательства), provided that the prosecution or probation department is able to show that the defendant violated the condition that led to the sentence being suspended in the first place.

Fines (штрафы)

Fines are a common punishment for a variety of crimes, especially less serious offenses committed by first-time offenders (совершивший преступление впервые). Offenses that are typically punished by a fine include minor drug possession (of a small amount of marijuana, for example), fish and game violations (браконьерство, poaching), shoplifting, traffic and even some first-time drunk driving cases. In more serious offenses or where the defendant has a criminal record, many judges combine a fine with other punishments, such as incarceration, community service and probation. In many parts of the country, laws specify the maximum amount an offender may be fined for a particular offense. The judge is then free to impose a fine (наложить штраф) up to but not exceeding that amount.

Дата добавления: 2018-04-05; просмотров: 738; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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