Перепишите и переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов

1. Working on a computer, don’t put a lamp shining into your eyes.

2. If said, they will use the computer resources.

3. The programme being useless, we stopped this work.


Перепишите и переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод условных предложений.

1. If you read the article, you will know more about hard disks.

2. If I used the Internet, I would find necessary information more easily.

3. If they had installed a more powerful central processing unit, they wouldn’t have had the problems in storing a lot of information.


Прочитайте и постарайтесь понять содержание текста. Переведите 1-й и 4-й абзацы.


The computer is known to be a very important invention of the 20th century. The first electronic computer appeared to have the size of a large house, it being limited in power and unreliable. But computers developed quickly. Modern computers based on integrated circuits are millions to billions times more capable than the early ones. They being portable, we can carry them in a little bag.

Computers changed the world a lot. Almost anything you know is run or made by computers. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. Computers give access to a lot of information. With a computer we can do a lot of things, for example: write, read newspapers, paint, count and do other things. They are used in hospitals, schools, aeroplanes, trains, at home - everywhere.

There are some disadvantages, of course. Computers can get viruses. Computers becoming out-of-date very quickly, they need to be replaced. The main disadvantage of computers is that staring at a screen for long periods of time can be damaging to the eyes, and sitting on a chair for hours is certainly not healthy. Also, people can be inclined to become antisocial.

However, the advantages of computers are numerous. Let us take their educational benefits. School subjects become more interesting when presented on a computer screen. In addition, computers are valuable to any business, saving time by being capable of storing and retrieving vast amounts of information at the touch of the button. If there had been no computers, modern technological process would have been impossible.


12. Прочитайте текст ещё раз и письменно ответьте на вопрос:

What problems can computers cause?




Перепишите предложения. Выпишите из них глаголы-сказуемые, определите их видовременные формы, залог и укажите инфинитив. Переведитепредложения.

1. The forests in Amazonia, South-East Asia and West and Central Africa are being destroyed at a rate of 42 million acres per year.

2. The 5th of June is proclaimed the World Environmental Day by the United Nations Organization and is celebrated every year.

3. Lake Baikal and its shores have been declared a specially protected zone of our country.

4. Environmental activists stressed that the problem of air pollution was caused by industrial pollution.


Перепишите предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на разные значения слов it, that, one.

1. It is generally agreed that the destruction of the tropical forest has a major impact on the world climate.

2. Deforestation can cause one forth of all species on the Earth to die out in the next 25 years.

3. About 66 per cent of all people are served by a water system that uses surface water.

4. One of the climatic effects of air pollution is acid rain.


Перепишите предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на разные значения глаголов tobe, tohave, todo.

1. Scientists project that between now and the year of 2030 we will have the increase in the average temperature between 1.5-4.5 degrees Celsius.

2. The tropical forest is a natural protector for our planet.

3. We are to save our planet from destroying.

4. Does every country have a political programme to protect natural resources?


Перепишите предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение.

1. Industrial enterprises pollute the water we drink.

2. The cars we use cause air pollution.


Перепишите предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.

1. To fine (штрафовать) polluting companies is the task of our government.

2. We are to remove factories and plants from cities.

3. Environmental protection agencies hold conferences discussing ecological problems to avoid an ecological catastrophe.

4. Nowadays most city centres are simply too noisy to live in.


Дата добавления: 2018-04-04; просмотров: 435; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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