Active vocabulary from the text

1. script 31. contradiction
2. to win awards 32. rite
3. in the focus of attention 33. to interfere
4. people’s fates 34. baffled effort
5. search for life’s meaning 35. continuously
6. isolated people 36. comprehension
7. to suffer from the harsh realities of the cruel world 37. spectacle
8. distinction between reality and the world of imagination 38. merely
9. to blur 39. resentment
10. to cite 40. resignation
11. a single reason 41. to shoot a film
12. pre-eminence 42. to puzzle
13. in fact 43. to have fun
14. сreation of a special world 44. to point out
15. as a result 45. a piece of music
16. complete lack 46. to embody ideas or beliefs
17. rigid 47. distorted view
18. a private world of one’s dreams 48. to work directly on the emotions
19. puppet theatre 49. to make oneself clear
20. a form of self-expression 50. longing
21. to have a need for 51. devout
22. to feel suspicious 52. to change for better or worse
23. in a way 53. comprehensible
24. an enormous need 54. eliminate
25. to leave smth out 55. excessive
26. flesh and blood 56. charge
27. to have contact with 57. technically crippled
28. to go directly to emotions 58. insecure
29. to raise a problem 59. to succeed in smth/ doing smth
30. emotional impact 60. sound equipment


TASK 2. Sort out the words below into the corresponding column according to their stress.

First Syllable Second Syllable Two Stressed


producer contemporary strawberries resemble
sonata composer award intellect
imagination minority private resentment
reality devout contradiction totally
comprehension interlude genesis directly
accident rigid complete insecure
puppet projection resignation isolated
interfere conscious preeminence spectacle


TASK 3. Read the interview and find in it synonyms to the words below:

1. famous 11. inconsistency 21. damaged
2. destiny 12. bitterness 22. uncertain
3. sense 13. modern 23. accusation
4. merciless 14. understanding 24. to remind
5. fancy 15. constantly 25. effect
6. rough 16. public show 26. fight
7. to darken 17. retirement 27. to entertain
8. to confuse 18. offer 28. exciting
9. to need 19. difficult 29. to omit
10. huge 20. to trouble 30. lonely

TASK 4. Match the words below with their antonyms:

1. lose 2. noise 3. minority 4. public 5. dream 6. to be the same 7. to praise 8. unusual 9. helpless 10. confident a. ordinary b. to criticize c. powerful d. to win e. private f. silence g. insecure h. to differ i. majority j. reality


TASK 5. Match the halves of the word combinations from the text:


1. creation 2. a complete 3. puppet 4. the genesis 5. emotional 6. to have 7. a piece 8. oriented 9. to agree 10. to shoot films 11. technically 12. for heaven’ 13. to have nothing a. sake b. of a writer c. theatre d. towards reality e. with all changes f. of a special world g. impact h. crippled i. lack of words j. to say k. in colour l. a lot of fun m. of music


TASK 6. Fill in the gaps with active words or expressions

1. He has little knowledge of the subject. Everything he says is not____.

2. Did you like the film or not? – I don’t know. I have a ___ feeling.

3. The pain was so sharp that the poor girl lost ____ for a moment.

4. Before making a final decision, ___ on what you are going to do.

5. I believed him. I never ___ he was lying to me.

6. I will never finish this work! Something always ___.

7. Here’s a good piece of advice: don’t ___ much on the past, live in the present.

8. There was a ____ expression on her face as she ____ her wonderful love story.

9. Come to our English club and you will have an ___ opportunity to communicate with native speakers.

10. Have you heard the proverb ‘Caesar’s wife is above ___’? Oh, yes. My wife loves it and is ___ reminding it to me.

11. My little daughter can’t ___ chocolate.

12. There is ___ reading yellow press. It’s nothing but gossip and lies.

13. My cousin was arrested _____ of burglary! I just can’t believe it!

14. I didn’t like his idea at first, but ______ I agreed to try it.

15. My phone always rings when I am _____ of leaving the house.


TASK 7. Fill in the questions below with prepositions and answer them:

1. What did Bergman focus his attention __ ( 1) __ (2) his films?

2. In your opinion, do many children live __(3) the world ___(4) their own dreams? Why do you think so?

3. How do you understand Bergman’s words that he has to translate the words __(5) speeches, flesh and blood?

4. What kind of contradiction does the critic see __(6) the effects which Bergman’s films make __(7) the audience?

5. Why do you think Bergman felt resentment __(8) the critics, audience and government? Why was he __(9) constant battle __(10) them?

6. Do you agree that music, films and plays always work directly __(11) emotions? Explain your point of view.

7. In your opinion, should critics try to interpret an artist_(12) his work?

8. Do you agree that actors sometimes change a film __(13) better or worse? Can you give any examples to prove your point of view?

9. Why does it happen sometimes that a film differs ___(14)the one the director intended?

10. Do you agree that a person needs time to succeed __(15) understanding his profession?


TASK 8. Choose the best completion for each of the statements given below.

1. As a child Bergman mixed up fiction and reality which means

a) he thought of himself as a character from a book

b) he lived an imaginary life

c) he often couldn’t see the difference between real and imaginary events

2. In his young years Bergman suffered from a complete lack of words which means

a) He could hardly talk

b) He couldn’t find the right words to express himself

c) He used wrong words almost all the time

3. Bergman’s education was very rigid which means

a) his parents were too strict with the boy

b) he was always afraid of being punished

c) he had to study all the time

4. Saying that music is non-discursive by nature Samuel means that

a) music can’t be fully explained

b) music isn’t connected with speech or mind

c) music can’t be understood by man.

5. Bergman says that a film itself is music which means that

a) In his opinion, films act on emotions exactly as music does

b) Both films and music can’t be fully understood

c) Both films and music appeal to people’s emotions

6. Samuel believes that many young directors “ have nothing to say” which means

a) they have no talent

b) they have no life experience

c) they are too self-confident

7. Bergman says he never felt writing was his cup of tea which means

a) he disliked writing

b) he disliked writing as much as drinking tea

c) writing was not his favourite occupation

8. Samuel says that when he was watching “The Rite” his feelings were interfered with his baffled effort at comprehension which means

a) he couldn’t understand the film because he was a very emotional man

b) he remained indifferent to what he saw

c) the film was too intellectually difficult for him

9. Bergman said they had had a lot of fun while shooting the film which means

a) the film was very easy to shoot

b) the film was like an amusing puzzle

c) they were shooting a rather stupid comedy

10. Bibi Anderson made the film more comprehensive to the public which means

a) she changed the script of the film

b) she made her heroine more real

c) she followed the director’s ideas very closely


TASK 9. Translate into English using the active vocabulary.

1. Я саме збиралася вийти з будинку, коли задзвонив телефон. Дзвонила моя подруга. Вона запрошувала мене піти з нею за покупками, але я чемно відмовилася. Ходіння по магазинах – не моя стихія.

2. Коли Джон зненацька втрутився в нашу розмову, я не знав, як реагувати на це. Джон звичайно дуже соромливий, і його не можна назвати товариським.

3. Книги, прочитані в дитинстві, часто дуже впливають на характер і поведінку дитини й можуть навіть до деякої міри вплинути на його майбутню професію й захоплення.

4. Я так радий, що зміг нарешті побачити цей чудовий спектакль. Хоча повинен зізнатися, що в мене були великі труднощі із придбанням квитка.

5. Немає сенсу намагатися щось пояснити людині, що постійно підводить вас і не може утриматися від переказування пліток про всіх загальних знайомих.

6. На вашім місці я б взяв за звичку приходити на роботу трішечки раніше. Тоді у вас буде можливість замислитися про те, що потрібно буде зробити протягом дня, і ви будете встигати набагато більше.

7. Йому здавалося, що він виразився зовсім ясно, але насправді ніхто нічого не зрозумів. У результаті робота не була зроблена в строк, і це сильно вплинуло на престиж нашої фірми.

8. Його мама дуже підозріло ставиться до всіх дівчат, з якими він спілкується, і обов'язково починає критикувати їхню зовнішність або манери. Вона боїться, що дівчат більше цікавлять гроші її сина, ніж він сам.

9. Що мені потрібно – це переконати вас погодитися з моєю точкою зору. Я твердо упевнений, що ви потрапили у неприємності й допомогти вам можу тільки я.

10. Тепер, коли в країні фінансова криза, вам би краще припинити мріяти й зайнятися справою замість того, щоб розповідати, як ви страждаєте від недоліку грошей.

11. Що вам потрібно – так це зайнятися своїми справами й не втручатися в справи інших. Вам, здається, не вистачає такту й знання людської психології, тому у вас так мало друзів.

12. Якби спитали поради в мене, я б відповів, що кожна людина може змінити своє життя на краще або на гірше. Все залежить від того, який шлях ви оберете, й чи вистачить у вас сили волі, щоб протистояти спокусам.

13. Мій дядечка любив повторювати: «Важка робота – не для мене, але я готовий із замилуванням спостерігати, як працюють інші».

14. По міркуванні він погодився, що йому б краще самому ввійти в контакт із цими людьми й пояснити їм суть справи.

15. Якщо ви завжди будете йти по лінії найменшого опору, ви не зможете домогтися успіху й заслужити повагу своїх колег.


2.3. Unit Three. “To Sir, with Love”

TASK 1. Read the customer reviews about Braithwaite’s book and answer the questions that follow.

To Sir, With Love > Customer Review #1:

First things first. I am not related to E.R. Braithwaite. I teach high-risk students in one of the most impoverished schools in the United States, not in the United Kingdom. I am an author – my debut mystery is in its initial release. With those disclaimers in place, I want to clearly state my unequivocal admiration for TO SIR, WITH LOVE. It is a must-read book for any teacher worth her classroom. It tells the tale of Mr. Braithwaite and his struggles to teach poor teenagers on the verge of adulthood in one of the poorest neighborhoods of London. His story rings true. Being a non-Latino teaching Latino students, I understand the racial tensions in the story. The difficulties in getting students to focus on goals more distant in the future than the upcoming weekend are also painfully true. The need for creative and heartfelt approaches to these educational challenges is additionally made clear, And, of course, the inspirational tone of the book is exactly what is needed in this day and age. TO SIR, WITH LOVE should be more widely read than it already is, and I hope every teacher has similar inspirational tales to tell, as does E.R.Braithwaite and this reviewer.

To Sir, With Love > Customer Review #2:

To Sir, With Love

Edward Ricardo Braithwaite To Sir, With Love is one of the most infinitely rewarding books I have ever read. The story is about a man, Ricky Braithwaite, who after getting out of the Service looks for a job in the growing technological field in which he has exceedingly good qualification. But when he returns to England to look for a job he soon remembers, after numerous shutdowns, that his skin color is impeding on his career chose. But he eventually finds a job as a teacher of a tough group of lower class youngsters who have made many a teacher turn tale and run. But with amazing perseverance our hero is able to tame these children and show them and all the others at the school that there is another side of life.

To Sir, With Love > Customer Review #3:

A Moving Story!

When Mr. Braithwaite took the job as a teacher, he never expected his students to be barbaric savages. Though tempting, Mr. Braithwaite didn’t give up, teaching the teenage rebels to call him "Sir" and treat him and others with self-respect. With hard work and dedication, he turned this class of delinquents into a class of young men and women with class. This book is thoroughly motivating. It is a story that is unforgettable and one to look to for inspiration. This book is a definite must read!


1. Do you feel that after reading such reviews you would like to read the book?

2. The first of the reviews is written by a teacher. What, do you think, are the professions of the authors of reviews 2 and 3? Explain your point of view.

3. Can you explain the following word combinations from the

Review 1: high-risk students, unequivocal admiration, any teacher worth her classroom, to ring true, racial tensions, creative and heartfelt approach, educational challenges.

Review 2: an infinitely rewarding book, numerous shutdowns, to impede on one’s career, to turn tale and run

Review 3: barbaric savages, delinquents, young men and women with class, a definite must read.

TASK 2. Find English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.


1. расові забобони 2. останній урок перед великою перервою 3. не боятися коментувати 4. священний 5. не терпіти ніякого втручання 6. даремно щось робити 7. відповідати чиїмось потребам 8. не піддаватися гонінням, репресіям 9. мати значення для когось 10. потрудитися щось зробити 11. оглядатися назад 12. заохочувати чиюсь активну участь 13. недбало до чогось ставитися 14. указувати на щось 15. бути стурбованим, стурбованим чимсь 16. суміш полегшення й розчарування 17. попередники 18. випадковий, тимчасовий, швидкоплинний, минущий 19. змова байдужості 20. співчувати кому-небудь 21. не бачити змісту в чому-небудь 22. витрачати час і зусилля 23. давати завдання 24. справляти на когось враження 25. дивитися безневинними очами 26. пробитися до кого-небудь через що-небудь 27. домогтися успіху, виявитися на висоті 28. грати комусь на руку 29. бути охопленим гнівом і відразою 30. вийти із себе 31. переживати в глибині душі 32. проявляти повну неповагу до кого-небудь 33. почуття пристойності 34. порочність, злість 35. безславно провалитися 36. винуватець злочину 37. віддаватися луною 38. грубе зауваження 39. по всякому безглуздому приводу 40. недбало помітити 41. інтелектуальний виклик; їжа для міркування 42. чиєсь оточення 43. досить справедливий 44. спостерігати тенденцію 45. спадати на думку 46. утягнути кого-небудь у якусь діяльність 47. робити що-небудь для чийогось блага 48. навмисна дія 49. почувати себе сердитим і розстроєним 50. психологія навчання

TASK 3. Sort out the words below into the corresponding column according to their stress.

Prejudice, preclude, qualification, pre-recess, to comment, sacred, reprisal, detail, review, individual, collective, association, relief, occurred, transient, predecessor, effort, psychology, particular, remote, uninterested, protest, enthusiasm, birdwatcher, domestic, informality, participation, conspiracy, campaign, necessary, culprit, innocent, accident, aplomb, interruption, continuity, benefit, reverberate, casually, deliberate, arithmetic, pretext, disrespect, viciousness.

First Syllable Second Syllable Two Stressed

TASK 4. Choose the best completion or answer for each of the statements given below.

1. The Headmaster insisted on the children's writing their Weekly Reviews because …

a) he thought in that way they would better remember the events of the passed week.

b) he wanted them to freely criticise everything connected with the school.

c) he wanted them to develop their writing skills.

2. Both the schoolchildren and the teachers…

a) enthusiastically supported the Headmaster's pet scheme.

b) did not enthusiastically support the Headmaster's pet scheme.

c) were indifferent to the Headmaster's pet scheme.

3. The young teacher's, reaction to the first comments about him was a mixture of relief and disappointment because …

a) he hoped that he had impressed his pupils much more.

b) he thought his pupils would not regard him as transient as his predecessors.

c) he was afraid that his pupils would criticize him.

4. What made the young teacher decide to get through to his students was the fact that they had been …

a) hostile to him from the very beginning.

b) indifferent to him from the very beginning.

c) displeased with him from the very beginning.

5. The succession of stages the young teacher had to Ovq through was as follows:

a) the silent treatment stage, the noisy treatment stage, the rude treatment stage.

b) the noisy treatment stage, the silent treatment stage, the rude treatment stage.

c) the rude treatment stage, the silent treatment stage, the noisy treatment stage.

6. During the noisy treatment stage …

a) all the children banged the lids of their desks.

b) the ones who didn't bang the lids of their desks silently approved of the ones who did.

c) the ones who didn't bang the lids of their desks silently disapproved of the ones who did.

7. The young teacher's reaction to the children's behaviour during the noisy stage was …

a) rather reserved.

b) rather emotional.

c) rather indifferent.

8. During the third stage of their behaviour the children …

a) were openly rude to the teacher.

b) tried to provoke the teacher with their deliberate rudeness.

c) were as rude to each oilier as they usually were.

9. The teacher could do nothing about the children's bad behaviour, so he …

a) pretended not to notice it at all.

b) tried to show that it didn't matter to him.

c) showed his displeasure in every possible way.

10. Sitting in the library after losing his temper in class the teacher …

a) blamed in his failure only himself.

b) blamed in his failure only his pupils.

c) blamed in his failure both his pupils and himself

TASK 5. Find in the text synonyms to the words and word combinations given below.

1. Discrimination 2. to get 3. to prevent 4. a break 5. a plan, a method 6. an intrusion 7. punishment 8. orthography 9. to find out 10. just 11. useless 12. wise, shrewd 13. to be apprehensive 14. to confess 15. besides 16. temporary 17. to answer 18. specific 19. far away 20. to look at 21. to dedicate 22. household 23. slowly 24. irritating 25. stage 26. behaviour 27. apparently 28. a guilty party 29. simply 30. to be upset 31. advantage 32. only 33. to engage 34. to echo 35. carelessly 36. rude 37. intentional 38. comment 39. excuse 40. hatred 41. to show 42. cruelty 43. morality 44. dirt

TASK 6. Match the words below with their antonyms.

1. unintentional a) remote
2. politely b) intellectual
3. dull c) to criticise
4. frequent d) transient
5. praise e) familiar
6. close f) rudely
7. guilty g)  rare
8. to praise h)  deliberate
9. permanent i) innocent
10.strange j) reprisal


TASK 7. Fill in the blanks in the questions below with prepositions and answer them.

Why do you think the Headmaster would brook no interference _______ his pet scheme?

Why do you think the Old Man wanted the children to write about the school events ________ their own words, _______ their own way?

Do you think it was good that the children were safe _______any form ______reprisal no matter who they criticized?

Why was that important _____ Mr. Florian that the children wrote about what mattered _________them?

Do you think those Weekly Reviews were a good way to improve the children's written English ___terms ____ spelling, construction and style?

Do you think it was pleasant___ the teachers when their pupils commented ______ them?

Could _______ your opinion teachers be careless ______their clothing, manners or person?

Why do you think the children saw no point ___ wasting their time and effort _____ writing their new teacher?

Why was the young teacher anxious to discover what kind of figure he cut ___ front ____ them?

 Do you agree that books _____ the psychology ______teaching can be of great help _____ young teachers?

Is it really necessary to take great pains ___ planning lessons?

 Do you think the children who didn’t join ___ the noisy treatment campaign were ___ sympathy ___ the teacher or ___ those who disrupted the lessons?

Why do you think the children used rude words _____ a voice loud enough ____the teacher's ears?

How did it happen that the young teacher played ______ his pupils’ hands?

Why do you think the teacher was overcome _______ anger and disgust and sick ____ heart?

TASK 8. Match halves of the expressions given below.


Part 1.

1. to waste a) from reprisal
2. to observe b) one's progress
3. to brook c) fair
4. to take d) the trends
5. to make e) of relief and disappointment
6. to meet f) time and effort
7. to be reasonably g) the grade
8. a mixture h) the needs
9. to be safe i) great pains follow and observe j) from reprisal

Part 2.

1. a crude a) one's participation
2. to have no sense b) of indifference
3. to display c)  flat
4. to encourage d) into interest
5. to lose e) remark
6. to feel f) into one's hands
7. conspiracy g) one's temper
8. to inveigle smb h) sick at heart
9. to fall i) disrespect for smb
10. to play a) of decency

TASK 9. Fill in the missing derivatives in the table below.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
1 school      
2 advantage      
3   to admit    
4   to waste    
5 back      
6   to require    
7   to refer    
8 temper      
9 display      
10     decent  

TASK 10. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with one of the words from the table. Use the right tense-forms.


1. Even now most ____________ journals pay nothing and you are lucky to get a fee if you talk at a conference.

2. For quite a long time, ____________ have attempted to discover exactly what effects television has on our young.

3. Admitted to Mills College on a full ____________, she graduated Phi Beta Kappa without a penny of help from her parents.

4. Working-class families, by contrast, are less likely to provide an environment that encourages ____________ skills.

5. She was starting at zero as she had very poor ____________ due to ill health.

6. She eased to a more comfortable position against the angle of the ground and ____________ herself to wait.


1. Electronically supported meetings not only solve pressing business problems but offer their own ____________.

2. The expanding region will attract capital for investment and workers will migrate from the less ____________ areas.

3. After his promotion Henry found himself in a more ____________ position.

4. Money may be deposited on terms that make early withdrawal ____________.



1. The Senator's _______ that he had lied to Congress shocked many Americans.

2. _____, didn't get as much work done as I'd hoped this morning, but it should be finished soon.

3. Gaining _____ to this prestigious club was no easy matter.

4. The young men tried to enter a nightclub but were    refused _______.


1. The ability to produce in greater quantities made this system _______and it has given way to a more scientific process.

2. Too much ____ has been dumped into the North Sea in the last 50 years.

3. Don't leave the light on - you're ____ electricity.

4. Natural _____ is defined as a reduction in the number of workers because of people leaving or retiring and not because they have lost their jobs.

5. I'm sorry you've had a ______trip. Mr. Newton isn't here.


1. Two men were sitting in the ___ of the car.

‘to require’

1. The job ____ a college degree and knowledge of computers.

2. The average daily food ____ for an adult is between 2000 and 3000 calories.

3. Further details will be sent on _______

4. All club members are ______ to attend the annual meeting.

‘to refer’

1. We will need _______ from your former employers.

2. These symptoms may be _______to virus infection rather than parasites.

3. Articles submitted to the journal are read by several _______.


1. Jill needs to learn to control her _____.

2. Although their love for each other was growing steadily, the emotion was ______ with suspicion.

3. Young children have very different _______and so the style of management of one child may not suit another.

4. Jo's car is very _______in the mornings. Sometimes it starts and sometimes it doesn’t.

TASK 11. Translate into English using the active vocabulary.

1. Якщо ваша поведінка буде бездоганною, ви, безсумнівно, будете мати моральну перевагу над вашим супротивником

2. Бекі Шарп була дивно талановитою у маніпулюванні людьми. Їй завжди вдавалося використовувати їх у своїх інтересах.

3. Я не думаю, що треба знижувати стандарти вимог на вступних іспитах, щоб приймати більше студентів.

4. Її неохоче визнання, що вона не зможе обійтися без нашої допомоги, змусило мене замислитися, чи легко нам буде з нею працювати.

5. Деякі сучасні американці дуже марнотратні люди. Часто вони купують те, що їм подобається, а не те, що їм дійсно потрібно.

6. Мені завжди хотілося побачити оригінал «Мони Лізи». На репродукціях важко зрозуміти, що намальовано на задньому плані.

7. Хоча Петро Петрович прожив у Франції 40 років, він залишався росіянином до мозку костей.

8. Перш, ніж починати пояснення нового матеріалу студентам просунутого рівня, варто з'ясувати їхні фонові знання по даному питанню.

9. Напишіть мені свою адресу на звороті фотографії, тоді вона точно не загубиться.

10. Завжди неприємно, коли люди говорять про тебе за твоєю спиною.

11. Робота Мартіна Ідена в пральні була такою виснажливою, що в нього не вистачало сил навіть читати.

12. Коли ви робите презентацію, намагайтеся якнайменше звертатися до ваших записів. А якщо вам все-таки доводиться це робити, робіть це як можна непомітніше.

13. Я вважаю, що проявляти свій поганий характер на людях, означає показувати свою відкриту неповагу до них.

14. Зразки кращих товарів, наявних у магазині, звичайно виставляються на вітрині.

15. Я не думаю, що її сьогоднішнє вбрання можна назвати підходящим для такого врочистого випадку. Вона могла б надягти щось більш пристойне.


Key to Infinitive

Infinitive as Subject

1. To realize that he had been punished for nothing was extremely unpleasant, but he couldn't but take the punishment uncomplaining.

2. To travel all over the world had always been Helen's lifetime dream that, unfortunately, was never to come true.

3. “To fly to the Moon would be fun if it weren't so expensive, that is why we won't be able to afford it for another couple of years. So, you'll have to wait,” said Miriam to her 4-year-old son who kept asking his mother to take him to the Moon.

4. To live in a big city is much more expensive than to live in the country, besides, to breathe in the fresh rural air is much healthier, and to have an orchard and a vegetable garden right at hand is very convenient.

5. To know the theory does not necessarily mean to understand how something works and on the contrary, to be a good practitioner does not imply to be as good a theorist.

6. To have relied on him in that situation was certainly a mistake I can't forgive myself for. I should have never done anything like that.

7. To become a good professional requires a lot of persistence, knowledge and devotion to what you do.

8. To have set a goal is halfway to success. To work hard on achieving it is the other half.

9. To cancel our plans, to keep on ignoring him as far as I was able to was my final and most sensible (sound) decision.

10. To watch them working in the garage has become her full-time (main) occupation.

11. Despite all the impending danger, to be trapped here with him was a kind of heaven.

12. To be reckless (to behave/act recklessly) in Forks would take a lot of creativity – maybe more than I had.

13. To have my eyes so filled with tears that I could not see his features clearly was wasteful-insanity.

14. To call this other vehicle a motorcycle hardly seemed fair, since it didn't seem to belong to the same family as my suddenly shabby-looking bike.

15. To answer his question without hurting his feelings or mine seemed to be the hardest thing in the world.

16. To speak the word was to make it final. It would be the same as typing the words The End on the last page of a manuscript.

17. To look away first was a mistake only an incompetent liar would make, and I was not an incompetent liar.

18. To commit the murder I ached to commit was wrong. I knew that. But leaving him free to attack again could not be the right thing either.

19. “To murder a blameless child in cold blood is another thing entirely no matter what risk she presents to us. If we make exceptions to protect ourselves, we risk losing the essence of who we are,” Carlisle said after a brief moment of silence leaving no chances for a compromise.

20. When life offers you a dream beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.

21. "Say, have there been any warnings about bears around here?" – "No, sir. But it's always good to keep your distance and store your food correctly.

22. It will soon be hard to even remember the reason for all this mess. My birthday already felt like the distant past.

23. It wouldn't be easy to talk to her now, especially, to ask her to do me a favor.

24. It is depressing to realize that I am not the heroine anymore, that my story is over.

25. It would be probably better not to involve adults who might mention this to Charlie

26. It was hard to pull myself together, to not give myself away. And it was even harder to answer, to say the word.

27. Once you begin to care about a person, it is impossible to be logical about that person anymore.

28. When Jacob explained it like that, it was nearly impossible not to feel compassion for Sam. I had to keep reminding myself that there was no reason to hate him anymore.

29. She complained lightly about the increase in the boys' appetites, but it was easy to see she didn't mind taking care of them.

30. It may be wrong to be so involved with myths and legends, to turn my back on the human world, but I like it this way.

31. It was enough to listen to the stories of the family I'd once dreamed of belonging to.

32. To know that I would have an easy out was comforting, but it wasn't enough to make me hopeful, to make me feel the relief she obviously felt.


Infinitive as Predicate

1. I couldn't hope that the coming confrontation of interests would be resolved peacefully. But why not try to start things out as friendly as possible? I asked myself.

2. “You've been liberated from your house arrest and we have no plans this weekend," He grinned. "Why not celebrate your freedom?"

3. "Why not make it easy for him? What he's doing is hard enough."

4. For you of all people to turn to her after what she did to you last autumn! I would never have thought you would even talk to her again if I hadn't heard it myself.

5. Me – to help him! Heaven forbid! I would never lend him a helping hand even if my life depended on it.

6. Of all things to pick up the worthless! That's so much like her! Suffice it to say she has wasted a fortune on things like this. And she won't give up this ruinous habit of hers.

7. Why not throw a school-leaving party in the forest? That would be a fresh idea. To have conventional celebrations is so boring!

8. Why turn to Sam if you haven't even tried to do it yourself first? To ask that Sam should do the job for you is always easier than to take pains yourself, isn't it?

9. Why decide now? We don't require that you should give us a definite answer right now. We understand that this decision isn't easy to make.

10. Him – to marry her! Can you be telling the truth? What could have made him do that? I thought he was impossible to talk into a marriage.


Infinitive as Predicative

1. My goal was to run far enough away so that the horror behind me should be completely lost, so that it should become impossible to find, even if I changed my mind.

2. For the moment I couldn't help but be selfish. All I wanted was to stay with him as long as possible in the limited time given to me.

3. I couldn't think where to begin. No one else found the words, either. But to continue keeping silent was unbearable. Why not break the silence at last?

4. “I'm sorry,” he said, and then he hesitated as if he didn't know how to phrase what he was thinking.

5. I haven't told Charlie about the longer trip yet, I still wasn't sure how to break the news to him just right?

6. His lips were pursed, as if he was trying to decide how to phrase something. His expression was hard to understand.

7. If I'd gone to one of his other offices, would I have ever guessed what to ask for?

8. "So," I began, picking the least important question to start with.

9. It surprised me a little. I would have thought Jacob was nearly impossible to upset.

10. "You're right," he agreed. "Some people are hard to discourage."

11. His answer confused me. I thought the point of leaving was to let his family live in peace. Why leave if they were going? I stared at him, trying to understand what he meant.

12. What I want and need is to be with you, and I know I'll never be able to leave again and I have too many excuses to stay now.

13. They knew that none of their number was to blame.

14. It was the wrong place to search, struggling as I was to lie to myself, to convince myself that everything would work out as I needed it to.

15. I hope you won't mind taking a couple of precautions? To allow me to drive you to the boundary line is for one, and to take a cell phone so that I should know when to pick you up is for the other."

16. I got luckier than I deserved. Emmett is everything I would have asked for if I'd known myself well enough to know what to ask for.

17. Why not ask him how to do it? It won't be difficult for you to do it, will it? That's the least you can do to help me.

18. She is difficult to argue. Her point is to stand her ground till you finally give up even if her point is wrong. – For you of all people to say that about her! Isn't it rude to criticize people for your own drawbacks?

19. The problem with the project was to find means for its implementation. No one was too willing to cooperate. And in the end, Simon thought why not give it up.

20. To have agreed to such terms was a silly thing to do. I simply can't understand why not have asked them for some time to give it a thought before accepting all their conditions blindly.

21. Their strategy was not to learn what they were tasked to, but to make cribs and then cheat at exams. And though to be caught doing that meant to be strictly punished, it didn't discourage them from doing that again and again. They simply wouldn't study as to be clever was not in fashion. Why bother?


Дата добавления: 2018-04-04; просмотров: 345; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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