Complex Subject, Parenthesis; For-to-Infinitive and Revision

1. Ти коли-небудь чув, щоб він говорив про те, щоб претендувати на стипендію для навчання у цьому університеті? – Ніколи. Але я визнаю, що помітила, як він проявляв зацікавленість щодо вимог до вступу. – Це було б здорово! По правді кажучи, я б хотіла, щоб він поступив до цього університету і зайнявся чим-небудь корисним замість того, щоб гаяти час, сидячи в Інтернеті. Він розумний хлопець і неодмінно досягне успіхів у навчанні.

2. Я завжди вважав Джейн урівноваженою дівчиною. Я ніколи не бачив, щоб вона виходила з себе або гнівалася або роздратовувалася через будь-що. – Я теж. Насправді, я вважаюся, що вона чудово уявляє, як скористатися ситуацією і як зробити так, щоб вона грала їй в руку.

3. Коротше кажучи, Джейн повинна була підтримати проект і надати необхідні посилання, але, кажуть, вона повернулася спиною до своїх колег в останній момент і не виявила ні поваги, ні порядності, щоб визнати, що вона не змогла задовольнити вимогам поставленого перед нею завдання.

4. Повідомляється, що він зараз тримається у тіні. Як не дивно, виявилося, що той його безсоромний вчинок призвів до того, що його захисники відвернулися від нього і навіть заперечували, що коли-небудь мали з ним справу.

5. Вона чекала, що він надасть їй досить задовільне пояснення, виправдається, пошлеться на непередбачені обставини або небезпеку, але він, видавалося, не шкодував і ні в чому не розкаювався. Як він міг порушити всі свої обіцянки і зовсім не виявити ніякої порядності, щоб хоча б прокоментувати? Саме собою зрозуміло, що їй коштувало величезних зусиль стриматися. Він посмів виявити крайню неповагу до неї після того, як вона витратила стільки зусиль, намагаючись допомогти йому вибратися з тих неприємностей, у яких він опинився. Хоча вона не з тих, хто легко втрачає самовладання, вона не могла не почувати гнів і розчарування. Не в змозі вимовити ані слова, вона жестом указала йому на двері, і він пішов і більше ніколи не зустрівся на її шляху.

6. «Чули, як ти говорив про мене непристойності за моєю спиною. Здається, цей факт не грає тобі у руку, і його навряд чи можна вважати вигідним для тебе, чи не так?» – сказала Тіна з погрозою у голосі. Джейк трохи позадкував, а потім почав ходити взад і вперед із серйозним замисленим виглядом, немов намагаючись зібратися з думками, щоб досить гарно прокоментувати і повернути справа на свою користь.

7. Вважалося, що вона кинула школу, щоб утекти зі своїм хлопцем, і її більше ніколи не бачили у цьому маленькому містечку. Чесно кажучи, я раніше думав, що вона, як ніхто, повинна була досягти успіхів у житті, і коли я випадково зустрів її багато років потому, її було важко впізнати і, судячи з її вигляду, здавалося, що життя її була розтрачене марно. Виснажлива робота, здавалося, призвела до того, що вона втратила свою колишню чарівність і життєрадісність, проте було малоймовірним, що вона повернеться до свого рідного міста. Вона, м'яко кажучи, була не з тих, хто визнає свої помилки та невдачі, не кажучи вже про те, щоб показувати, якою приниженою вона почувалася.


1.2. The Noun + Subject-Predicate Agreement

Revise the following sources before doing the tasks given below:

1. Каушанская В. Л.и др. Грамматика английского языка. – М. : Просвещение, 1987. – С. 14-25; С. 39-244.

2. Гордон Е.М., Крылова И.П. Грамматика современного английского языка. – М. : Высш. школа, 1980. – С. 205-212.

3. Кобрина Н.А. и др, Грамматика английского языка. – М. : Просвещение, 1985. – С. 180-195.

TASK 1. Sort out the nouns in the box into the categories given in the table below.

research travel     sheep     accommodation mice       hair

furniture advice    people   information              work      beauty

news      police              politics  scissors           sun        music

secrecy  teeth      health              difficulty         talk        ice-cream

traffic    money   watch    technology      time       success

weather sky        experience       funeral            talent     dust



Always countable Always uncountable Both


TASK 2. Revise the use of quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns given in the table and choose the right word in brackets to fill in the gaps in the sentences below.

Plural countable nouns Uncountable nouns Both countable in plural and uncountable Singular countable nouns
·  both ·  (a) few ·  fewer ·  the fewest ·  a/the majority of ·  (not) many ·  a minority of ·  a (great/good) number of ·  several · a bit of · a (big/small) amount of · a great deal of · a good deal of · (a) little · less · the least · (not) much   · some of (the) · any (of the) · enough · a lot of/lots of · hardly any · more/most (of the) · plenty of · no · none of the   · all (of) the · any/some of the) · each · either · every · most of the · neither · no · none of the


1. We have imported ________ videos this year than last year. (fewer/less)

2. There has been ________ demand for videos this year than last year. (fewer/less)

3. ________ vehicles have just been recalled because of a design fault. (a lot of/a great deal of/a big amount of)

4. ________ effort has been put into this project, (a lot of/many/a great number of)

5. There isn't ________ hope of finding the wreck, (a great deal of/many/ a great number of)

6. There aren't ________ dictionaries that can compare with this one. (few/many/little)

7. ________ book was written by someone else (most/most of the/the majority of)

8. ________ magazines carry advertisements, (most/most of/a great amount of)

9. ________ metal is liable to rust. (most/most of/ a great amount of)

10. I'd like ________ milk in my coffee, please, (little/a little/few/fewer)

11. This room needs ________ pictures to brighten it up. (a few/few/ a great amount of)

12. ________ businesses have gone bankrupt this year, (a good deal of/several/a small amount)

13. There aren't ________ chocolates left! (any/some/little)

14. There isn't ________ time to waste, (any/some/no/none)

15. We've had ________ trouble with this machine already. (enough/hardly any/none of the)

16. There have been ________ accidents on this corner this year. (a good deal of/hardly any/ a small amount of)

17. We can't accept the estimates. ________ estimate is low enough. (either/neither/both)

18. ________ examples prove that I am right, (both/neither/either)

19. There have been ________ changes in the new edition. (no/any/none)

20. There has been ________ change in the new edition (no/any/a great number of/a great deal of)


TASK 3. Fill in the gaps with the quantifiers given in the box. The first one is done for you. You can use some words more than once.

any        enough  few        hardly any      many     some

no          any        none      plenty of         very little


You may be trying to buy a pair of shoes and there are too many (1) in your size and you can't choose, or there are too ________ (2). Shop assistants are good at inventing excuses. A ________ (3) days ago I was trying to buy ________ (4) birthday cards for three five-year-old children. There were ________ (5) cards for children, but ________ (6) for five-year-olds. 'Five is a very popular age this year ', the assistant said. 'We can't get ________ (7) cards for this age-group.' Then I went to ‘Do It Yourself’ shop and tried to buy ________ (8) orange paint. There was ________ (9) paint in the shop, but in the end I found ________ (10). Then I asked for two small paint brushes. ‘We don't have ________ (11),' the shop assistant explained. 'There's ________ (12) demand for them. No one ever asks for ________ (13). 'Yes, they do!’ I exclaimed. 'I'm asking for ________ (14) now!’

TASK 4. Decide if the sentences below are correct or have mistakes. Make the necessary corrections.

1. Researches into cancer have not yet come up with a cure.

2. Draughts are played on board with black and white squares.

3. What happened when you got to the check in? – We had too much luggage.

4. The public were waiting to see the hated hangman swing from his own gallows.

5. Mumps are an illness which is very dangerous for pregnant women.

6. Two military aircrafts were hanging above the water and the noise of their engines was deafening.

7. Could you lend me 5 pounds? – Sorry, I have no money on me. I left them in my hotel room.

8. There is always a heavy traffic in the centre of the city, that is why jams are frequent.

9. When she came home there were some bad news waiting for her.

10. There was so little furniture in the flat that we hardly found any chairs to sit all the people.

11. What a glorious weather! I don’t remember such hot April!

12. You are not eating anything! Have some fruits, please.

13. The advices you gave me were really useful. I’m so grateful!

14. The number of sheep in the flock is close to 100 heads.

15. The main criteria for buying goods is value for money.

16. Don’t throw pearls before swines.

17. Parenthesis are sentences added to a speech or a piece of writing to give extra information.

18. These Picasso’s paintings will form the nuclei of the new museum collection.

19. Terrorism is a phenomenon of the 20th century.

20. In everybody’s opinion the headmaster’s politics is extreme.

TASK 5. Give the plural form of the following nouns


a bamboo a photo a chief
a focus a sheaf a zero
a forget-me-not a woman-hater a go-between
a trout a taboo a calf
a kilo a nucleus a canoe
a leaf a hoof a brother-in-law
a hairdo a cuckoo a still life
a story-teller a half a buffalo
a mosquito a phenomenon Jenny
a path a volcano a chessman
a Negro a gulf a booth
a grouse a woman-journalist a looker-on
a thief a cello a Hindoo
a dragonfly a Swiss a scarf
a louse a leaf a youth
a goodbye a doe an analysis
a bath a stay-at-home  

TASK 6. Cherry Reid is a famous explorer. Below you can read part of a diary she kept when she was travelling. Open the brackets and fill in the gaps in her diary.

Dec 11. I have walked a long way, and my ________ (foot) are tired. As I sit here, resting, I realize there just aren't enough _______ (page) in my diary to describe this lovely place!

On the hills, some ________ (man) from the nearby village are driving their ______ (sheep) home. In the valley, they are ploughing with ________ (ox) and there are also some people on the river bank, catching _________ (fish) with spears. Oh! One of them has just caught two _______ (fish) with one spear!

The _______ (woman) of the village are colourfully dressed, with red and blue _______ (kerchief) covering their hair. They farm small plots of land where they grow ________ (potato) and ________ (tomato). They carry their ______ (baby) on their backs all the time they are working. ________ (goose) stand outside the wooden houses and warn the _______ (woman) of approaching strangers. Outside the houses the children are picking ______ (fruit) from different fruit-trees. They look healthy, with perfect ________ (tooth). Some of the boys are carving toys with sharp _______ (knife).

Life is very simple here. I have seen no _______ (radio) and the people do not even use _______ (match) to light their fires. Several _______ (person) were very surprised when I showed them their _______ (photo) that I had made with my Polaroid.

TASK 7. Use the nouns given in brackets in their plural form.


As we sailed up the River Hudson towards the (city) of New York and Brooklyn, we experienced a sensation which is, I think, common to all travellers who come to an end of their voyage. Many (people) have tried to analyze this emotion, and I have read many such (analysis), but none ever have really satisfied me. The buildings stood out against the skyline like enormous (box) of (match) stuck on end. The houses and (church) were completely dwarfed by them. As we went up the river we examined them all with our (glass). It seemed as if each building brushed the (sky). There were a lot of ships in the river mouth. They were bringing (cargo) from all over the world: (cargo) of meat and (potato) and (mango), of (machine) and (toy) and many other things. They carried (silk) from China and (tea) from India as well. They flew the (colour) of almost every seafaring nation on the globe.

(Army) of (customs-official), (port-authority) and (other) came on board. The passengers were paraded before the port doctor. He was a huge fat man. The first class passengers filed before him as solemn as (ox). Most of the third class passengers stood waiting their turn as quiet as (mouse), though some were as noisy as a flock of (goose). They carried their (saving) in knotted (handkerchief) and the rest of their (belonging) in bundles. Many seemed to have completely lost their bearings and seemed as bewildered as (sheep), while their (wife) and (child) stared around like startled (deer).

There seemed to be varying (criterion) for the treatment of passengers by the immigration (authority), according to the class in which they travelled. Those in the third were examined for (louse), regardless of their feelings.

We landed with every manifestation of high (spirit). The (hanger-on) stared at us as though we were curious (phenomenon).

TASK 8. Fill in the gaps with is, are, do, does, has or have. Give two forms where possible. Explain your choice.


1. The government ______ bringing in a new bill.

2. All governments ______ trying to control crime.

3. The military ______ occupied the house.

4. The company ______ going to employ six staff.

5. The police ______ interested in this case.

6. The public ______ concerned about it.

7. The jury ______ trying to decide now.

8. How many people ______ coming tonight?

9. A lot of people ______ signed the petition.

10. The youth of today ______ many advantages.

11. The committee ______ meeting now.

12. There ______ vermin in this restaurant.

13. The acoustics in this room ______ very good.

14. Acoustics ______ a subject I know little about.

15. The statistics in this report ______ inaccurate.

16. Statistics ______ a compulsory course in this college.

17. ______ there any statistics for road accidents?

18. This crossroads ______ dangerous.

19. There ______ crossroads every mile.

20. There ______ four crossroads in our village.

21. Many species of moths ______ disappeared.

22. This species ______ green and white spots.

23. Our company headquarters ______ in London.

24. Our works ______ a good canteen.

25. There ______ many series of books on birds.

26. My maths ______ getting worse and worse!

27. ______ there any kennels in this area?

28. The goods you ordered ______ arrived.

29. Where ____ the scissors? – ______ are in the first drawer on the left.

30. How much ______ a good pair of trousers cost these days?

31. If your clothes ______ dirty, please put them in the laundry basket.

32. All their belongings ______ been destroyed in a fire.

33. My earnings ______ not high, but at least I have enough money to pay my rent.


TASK 9. Open the brackets and write the verbs in the correct form: singular or plural.


Statistics ____ (be) a branch of economics, but it is often said that there ____ (be) lies, damn lies and statistics. Recent statistics of British life ____ (show) that the family ____ (be) happier than it used to be. The youth of today ____ (be) likely to live longer than the previous generation. People ____ (own) more things than they used to, but more police ____ (be) employed to fight crime. Mathematics ____ (be) a subject which is studied more by boys than by girls, as ____ (be) physics. The earnings of working women ____ (be) getting higher all the time and many women earn more than their husbands. Good manners ____ (be) declining. The public ____ (spend) more on clothes, and clothes ____ (be) becoming more and more expensive. Glasses ____ (be) worn by more people, but only a minority ____ (favour) contact lenses. Statistics ____ (make) us want to grind our teeth and can probably tell us if we have any teeth left to grind!

TASK 10. Use the nouns given in brackets in the plural form if possible.


If you're dieting, there are certain _________ (food) you really have to avoid: _________ (cake) and _________ (biscuit) are out for a start:, but you can't live for ever on _________ (tomato) and _________ (orange). There are _________ (man) and _________ (woman) who spend their entire _________ (life ) counting the calories they take in each day. Some national _________ (cuisine) make you fat. The _________ (Japanese) have a high protein diet, while the _________ (Swiss) eat a lot of milk _________ (product). Personally, I'm lucky not to have to diet, but my friend, John, can't eat anything without looking it up in his Calorie Chart. This is carefully organized so that _________ (strawberry) and _________ (peach) are under 'Fruit'; _________ (potato) and _________ (spaghetti) come under 'Starchy Foods', and so on.

I entertained John to a nice low calorie meal yesterday and at the end I offered him some jelly. 'What does "jelly" come under?' he asked looking at his chart. 'Half a litre of double cream,' I said, pouring the stuff over my plate!

TASK 11. Spot and correct mistakes in the sentences given below. Some of the sentences are correct.

1. Had I three hundreds lifes, I would gladly lay them down for my country.

2. There are several pathes to the top of the mountain but all of them are extremely dangerous.

3. A great many book were scattered on the shelfs, on two small tables and even on the floor.

4. Only three loafs of bread were left till the end of the week.

5. That morning my parents were quite different from their usual selfs.

6. Jim was awakened by the sound of horses’ hooves.

7. The police was called and the ambulance was sent for.

8. Like many wifes Laura thought she knew the worst about her husband but she was mistaken.

9.  On our way to the lake we passed several tidy farmhouses and answered the friendly waves of farm-woman in white aprons.

10.  You will never hear truths from the mouthes of these youths.

11.  Telma was a woman who would do nothing by halves.

12.  To appoint Mr. Blackburn to this position is the same as to set the fox to keep the goose.

13.  The nurse had to spend the whole day on her foot moving between her patient and the operation theatre.

14.  Two Chinamen with vegetable baskets on their heads walked past them.

15.  The old man acquired a strange hobby of saving mothes from the candle light.

16.  These two war heros shot down 92 enemy aircrafts.

17.  What is the cheapest mean of transport in Singapore?

18.  The fishes were small and bony and the potatoes were all burnt.

19.  Nobody is allowed to shoot birds or deers in this forest.

TASK 12. Translate into English paying special attention to the plural form of nouns.

1. На думку сходознавця доктори Джаспера, японці запозичили багато казкових персонажів з китайської міфології.

2. Французи відомі як досить запальні люди, тоді як вважають, що німці – люди врівноважені.

3. У російській мові всі вступні фрази виділяються на письмі комами, а в англійській це відбувається не завжди.

4. Англійські дифтонги складаються з ядра й глайда. Ядра дифтонгів завжди вимовляються з більшою силою й більш чітко, ніж глайди.

5. Жодна з гіпотез про походження цих вулканів поки не підтвердилася. Потрібно провести ще кілька досліджень, щоб установити їхній вік і ступінь небезпеки для людей, що проживають у безпосередній близькості від вулканів.

6. У житті кожної людини відбуваються кризи. І подальше життя цієї людини залежить від того, як вона поставиться до даної кризи. Якщо вона зуміє сприйняти зміни позитивно, не образиться на увесь світ, а зробить правильні висновки зі своїх помилок – це крок уперед у розвитку її особистості, якщо ні – то це кілька кроків назад.

7. Боюся, ми повинні запропонувати докторові Севіджу покинути нашу клініку. Я проаналізував всі діагнози, які він поставив протягом останнього року, і рекомендації, які він давав своїм пацієнтам, і дійшов висновку, що він абсолютно некомпетентний лікар.

8. Які критерії ви використовуєте, щоб оцінити вміння говоріння ваших студентів? – Уміння говоріння оцінюються за такими критеріями як швидкість говоріння, наявність граматичних і лексичних помилок, уміння реагувати на репліки співрозмовника й деякими іншими.

9. Лондонські парки – це зелені оазиси Британської столиці. Це також унікальний феномен ставлення англійців до природи.

10. У місіс Смайлі було три невістки, але вона не любила жодної з них і вважала, що всі її сини зробили неправильний вибір. Її ворожість поширювалася й на усіх онуків.

11. Всі члени нашої родини – домосіди. Ми ніколи нікуди не їздимо. Все літо ми проводимо в місті, і нас ніколи не заманиш ні на яку вечірку. Ми не ходимо на весілля й похорони наших родичів. Будь ласка, не ображайтеся на нас і приймайте нас такими, як ми є.

12.  На старого не можна було дивитися без жалю. Його одяг був брудним та розірваним, черевики зношеними, a замість капелюха на голові було кілька старих жіночих хусток. Життя, здавалося, ніколи його не балувало.

13. Повідомляється, що місцезнаходження злочинного угруповання вже виявлено. Незважаючи на те, що злочинці добре озброєні, поліція сподівається провести операцію по їхньому захопленню швидко й без жертв.

14. Коли машина в'їхала на окраїну великого міста, Стіву здалося, що він дістався околиці Бірмінгема. Але потім він подумав, що у всіх великих промислових містах є такі брудні непривабливі вулички, де зовсім немає квітів і дерев, і багато високих парканів.

15. Твань розпакувала свій одяг і розклала його в комоді. Всі її пожитки вмістилися у двох верхніх шухлядах. У нижні шухляди вона поклала саме коштовне – щоденники свого батька, які вона сподівалася коли-небудь опублікувати.

16. Де ви збираєтеся помістити зміст книги: після титульного аркуша або наприкінці? – Мені здається, для читачів буде більш сподручно, якщо зміст буде на початку. До речі, у вас є які-небудь зауваження щодо змісту четвертого розділу?

17. Дороті увесь час дивилася на свій годинник. Спочатку їй здалося, що він дуже поспішає, але коли обидві стрілки зустрілися на 12, їй стало здаватися, що годинник відстає. Найбільше на світі вона не любила чекати, але в неї не було вибору.


TASK 13. Fill in the words in the possessive case wherever necessary.


We have become very conscious of conservation these days. A lot of people won't buy any goods made from animal skin (skins of animals). In many parts of the world, it is now unthinkable for a person to dress in ________ (a coat made of the skin of a leopard). We realize that ________ (the wildlife of the

earth) needs protection. This affects such things as ________ (clothing worn by children) and ________ (coats worn by ladies). If ________ (a fur coat worn by an actress) attracts admiration these days, it is probably created from man-made materials. Of course, we still farm animals for their skins, but the notice I saw in a shop recently must have been ________ (the revenge of the crocodiles). It was selling ________ (bags made of crocodile skin) and offering the following service: ‘________ (skins of customers) made up’!

TASK 14. Translate into English paying special attention to the use of nouns in plural and in the possessive case.

1. Я по горло ситий всіма корисними порадами, які мені дають всі друзі й знайомі. Вони мені радять взяти себе в руки й сподіватися на краще. Але в мене зовсім немає грошей, і я не знаю, де їх взяти, тому що вже два місяці не можу знайти пристойну роботу. Чому мені ніхто не може запропонувати конкретний вихід з даної ситуації замість порожніх слів?

2. Мені зовсім нікуди не хочеться йти в таку огидну погоду. Я б краще полежав на дивані з гарною книгою в руках. Давай залишимося вдома. Навіщо нам ця лекція? – Я с тобою зовсім не згодний. У нас не часто бувають лекції таких науковців як професор Скотт. Заради бога, поквапся, інакше ми спізнимося.

3. Чий це одяг і чому вiн не в шафі? Чому ти ніколи не прибираєш у себе в кімнаті? Я не розумію, як це вийшло, що в нас у родині росте такий нечупара. – Мама, не гнівайся. Бабуся казала мені, що в тебе в дитинстві були такі ж погані звички, як у мене зараз, але це все пройшло з перехідним віком.

4. Я завжди захоплювався енциклопедичними знаннями професора Стивенсона. Він вільно говорив сімома іноземними мовами, знав дуже багато про історію Європейських народів, міг цитувати латинських і грецьких поетів. Його завжди цікавила політика, і його вважали експертом з питань міжнародних відносин. Він впізнавав класичні музичні твори з перших нот, і міг годинами дискутувати про літературу. А його спеціальністю була ядерна фізика, вивченню якої він присвятив все своє життя.

5. Хто ті симпатичні дівчата, що розмовляють зі старою місіс Барлоу? – Це дочки Джіл і Сема Грінбаум. Я б впізнала їх, навіть не знаючи, хто вони. Вони точна копія своїх батьків.

6. Доктор Менсон, ви знайомі з місс Лейдер? – Так, ми зустрічалися з нею у вашої тітоньки. Вона дочка тих самих Лейдерів, які приїхали в наше місто торік, чи не так? – Ні, вона їхня племінниця.

7. Як ви доїхали, дядько Тед? – Хіба можна добре доїхати по такій дорозі? Ця двогодинна подорож ледве не вбила мене! Якби не 50-я річниця весілля твоїх батьків, я б нізащо не почав таку подорож!

8. Ви впевнені, що стаття Стіва Бейкера буде опублікована у всіх завтрашніх газетах? – Упевнений, що так. Інтерв'ю його боса було таким шокуючим, що інтерес всіх журналістів тепер прикутий до пропозицій Стіва, як вирішити проблему парникового ефекту. Його стаття, напевно, буде опублікована у всіх основних газетах.

9. Ви думаєте, одна п'ятихвилинна розмова може змінити все життя людини? – Безсумнівно, якщо вона відбулася в потрібнім місці, у потрібну годину й з потрібною людиною. Так було з моїм батьком. Він зустрів мою маму на автобусній зупинці, коли поспішав на заняття в університет. Вони проговорили навіть менше п'яти хвилин, але очі моєї мами справили на батька таке враження, що він шукав її потім 10 років. Коли вони знову зустрілися, то більше не розставалися.


The Adjective and the Adverb

Revise the following sources before doing the tasks given in this section:

1. Каушанская В. Л. и др. Грамматика английского языка. – М. : Просвещение, 1987. – С. 47-51; С. 204-205.

2. Гордон Е. М., Крылова И. П. Грамматика современного английского языка. – М. : Высш. школа, 1980. – С. 261-268; С. 305-311.

3. Кобрина Н. А. и др. Грамматика английского языка. – М. : Просвещение, 1985. – С. 215-225; С. 269-272.

*TASK 1. Underline the right forms in these sentences. Mind that in some cases both forms are right.


1. I bought the (last/ latest) edition of today’s paper.

2. My house is much (father/ further) than yours along the road.

3. Who is the (oldest/ eldest) in this class?

4. Your driving is (worse/ worst) than mine.

5. It's the (less/ lesser) of two evils.

6. Have you heard the (last/ latest) news?

7. We have no (further/ farther) information.

8. Jane Somers, (the last/ latest) Booker Prize winner, writes (good/well).

9. The dying man’s (latest/ last) words were: 'This is the end'.

10.  This is the town's (oldest/ eldest) house.

11.  My flat is (less/ smaller) than yours.

12.  I've got (less/ lesser) time than you.

13.  Jane is 5 years (older/ elder) than I am.

14.  This dress is the (more/ most) expensive of the two.

15.  His English is (the best/ better) of the four candidates.

16.  It's the (better/best) alternative.

17.  It's the (furthest/farthest) point west.

18.  This oak is the (oldest/eldest) tree in the park.

19.  There are five sisters in out family. Telma is my (elder/older) sister.

20.  It’s not fair! I've got the (least/less)! And you've got the (more/most)!

*TASK 2. Revision: adjectives and adverbs.Put in the right forms. Alternatives are possible.


Two men were sitting at the bar. The one ______ (near) to me was the ______ (big) and ______ (strong) man I have ever seen. The one ______ (far) from me was ______ (small/little) and ______ (weak). They were having the ______ (violent) argument I had ever heard. Suddenly the little man said. 'It's a case of the (small) ______ brain in the world fitted into the ______ (big) head!' They were his ______ (late) words. The little man didn't know what hit him as he fell to the floor. 'When Shortie wakes up, tell him that was my ______ (good) Karate chop,' the big man told the barman as he left. The next evening, King Karate was at the bar as usual when Shortie crept in quietly, swung his arm and the champ fell to the floor. 'When King Karate wakes up,' Shortie said, tell him it was my ______ (old) Land Rover starting handle.'

*TASK 3. Make up compound adjectives of measurement. Follow the example.

Example: a man who is twenty years old – a twenty-year-old man

NOTE: Don’t confuse compound adjectives of measurement with the use of possessive case in time references and money’s worth, compare:

Compound adjectives of measurement Time references and money’s worth
· a four-hour meeting · a two-day conference · a six-foot hole · a $50 dress; a $90,000 house · a ten-minute walk; a three-hour journey · a five-kilo bag of flour · a third-floor flat · a day’s work · an hour’s delay · a two months’ salary · today’s TV programs · a two days’ journey · twenty dollars’ worth of gasoline · a week or two’s time

1. a building that is three years old

2. a farm that has fifty acres

3. a car whose fuel tank can contain two litres of fuel

4. a meeting that lasts four hours

5. a ruler which length is 30 centimetres

6. a hole which is six metres deep

7. a dress that costs 50 dollars

8. a walk that lasts 10 minutes

9. a bag that weighs 20 kilos

10.  an office-block that costs two million pounds

11.  a woman who is seventy years old

12.  a conference that lasts two days

13.  a park that is eighty hectares

14.  a journey that takes three days

15.  a baby who weighs five kilos

16.  an engine that is three litres

17.  a note for fifty pounds

18.  a fence that is twenty miles

19.  a tunnel that is fifty kilometres

20.  a bicycle that has five speeds


*TASK 4.Change the words in brackets to fill the spaces.


It's ______ (legal) to drive under the age of seventeen in Britain, but a ______ (boy of seventeen years old) managed to pass his driving test on the day of his __________ (seventeen) birthday. Most people would consider this ______ (possible) because you need a lot of lessons to pass the test. David Livesey arranged to have ______ (a lesson of eight hours) beginning at dawn on his birthday. At first he was very ______ (care) and ______ (hesitate) but he had a ______ (wonder) teacher and his driving improved ______ (amazing) during the day. By four in the afternoon, still feeling ______ (energy) he was ready to take his test and he passed first time. He was almost in a state of shock after the test and he drove home very ______ (slow) in the ______ (red) light of the ______ (set) sun. David's driving attracted the attention of two policemen, but they broke into smiles and congratulated him ______ (warm) when he showed them his certificate and told them his story.

*TASK 5. Use the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs given in brackets.

1. They had dined (good) and were now drinking (hard), their faces getting (red) and (red).

2. Is there anything in the world (bad) than indecision?

3. They had never made (little) pretence of believing her than they did today.

4. (Bad) sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them.

5. They are (wicked) people I have ever met.

6. Life is never fair, and perhaps it is (good) thing for many of us that it is not.

7. We were (near) smashed on the shore by the violent wind several times.

8. James's heart beat so (fast) that he could (hard) breathe.

9. The captain felt (uneasy) about the approaching storm with every minute.

10. "Your voice sounds (different) on the phone.

11. It rained (steady) for four days and nights.

12. The karate opponents bowed (polite) to each other.

**TASK 6. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. Alternatives are sometimes possible.


alive      asleep             beautiful         big         complete fast fresh, lovely              pleased           polished          poor      quick-drying.

shiny     small     young


Three and a half years ago Mr Bell received a ______ (1) present from his ______ (2) grandson. The boy had had a ______ (3) holiday by the seaside and had bought his grandfather a present. It was a ______ (4) sea-snail which had been stuck on top of an oyster and another shell. Mr Bell was very ______ (5) with his gift and put it on a shelf. While he was dusting one morning, he accidentally knocked the ______ (6) snail off the oyster. He went to find some ______ (7) glue. When he came back, he couldn't believe his eyes. The snail had moved along the shelf. It was ______ (8)! 'It must have been ______ (9) all these years and the shock woke it up.' Mr Bell said. He put the snail in a paper bag to show his friends. At first they thought the story was ______ (10) nonsense, until they saw the snail. The ______ (11) creature was so hungry, it had eaten a hole in the bag. Mr Bell gave it a ______ (12) meal of ______ (13) cabbage leaves which it really enjoyed. 'It's not such a ______ (14) story.' a scientist explained. These creatures live on the seashore and don't lead a ______ (15) life. They can hibernate for years without eating.'

***TASK 7. Translate into English paying special attention to substativised adjectives.

1. Людство завжди мріяло про справедливе ідеальне суспільство.

2. Ми б усі хотіли жити в такому суспільстві, де б багатії не були б занадто багаті, а бідні зовсім не були б бідними.

3. Ми б хотіли, щоб суспільство ставилося до старих так само, як воно ставилося до них, коли вони могли працювати на нього.

4. Сліпі мали б такі ж можливості, як і видючі, а глухі могли б розвивати свої здатності в різних царинах знань.

5. Ми б хотіли, щоб всі безробітні знайшли роботу, здорові піклувалися про хворих, а права дітей були б захищені законом.

6. Якби таке ідеальне суспільство існувало, ніхто б у ньому не почував депресію й розпач.

7. На жаль, ми живемо в реальному світі, що розділений на багатії і бідних, щасливих і нещасних, ледачих і працьовитих, і нам було б неможливо змиритися з усією його несправедливістю, якби в нас не було почуття гумору.

8. Нещодавно у вітрині похоронного агентства я побачив чудову рекламу, правда я не зрозумів чи відноситься вона до їх живих або мертвих клієнтів.

9. Вона говорила: «Скориставшись один раз нашими похоронними послугами, ви не захочете іншого похорону!»

*TASK 8. Put in the right word order or choose the right forms. Fill in articles where necessary.



________________________________________ (shoes leather Italian expensive handmade); these are my pride and joy. I own _______________ _____________ (old beautiful pair) – or I did until yesterday, when I discovered that one of the shoes was missing. I had left the shoes on my __________ (doorstep back) to do some gardening. My neighbour has ___________________ (dog friendly large) called Sam. When I saw that one of my shoes had disappeared, I knew that Sam had taken it. I can't say he behaved _________ (bad/badly). He just behaved like a dog. Leather looks _________ (good/well) and tastes (good/ well) too. I unwillingly gave Sam the __________________________ (remaining shoe Italian) and then followed him. I not only found ____________________ (Italian unchewed my shoe) but also a pile of things Sam had been borrowing, including my ____________________ (slippers wife's fur-lined red) which Sam had tried to have for dinner!


**TASK 9. Choose the right adverb in each sentence.

1. Farm workers have to work very hard/ hardly during the harvest. But they hard/ hardly earn enough money to pay their bills.

2. I got off first in the race but managed to come last/ latest/ lastly.

3. Last/lastly I'd like to thank all those who made my success possible.

4. We've been receiving a lot of junk mail later/ lately.

5. The postman brings my mail so late/lately I rarely see it before I go to work.

6. I'm sure the boss thinks very high/highly of you.

7. If you want to succeed, you should aim high/highly.

8. I don't think you were treated very just/justly.

9. I asked him not to go too near/nearly the edge of the platform, but he didn’t listen to me and fell oft the edge.

10. The boss was angry because the secretary arrived late/ lately.

11. I haven’t seen much of my best friend late/ lately.

12. Are we flying direct/ directly or via Vienna?

13. Mr. Stuart is direct/ directly responsible to the Managing Director.

14. As soon as I find out all the details, I’ll tell you direct/ directly.

15. The dancer leapt so high/ highly that the audience cried out with admiration.

16. I am surprised that he is so high/ highly thought of.

17. I like diving deep/ deeply.

18. You’ve got it all wrong/ wrongly!

19.  The letter was wrong/ wrongly addressed.

20.  Let’s meet at twelve sharp/ sharply.

21.  The boy was sharp/ sharply reprimanded for being late for the class.

22.  Mr. Grant got a dead/ deadly disease in Africa.

23.  The little man hit the big man as hard/ hardly as he could.

24.  Lady Charlotte travelled wide/ widely.

25.  Don’t worry, we’ll be home short/ shortly.

26.  These animals live deep/ deeply in the Amazon forest.

**TASK 10. Change the adjectives into adverbs or adverbial phrases. Follow the rule and the example.

Rule: In Modern English some adjectives like friendly, lovely, lonely, likely, ugly, deadly, lively, cowardly, silly, etc cannot be used as adverbs. Instead adverbial phrases are used.

Example: Meg is friendly girl. – She always acts in a friendly way.

That was a quick response. She responded quickly.

1. That was a cowardly thing to do You acted …

2. The music was very loud. The band played far too …

3. That was a silly thing to do You acted …

4. The orchestra gave a lively performance. They performed …

5. She's a stow runner. She runs …

6. The singers gave a bad performance. They performed …

7. She can't control her motherly feelings. Even though he's 40, she looks after him …

8. She's a lovely teacher. She handles young children …

9. She delivered a careful speech. She spoke …

10.  He looks pale and sickly. He always greets me …

11.  You don't have to be so unfriendly! You needn't look at me …

**TASK 11. Fill in the gaps with adjectives and adverbs from the box. Add the suffix -ly or make other changes where you need to.


beautiful best (2)  careful             cheap              early      far         last

full         hurried            important last        new past       silly

quick     rapid     soon


_________ (1) Thursday I had a most __________ (2) interview for a job. I got up _________ (3) and dressed _________ (4). I put on my _________ (5) jacket and trousers, to look my _________ (6). I had to travel by train, so I walked to the station which isn't _________ (7) from my house. I was walking quite _________ (8) when I saw a man just ahead painting his fence with red paint. He didn't notice me as I walked _________ (9). Then he turned suddenly and splashed my _________ (10) trousers! He had acted _________ (11) and he apologized, but the damage was done. There was a big store on the corner, so I decided to buy a new pair _________ (12). I thought that could change on the train. I _________ (13) found a nice pair, which I bought quite _________ (14). The shop was _________ (15) so I paid _________ (16) grabbed my shopping-bag and left. On the train, I went to the toilet to change. I took off my stained trousers and threw them out of the window. Then I opened the bag to get my _________ (17) ones, but all I found was a pink woollen sweater!

**TASK 12. Read through the notes given below. Then do the task by uunderlining the correct word.

$ 200         $ 400                                 $ 750                                 $ 1000

a fairly          quite an          a rather/ a pretty    a very expensive

expensive dress expensive dress     expensive dress                 dress

1. Fairly is the weakest of the four attributes. If you say that somebody is fairly nice or fairly pretty, it is not much of a compliment. If the film is fairly good, it may be worth seeing but not worth going a long way to see. If somebody speaks fairly good English, he/she can communicate successfully on everyday subjects but might not be able to take part in a difficult discussion.

a/an + fairly

e.g. This isa fairly goodCD, but it's not the best they've made.

2. Quite is a little stronger than fairly. If you say that the film is quite good, you are recommending it; though it is not the best film ever made, it is worth seeing. A person who speaks English quite well might even manage a difficult discussion.

quite + a/an (= enough)

e.g. This is quite a good CD, you ought to buy it.

Usually the following adjectives are used in expressions of this kind:


horrible ridiculous brilliant amazing extraordinary

useless   impossible exhausted certain true

e.g. This machine is quite useless.

I'm quite certain about this.

3. Rather and pretty are stronger than the first two attributes. They mean “more than is usual” or “more than you expected» or even “more than you want”. If you say that the film is rather good, it is better than most. A person who speaks English rather well is a good linguist. If you say that a person is rather nice, you sound a bit surprised – perhaps you didn’t expect that. If you say that it is rather hot, you may feel a bit uncomfortable. Pretty is mostly used in informal style.

a rather + noun or rather a + noun

e.g. She has rather a soft voice. = She has a rather soft voice.

I expected the book to be boring, but it was rather interesting.

rather + comparative form/too

e.g. Ted is rather more experienced than Alec.

She spends rather too much money on clothes.

a/an + pretty (= usually in everyday English)

e.g. He had a pretty nasty accident the other day.

Special notes:

· Only rather can be used with adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees. E.g. David is rather older than his wife.

· Only rather can be used with the particle too. E.g. He is rather too shy for his age.

· Rather is often used in the so-called “parallel constructions”, rather … than

e.g. I’d prefer to go to the Crimea rather in August than in July. I always prefer starting early rather than leaving everything to the last minute.

· Quite has another meaning of completely = absolutely. In this meaning it is mainly found with relative adjectives or verbs. E.g. He is quite alone. The work is quite finished. I quite forgot.

Underline the correct word.

1. Being a nurse is a quite/ pretty stressful job.

2. He has rather/fairly a funny name.

3. Jane is rather/quite more athletic than Susan.

4. She stayed out rather/fairly too late last night.

5. That story was quite/rather true.

6. She is quite/fairly a friendly woman.

7. I didn't expect to enjoy the film, but it was fairly/rather brilliant.

8. He is rather/fairly good at his job, but he sometimes makes mistakes.

9. It was a fairly/quite interesting book, but it wasn't the best I've read.

10.  This tin opener doesn't work. It's fairly/quite useless.

11.  It was pretty/rather a long way from the station to the hotel.

12.  It was rather/pretty a waste of time watering the plants. It's raining now.

**TASK 13. Explain the difference between the pairs of adjectives given below. Write one sentence or situation to show their difference in context. Follow the example.

Example. afraid – frightened

afraid – feeling fear, frightened; used as a predicative only;

frightened – afraid, feeling fear; used both as a predicative and as an attribute.

e.g. Fred started to feel afraid/ frightened of going out alone at night.

I looked at the frightened child encouragingly. alike – similar


1. manly – mankind 2. skilful – skilled 3. alone – lonely 4. worthy – worthwhile 5. childish – childlike 6. confident – confidential 7. dead – deadly 8. drunk – drunken 9. former – previous 10. gold – golden 11. graceful – gracious 12. healthy – well 13. imaginary – imaginative 14. ill – sick 15. inner – inward   16. silk – silky – silken 17. silver – silvery 18. swelled – swollen 19. sensitive – sensible 20. outer – outward 21. wooden – wooded 22. worthless – unworthy 23. lively – alive 24. especial – special 25. shrunk – shrunken 26. neighbouring – neighbourhood 27. needful – needy 28. effective – efficient 29. economic – economical 30. politic – political


***TASK 14. Revision: adjectives and adverbs. Choose the right option.

Part 1

My (eldest/ oldest) sister's only child is a boy. His name is Tim. Even when he was very young he was a (manly/ mankind) little fellow, a (skilful/ skilled) and (confident/ confidential) horseman, and a (dead/deadly) marksman with an air rifle. He was (a lively/ an alive) child.

Throughout his (awake/waking) hours he was engaged in (worthy/ worthwhile) activities, and even when he was (asleep/ sleeping), his (imaginary/ imaginative) brain seemed to be at work, because often he would wake up with some (sensitive/sensible) idea. He was always a (healthy/ fit) boy. When any of his (ill/sick) friends asked him for help with their homework he was always (sorry/sympathetic) and did his best to help them.

Tim had one (especial/special) friend – Dick, a much (elder/ older) boy, who had one (shrunk/shrunken) leg and who lived in one of the (wooden/wooded) (neighbouring/ neighbourhood) houses.

Dick's father was always (drunk/ drunken), so the family lived in (needful/ needy) circumstances. Dick's mother was very (sensible/ sensitive), so when Tim went to the house, he often found her with her eyes (swelled/swollen) with tears. He used to try to comfort her in his (childish/childlike) way, but he could not be of any (effective/efficient) help to her, because his own family's (economic/ economical) position was not a very good one. His father worked for a (politic/ political) party, but he had no (official/ officious) position in it.

Part 2

There was a ring at my door late yesterday evening and when I opened it there was (an ashamed/a shamefaced) girl standing outside. She seemed (afraid/ frightened) of something and not at all (confident/ confidential) that I would welcome her at that late hour. She had rosy cheeks, long (gold/golden) hair and a slim (graceful/gracious) figure. She had long (silk/ silken/ silky) eyelashes but her eyes looked (swelled/ swollen) as if she had been crying.

‘May I come in?" she said. Her voice was (silver/silvery) and, although she couldn’t have been less than 18 years old, there was something sweetly (childish/ childlike) about her when she spoke. I am very (sensible/ sensitive) to personality and I felt that this girl and I had very (alike/ similar) characters. She seemed to sense my (inner/inward) sympathy for her, and suddenly her (afraid/frightened) air disappeared and her control, which had only been (outer/outward), vanished. She became a very (alone/lonely) girl in need of comfort and reassurance. She told me that her father was (drunk/ drunken) and was threatening to kill her and her (ill/sick) (older/elder) sister. They had just moved into a hut on a (wooded/wooden) hill which was (neighbouring/ in our neighbourhood), and she knew nobody here. Their (former/previous) home had been a hundred miles away. I gathered that her father was (a worthless/ an unworthy) actor whose (drunk/ drunken) habits had led him to (economic/ economical) ruin and constant (sick/ ill) health. The girl's mother committed suicide because her (sensible/sensitive) soul could no longer stand the degradation of her lot.

I am a reasonably (imaginary/ imaginative) woman, and I shuddered as I contemplated that desperation that must have driven her to take her own life.


**TASK 15. Use the words given in brackets in the right form. Give two variants if possible. Follow the example.

Example. On a clear moonless evening, the starts shine very (bright) – bright = brightly

Teachers like students who answer questions (bright) – brightly


1. Patrick bought his last car (dear), and sold it (cheap).

2. Simon had his new car repaired quite (cheap).

3. The train always goes very (slow) along this part of the track.

4. I took a mouthful of mash and chewed it (slow).

5. Please, cut the next slice of cheese (thin).

6. I wish you wouldn't play this awful music so (loud).

7. I suddenly heard someone shouting (loud) for help.

8. For weeks two detectives watched the house (close).

9. We came very (close) to an accident this time!

10.  The pie was cut (clean) in two.

11.  The sale of the house was completed very (clean) in about four days.

12.  Thank you for explaining the situation so (clear)

13.  The outline of the castle could be seen (clear) against the sky.


**TASK 16. Place the adverbs given in brackets in two different positions. For each sentence write a situation which explains the use of the adverb. Follow the example.

Example:He expressed his thanks. (naturally)


a) They were very kind to him. Naturally, he expressed his thanks.

b) He expressed his thanks naturally. They were impressed by his command of English.

1. The teacher thought the student was not intelligent. (obviously)

2. There were a few passengers on the bus on weekdays. (only)

3. The speaker had not argued his case at all. (clearly)

4. I remember his being able to play football. (well)

5. I don't want to put myself under an obligation to him by asking a favour. (particularly)

6. Frank has decided to spend a few days in Austria on his way to Switzerland, (also)

7. Do you think you’ll have enough money at the end of the month to take a short holiday? (still)

8. I should ask him what he meant by his statement, (personally)

9. Have you made up your mind about what you want to do when you leave university? (really)

10. He had the grace to admit that he was partly in the wrong. (at least)

11. He will explain quite clearly what he intends to do. (in future)

12. The student overheard the teacher saying that his last piece of homework was better. (distinctly)


TASK 17A.Choose which adverbs can fill each gap. Two or three of them may be possible in each sentence.

1. She is usually ___________ courteous to strangers.

a. quite         b. exceedingly  c. absolutely    d. somewhat

2. I was ___________ dumbfounded to hear that he had left his wife.

a. quite         b. very             c. utterly          d. somewhat

3. I'm surprised you like him so much; I've always found him  ___________ rude.

a. somewhat b. very             c. totally          d. extremely

4. Your son's behaviour at the party was ___________ impeccable.

a. not very   b. rather           c. absolutely    d. quite

5. I find the thought of eating snails ___________ unpleasant.

a. fairly        b. absolutely    c. somewhat    d. utterly

6. She was ___________outraged when she learnt that he'd been lying to her.

a. fairly        b. totally          c. extremely     d. completely


**TASK 17B. There are many adjectives formed from parts of the body. Complete each sentence with the appropriate word from the box. Note that the word ‘bloody’ is a frequently used and not very rude swear word.


hairy               cheeky   bloody   leggy      handy    nosey

hearty             skinny   heady              chesty


1. __________ congratulations on your success!

2. The boy was so __________ that the coacher’s decision was made at once.

3. That sounds like a rather __________ cough you've got.

4. The shops are quite __________ – only two minutes' walk.

5. No, you can't borrow my girlfriend for the evening! Don't be so __________!

6. It's nothing to do with you what we're doing tonight! Don't be so __________!

7. She's so __________ that when she turns sideways, she's almost invisible!

8. Did you know he's got a __________ chest? Like a doormat, it is!

9. I reckon you'd have to be a __________ fool to want to learn this stupid language!

10. I feel quite __________ after getting all those right. Or perhaps it's the champagne.


TASK 18. Some common adjectives are formed from parts of the body. For example, heart gives us warm-hearted, kind-hearted, hard-hearted etc. Look at the list of similar compound adjectives below and guess what they mean. Then decide which of them can be used to complete sentences below. left-handed

1. double-breasted 2. narrow-waisted 3. cold-blooded 4. big-headed 5. pot-bellied 6. red-faced 7.round-shouldered 8. sour-faced 9. cross-eyed 10. knock-kneed 11. slim-hipped 12. light-fingered 13. strong-willed 14. bow-legged 15. empty-handed 16. dark-skinned 17. fair-haired 18. broad-minded 19. right-footed

1. My boss is terribly ______________ walking around as if he were holding his salary cheque between his knees. His wife's quite the opposite – she is as ______________ as if she had just got off a horse.

2. I used to wear ______________ suits until I decided that one button was far more suitable for ______________ people such as myself.

3. My sister is so ______________ and ______________ that she reminds me of one of those long thin wine bottles.

4. Olaf is Scandinavian, so he's ______________ and______________, and looks far better in jeans than I do.

5. It looked as if Manchester United were going to return home ______________ until Bradfield scored with an incredibly powerful ______________ shot from outside the penalty area.

6. Off we go on holiday with visions of returning ______________ and beautiful, forgetting that we always come back ______________ and with peeling backs.

7. Hoskins, if you go on staring at that magazine any longer, you'll go ___________. Now either be ______________, dear boy, and put it away or give it to me until the end of the lesson.

8. My boss is so ______________ always looking as if he knew tomorrow was going to be the end of the world. And his wife is so ______________ that I have to keep a careful eye on my things when they come round to the house, or they just disappear.

9. Most ______________ tennis players seem to win more easily against right-handers. Talking of tennis players, aren't those professionals a ______________ bunch, shouting all the time about how great they are?

10.  A lot of liberal ______________ people find it difficult to accept that there is such a thing as ______________ murder.

TASK 19. Revision: adjectives and adverbs. There are many clichés among adverb-adjective combinations. Find cliché Russian/ Ukrainian equivalents for the ones given below.

1. painfully slow 2. miserably paid 3. wildly excited 4. nicely done (dressed, decorated, etc.) 5. happily married 6. bitterly disappointed 7. heavily indebted 8. desperately unhappy 9. highly thought of 10. hugely successful 11. perfectly matched 12. ideally suited 13. discreetly placed 14. clumsily expressed 15. strategically timed 16. fully automated 17. perfectly balanced 18. adequately prepared 19. seriously compromised 20. blissfully unaware 21. mortally offended 22. impeccably dressed 23. generously proportioned 24. exceptionally gifted 25. physically handicapped 26. formally educated 27. officially approved 28. diametrically opposed 29. terminally ill 30. mortally wounded 31. chronically sick 32. indefinitely postponed 33. speedily dealt with 34. improperly dressed 35. highly satisfactory 36. hopelessly lost 37. deeply moved 38. painfully obvious 39. utterly exhausted 40. criminally negligent


TASK 20. There are a few adjectives in English that can go either before or after nouns but with a change of meaning according to their position. Choose the meaning that explains the underlined adjectives. Follow the example.

Example: This elect body meets once a year. (before the noun = 'specially chosen')

The president elect takes over in May. (after the noun = 'who has been elected')

Sentence Meaning
1. The concerned doctor phoned for an ambulance. 2. The doctor concerned is on holiday at the moment.          3. It was a very involved question 4. The person involved has left the company. 5. Present employees number 3,000.        6. The employees present should vote on this. 7. It was a proper question. 8. The question proper has not been answered. 9. Janet is a responsible girl. 10. The girl responsible has been expelled. a) correct b) worried c) who was blamed d) complicated e) with a sense of duty f) now employed g) here now h) connected with this (twice) i) itself  

TASK 21. Fill each of the blanks with a suitable adjective from the box.

devoid             free        certain                      inclined liable         

concerned       filled elect


1. Those __________ with the political implications of the new policy are very worried.

2. The outgoing President was accompanied by the President __________.

3. I'm __________ to think that it would be better to finish this later.

4. These buildings are __________ to collapse in a strong earthquake.

5. I was absolutely __________ I'd left it on the table.

6. The landscape was completely __________ of any sign of human habitation.

7. Please feel __________ to use the phone if you need to.

8. The ex-prisoner is __________ with remorse for what he has done.


TASK 22. Choosesuitable adjectives that can fill each gap. Sometimes more than one option is possible.

1. The __________ child was comforted by his aunt.

a) sick            b) afraid          c) frightened    d) ill

2. They had __________ stories about their travels through India.

a) unlikely               b) countless              c) untruth        d) plentiful

3. A speedy solution is __________.

a) main          b) principal              c) chief            d) crucial

4. He was taken __________ by the ferocity of the criticism.

a) back           b) unawares    c) surprised              d) unaccustomed

5. The __________ train is almost never on time.

a) last             b) late             c) early            d) stopping

6.  This is __________ reward for twenty years of loyal service.

a) due             b) scant           c) meagre        d) proper


TASK 23. Use the correct conjunction or preposition. Choose from the box below and repeat as many times as you need.


that        to           with       at of on          for in by


1. I am relieved _____ see that they are pleased ______ their accommodation. It seems entirely compatible ______ their wishes.

2. I am almost embarrassed ______ admit that I feel extremely ashamed ______ my fellow-countrymen on occasions such as this, particularly when they seem utterly devoid ______ any manners at all.

3. I'm afraid ______ speak to her about this because I'm frightened ______ upsetting her.

4. It is probable ______ he will prove to be the most likely person ______ the job and the one most likely ______ do it properly.

5. I am aware ______ your deficiencies and the areas you are lacking practice ______ just as I am aware ______ you share these weaknesses with many others.

6. I know he's very sure ______ himself and is intent ______ proving he can pass, but we are not convinced ______ his success can be taken _____ granted.

7. I was interested ______ read that many fans had expressed amazement ______ the result. Isn't it amazing ______ so many people take an interest ______ such obscure sports?

8. I know I should be ashamed ______ admit that I am saddened ______ young Paula's being written out of my favourite soap. It's a pretty awful thing ______ have to admit, but I really am upset ______ she's leaving.


***TASK 24. Use the best suitable word in each gap.

1. I went to the conference but for most of the time I felt __________ (1) a fish out of water. I knew nobody there and everyone else behaved __________ (2) if they had all known each other for years. I left just __________ (3) soon as I could and arrived home __________ (4) than planned.

2. I've always preferred classical music __________ (1) pop music. I'd much __________ (2) listen to a forty-five-minute symphony __________ (3) a three-minute song. Pop songs seem so __________ (4) less interesting, harmonically and melodically, and the insistent, repetitive drumming is about __________ (5) much fun __________. (6) banging your head against a wall.

3. My father was a jack of all trades in those days, as __________ (1) all village school headmasters: digging holes for swimming pools __________ (2) a full-time labourer, marking out athletics tracks in the manner __________ (3) a professional, teaching arithmetic to the top class in __________ (4) time as he had free. The __________ (5) he did, the more was expected of him by the village community, as if he should __________ (6) every waking hour to the well-being of his pupils. And he did. Nowadays one hears people talk of headmasters as if they __________ (7) accountants, balancing their __________ (8) as efficiently __________ (9) they can. I think I'd __________ (10) have been a headmaster in the old days.

****TASK 25. Revision: adjectives and adverbs. Use the best suitable word in each gap.

Whether or not we are __________ (1) in the universe is a question that has vexed humankind for centuries. But we are __________ (2) to live in an era when the technology exists to allow us to come __________ (3) to giving an answer. Up to now, __________ (4) only was a belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life often __________ (5) on personal rather than religious conviction, __________ (6) was perhaps __________ (7) much based on faith. But scientifically the possibility cannot be discounted and, perhaps more __________ (8) at any other time in history, the subject is no longer liable __________ (9) be dismissed as a crank's discipline. For example, can we estimate the number of civilisations within our own Milky Way galaxy? These days scientists believe that in some __________ (10) they now have a not __________ (11) knowledge of the factors involved in producing such civilisations. The rate of formation of suitable stars – that is, ones __________ (12) Earth which are hot __________ (13) to sustain life and live long enough to allow life to evolve – is a __________ (14) starting point. Astronomers are confident __________ (15) they can assess this rate of formation at .......... (16) one star per year. However, these stars also need to have habitable planets. __________ (17) in the last five years have scientists found evidence that at least some stars (other than our own star, the sun) have planetary systems. Broadly __________ (18), perhaps one in ten stars have planets orbiting them. But we also require that these planets are warm enough to have liquid water, a basic component integral __________ (19) life on Earth and presumably life elsewhere, and are not lacking __________ (20) an atmosphere that can both provide protection and sustenance to developing life.


2.1. Unit One. “Three Men in a Boat”

TASK 1. Read Jerome’s biography and answer the questions after it

Jerome K. Jerome


In the history of English literature Jerome K. Jerome occupies a modest place. He cannot be compared with Dickens, Thackeray or Bernard Shaw, but he is well-known as a writer-humorist not only in his country but in other countries too. Jerome Klapka Jerome was born in Walsall, Staffordshire, on May 2, 1859 in the family of a ruined businessman. Jerome’s childhood was poor and sad. He left school at 14 and worked variously as a clerk, a hack journalist, an actor and a schoolmaster. The boy had to work to support his family because his father died in 1871. In his free time Jerome tried to write. He wrote plays, stories and articles, but nothing was published. His first book “On the Stage and Off” was published in 1885 and this was followed by numerous plays, books and magazine articles. In 1889 a collection of his articles was published under the title “The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow”. This book became very popular in England and it was published 105 times in 4 years.

On June 21, 1888, Jerome married Georgina Elisabeth Henrietta Stanley Marris, nine days after she divorced her first husband. Their honeymoon took place on the Thames, a fact which was to have a significant influence on his next, and most important work, “Three Men in a Boat”.

Jerome sat down to write this book as soon as the couple returned from their honeymoon. In the novel, his wife was replaced by his longtime friends George Wingrave (George) and Carl Hentschel (Harris). This had allowed him to create comic and non-sentimental situations which were nevertheless intertwined with the history of the Thames. The book, published in 1889, became an instant success and has remained in print until the present. Its popularity was such that the number of registered Thames boats went up 50 per cent in the year following its publication, and it contributed significantly to the Thames becoming a tourist attraction. In its first 20 years alone, the book sold over a million copies worldwide. It has been adapted to movies, TV and radio shows, stage plays and even a musical. Its writing style influenced many humorists and satirists in England and elsewhere. Its endurance can probably be attributed to the style and choice of a relatively unchanged location, which prevents the work from appearing dated.

With the financial security the sales of the book provided, Jerome was able to dedicate all his time to writing. He wrote a number of plays, essays and novels, but was never again able to recapture the success of “Three Men in a Boat”

He went traveling all over Europe and in 1899 he visited St.Petersburg, where he was met with enthusiasm. He knew Russian literature very well.

He died in 1927 and was buried in the beautiful churchyard of Ewelme, Oxfordshire, not far from the River Thames.


1. What facts of Jerome’s life, in your opinion, influenced his literary works most?

2. Write a shortened version of Jerome’s biography (about 50 words).What facts do you think must be included in it and what can be left out?

3. Can we say that Jerome lived a long and fruitful life? What makes you think so?


Active Vocabulary from the text


1. a fairy-like nook work steadily
2. to be smothered in roses 32.the rest of the evening
3. to burst forth in clouds of dainty splendor 33.absurd
4. a veritable picture 34.half a dozen
5. a country inn stir smth up
6. to gossip over smth 36.a lot of room to spare
7. village politics overhaul
8. quaint rooms 38.a hamper
9. latticed windows 39.remnants
10. awkward stairs empty smth into smth
11. winding passages get rid of smth
12. to roam about some place fish smth out of smth
13. for an hour or so add smth to smth
14. to put up at some place get cracked
15. to put up for the night thicken the gravy
16. to get settled 46.ingredients
17. a splendid opportunity evince great interest in smth
18. a slap-up dinner stroll away
19. the remnants of smth 49.with an earnest and thoughtful air
20. odds and ends a sarcastic spirit
21. a fascinating idea 51.with a general desire to assist
22. to gather woods stand up for precedent
23. to make a fire be on the safe side
24. to peel potatoes hamper the world’s progress
25. an undertaking be a great success
26. skittishly 56.a dish with a new flavour
27. light-heartedness 57.old hackneyed things
28. to be the size of smth nothing else on earth
29. That won’t do. matter much
30. to scrape potatoes 60.nourishing; nutritious


Vocabulary Activities


TASK 2. In the text of the lesson find synonyms to the words and expressions given below.

1. lazy 2. bright, vibrant 3. fabulous 4. a corner 5. to cover 6. to explode 7. delicate 8. grand and impressive beauty 9. to stay 10. true 11. strange and old-fashioned 12. uncomfortable 13. to wander 14. a large and very good meal 15. interesting, attractive 16. a difficult and important task 17. not very seriously 18. cheerfulness 19. to need 20. a lump 21. a hole 22. little by little/bit by bit 23. a dirty or untidy state 24. to examine carefully 25. to show; to demonstrate 26. donation 27. to help 28. to take no risks 29. to hinder 30. spicy


TASK 3. In the text of the lesson find the words that match the definitions below.

1. a mixture of sand and water used in building for holding bricks and stones together;

2. a pub, usually in the country, and often one where people can stay the night;

3. an open space that is partly or completely surrounded by buildings and is usually part of a castle or a large house;

4. a type of beer;

5. to talk about other people’s private lives, often in an unkind way;

6. matters concerning relationships;

7. something done with small pieces of glass shaped like diamonds in a framework of metal strips;

8. something having a curving and twisting shape;

9. to continue with a journey or some other activity;

10. something that is left after the other parts have been used;

11. small items that are not valuable or are not parts of a large set;

12. to refuse to work as a protest;

13. a large basket with a lid especially one used to carry food in;

14. to walk in a slow relaxed way;

15. the particular feeling or impression that is given by someone;

16. to support or defend somebody or something;

17. a similar action or event that happened earlier;

18. the top part of the inside of the mouth;

19. something that is used too often and therefore boring;

20. food containing a lot of fat.

TASK 4. Sort out the words below into the corresponding column according to their stress.

First Syllable Second Syllable Two Stressed
misunderstanding lightheartedness evince fascinating
veritable extraordinary proceeding undertaking
courtyard economy afterwards palate
beneath absurd water-rat hackneyed
politics overhaul reappear flavour
awkward salmon evidently nourishing
winding advantage contribution nutritious
opportunity ingredient sarcastic experiment
towards precedent piquant  


TASK 5. Match the words given below with the antonyms from the text.


Part 1

1) hard-working a) forth
2) to detest b) beneath
3) dull c) quaint
4) to praise d) to group
5) above e) splendour
6) common f) veritable
7) comfortable g) idle
8) back h) to criticize
9) ugliness i) awkward
10) false j) to enjoy
11) to sort out k) vivid


Part 2

1) straight a) absurd
2) gloomily b) to empty
3) seriously c) to thicken
4) to save d) hackneyed
5) to fill e) earnest
6) to soften f) to hamper
7) reasonable g) rich
8) frivolous h) to waste
9) to assist i) winding
10) unusual j) cheerfully
11) lean k) skittishly

TASK 6. Match the halves of the word combinations from the text:


Part 1

1) a veritable a) stairs
2) quaint b) passages
3) latticed c) supper
4) awkward d) picture
5) winding e) idea
6) a slap-up f) windows
7) a fascinating g) with economy and care
8) extraordinary h) rooms
9) to do smth i) great interest
10) to evince j) shape
11) a sarcastic k) spirit


Part 2

1) to stand up a) to spare
2) to get rid b) the world’s progress
3) old c) experiments
4) a lot of room d) of a lot of things
5) weak sides e) for precedent
6) laughter-provoking f) steadily
7) to be g) air
8) to work h) on the safe side
9) to stroll i) hackneyed things
10) to try j) away
11) to hamper k) situations
12) earnest and thoughtful l) of human nature


TASK 7. Study Vocabulary Notes paying special attention to the use of prepositions. Then spot and correct the mistakes in prepositions in the sentences below.

1. What these two ladies enjoy most of all is to get together in the evening and gossip about all their neighbours’ affairs.

2. Joshua has always been a hypocrite and known how to wind his way towards his superiors’ affection.

3. Scarlet O’Hara had a much stronger character than her relatives and she could easily wind most of them about her little finger.

4. Yesterday I stayed in the sun for too long and today my burnt skin is peeling from my nose.

5. Nobody expected Margaret to pass her final exams so well. |She didn’t do well during the term and we thought she would just scrape up at the exams as usual.

6. What does Patrick do for living? – He contributes articles for sports newspapers and magazines.

7. Who could have thought that the new secretary would make a mess from this important piece of work?

8. My brother is having the usual teenager’s problems now, so he takes everything I tell him with the wrong spirit.

9. What cakes shall I buy? – Choose for your taste.

10. What an awful dress Pamela is wearing today! – Why are you so surprised? She has always dressed with bad taste.

11. When Audra first visited Paris, she wandered in the city for hours admiring with its splendour.

12. Where are you going to stay in London? – I think I will put up in some small inexpensive hotel.

13. What would you recommend me to do? – To begin with, to be at the safe side, see a lawyer and discuss the matter with him.


TASK 8. Fill in the gaps with one of the active words and expressions.

1. He is a hard nut to ___ .

2. When his wife and all the children left him, he understood that he had made a __ of his life.

3. You can always rely on Philip, he is as ___ as a rock.

4. Why are these workers so inefficient? There were very few people available so we had to ___ the bottom of the barrel.

5. It was common ___ that President Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe had an affair.

6. Why don’t you clean up all this ___ in your room? I” m being lazy today. My ___ is willing, but the flesh is weak.

7. Don’t use a steam-hammer to ___ nuts.

8. You look hot. Why don’t you ___ the shirt?

9. All the parishioners make valuable ___ towards the upkeep of the cathedral.

10. In the past it was believed that people could be possessed by evil ___.

11. During the whole dinner party Ted’s ___ remarks about our hosts irritated me so much that I really regretted that I had agreed to sit next to him.

12. Our company is making slow but ___ progress.

13. It was so silent in the room that I could hear my classmate’s pen ___ across the paper.

14. Everything went wrong because he approached the situation in the wrong ___.

15. The biggest question is how they got into this ___ in the first place.


TASK 9. Speak on the following points.


1. Give an example of harmless and harmful gossip.

2. Has there ever been a person in your life who wound his/her way into your affection and then betrayed you? If yes, tell your groupmates about it.

3. Which member of your family can wind everyone else round his/her little finger? Tell your partner about him/her.

4. Make two lists of fruit and vegetables which you can peel and scrape.

5. List all the ingredients the three friends used in their Irish stew and suggest a recipe of a new dish or dishes with them.

6. Each housewife has her own recipe of a stew. What ingredients would you or your Mum use for the stew you prefer? Give a step-by-step guide for cooking it.

7. Describe a meal that you would call slap up.

8. What would you call people who always prefer to be on the safe side and never experiment: narrow-minded? Boring? Clever? Reasonable? Explain your point of view.

9. Did any of your family or friends have to scrape their living at any time of their lives? Tell your partner about it.

10. Do you keep any cracked pottery or mirrors in your house? Why? Why not?


TASK 10. Choose the correct alternative for each of the following questions.


1. What did the three friends decide to do?

a) to eat in an old country inn

b) to cook for themselves on the open fire

c) to settle in an inn and have meals there

2. Which of the three friends peeled the potatoes?

a) Harris and the narrator

b) George and Harris

c) George and the narrator

3. What do “eyes” in the sentence “… by the time we had got all the peel off and all the eyes out, there was no potato left…” mean?

a) dirt

b) dark spots

c) bumps and hollows

4. Did they find peeling potatoes

a) difficult but possible

b) difficult and impossible

c) easy but boring

5. How many different ingredients that went into the stew did the narrator mention?

a) seven

b) eight

c) nine

6. Which of the things mentioned below did not go into the Irish stew?

a) beans

b) potted fish

c) eggs

7. Who was definitely in favour of including the water rat into the stew?

a) Montmorency and the narrator

b) Harris and George

c) Harris and Montmorency

8. Which of the three friends was against the experiment?

a) The narrator

b) George

c) Harris

9. What does the word “that” in the sentence “The peas and potatoes might have been a bit softer but we all had good teeth, so that did not matter much and as for the gravy it was a poem – a little too rich, perhaps, for a weak stomach, but nutritious” mean?

a) The fact that they all had good teeth

b) The fact that it was nourishing

c) The fact that peas and potatoes were hard to bite

10. What does the word “rich” in the sentence above mean?

a) with a taste like nothing else on earth

b) containing a lot of fat, oil or butter

c) containing a lot of spices

11. What do you think is the narrator’s attitude to George?

a) He respects him

b) He resents him

c) He makes fun of him


TASK 11. Translate into English using the active vocabulary.

1. Старий сільський готель потопав у квітах, та більш був схожий на маленький будиночок, ніж на звичайний готель. 2. – Про що так жваво говорять ці милі пані? – Я думаю, що вони розпускають плітки про своїх сусідів або співробітників. 3. Поблукавши по Лондону приблизно 4 години, ми були готові заночувати прямо на газоні Гайд-парку. 4.Молода дружина весело, майже грайливо розпочала роботу по дому, але після того як вона почистила овочі, прибрала кімнати та приготувала вечерю із залишків сніданку та обіду, її безтурботність зникла, і вона оголосила страйк. 5. Маленькі діти зазвичай виявляють великий інтерес до того, що роблять дорослі, та навіть звичайні банальні речі здаються їм новими і цікавими. 6. Виявилося, що Джордж чудовий кухар. Він приготував рагу зі свіжим та пікантним ароматом, зі смаком, не схожим ні на що інше. 7. Ніколи б не подумав, що серед інгредієнтів цієї незвичайної страви – лосось, горох та свинина. За смаком це було схоже на курку. Трохи жирнувато для тих, у кого слабкий шлунок, але дуже поживно. 8. У твоїй валізі ще багато місця. Чому б тобі не покласти туди все, що залишилось? 9. Про всяк випадок, я б на вашому місці позбавився компанії та провів залишок відпустки, зазнаючи усю красу самотності. 10. Так не згодиться! Ви просто марнуєте мій час. 11. Це страва з таким ароматом, який не можна ні з чим порівняти. 12. Після кафе грошей у нас не залишилося, і нам довелося йти пішки. 13. Чим більше я вас слухаю, тим більше вам співчуваю. 14. Він може відпускати жарти як ніхто другий, коли він у гарному настрої. 15. Він ледве зводить кінці з кінцями, тож не має сенсу пропонувати йому такі коштовні речі. 16. Ніколи б не подумав, що чистити картоплю – настільки важка справа.

2.2. Unit Two. “Encountering directors”

TASK 1. Read Bergman’s biography and answer the questions after it.


Ingmar Bergman


Ingmar Bergman was born in Uppsala, Sweden, on July 17, 1918. His father was a conservative parish minister with strict parenting concepts. Ingmar was locked up in dark closets for such “crimes” as wetting the bed. "While father preached away in the pulpit “, Ingmar wrote in his autobiography , "I devoted my interest to the church’s mysterious world of low arches, thick walls, the smell of eternity, the colored sunlight quivering above medieval paintings and carved figures on ceilings and walls. There was everything that one’s imagination could desire — angels, saints, dragons, prophets, devils, humans."

At the age of 9, he got a set of tin soldiers, the possession that altered the course of his life. He had created, by playing with this toy, a private world in which he felt completely at home. He made up his own scenery, marionettes and lighting effects and gave puppet productions of plays in which he spoke all the parts.

In 1937, he entered Stockholm University College , to study art and literature. He spent most of his time involved in student theatre and became a "genuine movie addict". Although he did not graduate, he wrote a number of plays, as well as an opera, and became an assistant director at a theater.

Bergman's film career began in 1941 with his rewriting of scripts, but his first major accomplishment was in 1944 when he wrote the screenplay for the film Torment. The international success of this film led to Bergman's first opportunity to direct a year later. During the next ten years, he wrote and directed more than a dozen films.

Bergman first achieved worldwide success with Smiles of a Summer Night (1955), which won for "Best poetic humor". This was followed by The Seventh Seal and Wild Strawberries, released in Sweden in 1957. These two films won numerous awards for Bergman.

On 30 January 1976, he was arrested and charged with income-tax evasion. The impact of the event on Bergman was devastating. He suffered a nervous break-down as a result of the humiliation and was hospitalized in a state of deep depression.

Even though the charges were dropped, Bergman was for a while disconsolate, fearing he would never again return to directing. Despite pleas by the Swedish high public figures, and leaders of the film industry, he vowed never to work again in Sweden. He closed down his studio and went into self-imposed exile in Munich, Germany.

In 1982, he temporarily returned to his homeland to direct Fanny and Alexander, a film that, unlike his previous productions, was aimed at a broader audience, but was also criticized for being shallow and commercial. Bergman stated that the film would be his last, and that afterwards he would focus on directingtheatre.

Bergman was married five times: the first four marriages ended in divorce, while the last ended when his wife died. Bergman had nine children that he acknowledged to be his own. He was married to all but one mothers of his children.

Bergman died peacefully in his sleep at his home on 30 July 2007, at the age of 89, the same day that an other renowned film director, Michaelangelo Antonioni, also died.

Bergman's films usually deal with existential question of mortality, loneliness, and religious faith.

Many film-makers have praised Bergman and cited his work as a major influence on their own:

Woody Allen: "probably the greatest film artist, all things considered, since the invention of the motion picture camera". Allen's films contain many echoes of Bergman's.

Krzysztof Kieslowski "This man is one of the few film directors – perhaps the only one in the world – to have said as much about human nature as Dostoevsky or Camus."


1. Compare Bergman’s biography with the preface to the lesson. Which important things about Bergman’s life, in your opinion, should have been included in the preface?

2. If you were to give a short version of Bergman/s biography, what would it be like? Try and write down the summary of it in about 50 words.

3. What is your general impression concerning Bergman’s life? Do you think he was happy with his life and creative activity? Explain your point of view

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