Read and translate the poem. Learn it by heart

This is used for one thing near

That means one thing over there

These andthose mean two or more

Those are far and these are near

Translate from Russian into English using demonstrative pronouns

1. Эти люди……………………………………………………………………...........................................

2. Та машина……………………………………………………………………..........................................

3. Тот дом………………………………………………………………………...........................................

4. Эта кошка……………………………………………………………………...........................................

5. Это – собака…………………………………………………………………...........................................

6. Это – кошка…………………………………………………………………….......................................

7. Эти деревья – зеленые………………………………………………………..........................................

8. Те тарелки большие, возьми их………………………….......................................................................

9. Это чашка. Дай мне ее, пожалуйста…………………………………………........................................

10. Тот мальчик большой и сильный……………………………………………........................................

11. Повар живет в этом доме…………………………………………………….........................................

12. Иди в ту комнату……………………………………………………………….......................................


Correct the mistakes

1. These girl is more beautiful than that one...................................................................................................

2. Those table is big........................................................................................................................................

3. That cats are white......................................................................................................................................

4. My sister lives in those house.....................................................................................................................

5. This cars are very expensive.......................................................................................................................

6. What is these?.............................................................................................................................................

7. This are my children...................................................................................................................................

8. These apple is big........................................................................................................................................

9. Those child is mine.....................................................................................................................................


Types of questions

Общий вопрос

Вспомогательный глагол – подлежащее – сказуемое – второстепенные члены предложения.

-He is a doctor

Is he a doctor?

-My daughter works near the cinema.

Does my daughter worknear the cinema?

-My father worked at the factory.

Did my father work at the factory?

-I have done my homework.

Have I done my homework?


· Вопрос выбора

Схема вопроса остается та же, но в нем обязательно должен присутствовать разделительный союз или = or

-Is he a doctor or a teacher?

-Does my daughter work near the cinema or near the bank?

Does my or your daughter work near the cinema?

Does my daughter work near the cinema or not?

-Did my father work at the factory or at the plant?

Did my father or my mother work at the factory?

Did my father work at the factory or not?

-Have I done my homework or my house work?

Have I done my homework or not?

· Краткий общий вопрос

Предложение в основном виде (т.е. подлежащее – сказуемое - второстепенные члены предложения) - запятая - вспомогательный глагол – подлежащее, выраженное местоимением.

-He is a doctor, isn’t he?

-My daughter works near the cinema, doesn’t she?

-My father worked at the factory, didn’t he?

-I have done my homework, haven’t I?

· Специальный вопрос

Вопросительное слово – вспомогательный глагол – подлежащее – сказуемое – второстепенные члены предложения

-Where does my daughter work?

-What does she do?

-Where did my father work?

-What did he do?

· Вопрос к подлежащему

Задается всегда без вспомогательного глагола!

-Who works near the cinema?

-Who worked at the factory?

The verb “to be” in the Present Simple Tense


I am                      We are

You are                You are

He, she, it is        They are


Insert the suitable form of the verb

You ….. a doctor.

They ….. students.

We aren’t singers, ….. we?

She ….. a cook.

It ….. a nice big dog.

That ….. a good idea.

I ….. a librarian, but my sisters ….. nurses.

 These boys ….. pupils.

….. your brother a teacher?

 ….. your uncle a mechanic?

 ….. your sisters dancers?


2. Change into pronouns and put the proper form of the verb “to be”

my mother………………………………

my teacher……………………………….

my sisters………………………………..

my friend and I…………………………..

My dogs …………………………………

Fred and Jim……………………………..

my old teacher……………………………

Tom and I………………………………..

two cats…………………………………..

a baby…………………………………….

Make up your own sentences changing nouns into pronouns and put the verb “to be” into correct form

Mother             a cook

Father               a pensioner

Wife                 an economist

Husband           a secretary

Son                   a schoolgirl

Daughter          a student

Brother             a teacher

Sisters               a computer operator

Cousins             a lawyer

Uncle                a worker

Aunt                  a dancer

Grandfather       a businessman


Translate from Russian into English

1. Я ученик. Я в школе.....…………………………………………………………………………….........

2. Мой брат художник. Он не инженер.………………………………………………………………......

3. Вы студент? – Нет, я врач........................................................................................................................

4. Мой дедушка ученый. Он очень умный и образованный....................................................................


5. Ваша мама дома? – Нет, она на работе. Она работает в школе. Она учитель....................................


6. Мой кот серый с белыми пятнами..........................................................................................................

7. Где ваш кот? – Он под столом. Он боится чужих.................................................................................


8. Чей это учебник? – Это мой учебник. …...…………………………………………………………….

9. Тот молодой человек известный актер. Он очень красивый и обаятельный......................................


10. Где мистер Браун? – Он в офисе. Он клерк.......………………………………………………………

The verb “to be” in the Past Simple Tense


I was                    We were

You were             You were

He, she, it was    They were

Put the verb to be in the Past Simple

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