Suggest the Russian for the following word combinations. to lower trade barriers; cutting tariffs and red tape; WTO’s mantra; to boost trade; intensifying protectionism; multilateral deal; to achieve a bargain;
to lower trade barriers; cutting tariffs and red tape; WTO’s mantra; to boost trade; intensifying protectionism; multilateral deal; to achieve a bargain; faltering recovery; potential gains; to place priority on improving the access to the market.
Exercise № 12
Give English equivalents to the following word combinations.
за счет кого-то; промышленные товары; подать жалобу; обрабатывающая промышленность; установить крайний срок; заключить сделку;либерализовать торговлю услугами, на долю которой приходится 20% мировой торговли.
Exercise № 13
Suggest – 1) предлагать, советовать;2) предполагать, высказывать предположение;3) означать, говорить, наводить (на мысль), давать возможность (основание) предположить
Translate the following sentences into Russian.
1. Policymakers confront a host of complex and interlocking challenges. Nothing that is now happening suggests they will be managed competently, let alone smoothly.
2. Figures released on April 2nd showed that annualgdp growth slowed to 5.2% in the fourth quarter, and initial evidence suggests a further deceleration this year.
3. With the world economy currently growing at 4.5%, thatsuggests the oil price would need to leap, probably above its 2008 peak of almost $150 a barrel, to fell the recovery.
4. Last week the central bank suggested it would ease monetary policy more cautiously than it had in recent months.
5. On the corporate side, trends in orders and shipments suggest that business investment in new equipment grew at a double-digit clip, even faster than in the second quarter.
6. There is evidence tosuggest that despite some areas of weakness, the economy may still be on course to grow too quickly for comfort.
7. Friday’s report suggests that August’s rise in unemployment, the only increase this year, was an isolated event and that Europe’s second-largest economy is continuing to create jobs.
8. The IMF suggests that Italian GDP may rise by just 0.3% next year, down a full percentage point from the 1.3% it predicted in June.
9. Industrial production continued to fall in August, suggesting that the economy may even have entered recession in the quarter.
10. Market indicators still suggest investors are worried about sluggish growth and deflation.
Exercise №14
Pattern – 1) образец, пример;2) путь, ход / направление развития, динамика, линия поведения;3) характерное развитие, тенденция, характер,4) рисунок, узор;5) кривая (графика);форма, схема, шаблон, модель;5) система;6) формула;7) порядок действий.
consumptionpattern- структура / модель потребления
employmentpattern- структура занятости
distributionpattern- схема распределения
billingpattern- порядок оплаты (счетов)
deliverypattern- организация поставок
competitivepattern- тип конкуренции
servicepattern- система обслуживания
patternsofownership- формы собственности
Translate the following sentences into Russian.
1. Consumer spending follows a regular seasonal pattern.
2. The store has set the pattern for others in customer service.
3. Economic history shows that the economy never grows in a smooth and even pattern.
4. Please indicate the colours and patterns of textiles that can be delivered immediately from stock.
5. A new and extensive analysis shows a pattern of risky lending that could generate $20 billion in losses and harm thousands of the nation’s most vulnerable borrowers.
6. Earlier this year, as the economy began to sputter, the сhairman of the Federal Reserve was asked about the historical evidence that recoveries from financial crises were always painfully slow. The Fed chairman responded that the pattern was clear but the reasons were not.
7. Germany’s economy is often more volatile than that of neighbours like France. Its specialization in investment goods, cars and other expensive consumer products makes the upswings higher but downturns sharper. That pattern may now be broken. As Europe slides, Germany is likely to sink less than the others.
8. New trade patterns reinforce the downward pressure on prices.
9. Consumptionpatterns are one of the most important drivers of developmentpatterns in the industrialised world.
10. Changes in employment patterns may reflect the fact that the world of work is characterised by intense competition and constant change, in which both employers and employees face increasing risk and uncertainty.
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