Translate the following sentences into Russian. 1. Collectively, emerging economies have run a current-account surplus for six consecutive years, having been in deficit for most of the previous 20

1. Collectively, emerging economies have run a current-account surplus for six consecutive years, having been in deficit for most of the previous 20.

2. All this is bad news for auto makers who were counting on emerging markets like Brazil to rev up profits in the coming decades.

3. For one thing, the euro area’s exports to America amount to only 2.5% of its GDP, so even a sharp fall in American imports would have a limited impact on Europe’s overall output.

4. For all the breathless headlines, Europe’s leaders are a long way from a deal on how to save the euro.

5. This matters for Russia and also for the world. For not only is Russia one of the two largest oil producers in the world, it is also one of the largest exporters, at nearly five million barrels a day.

6. The recession in the UK could have been deeper but forthe measures taken by the government.

7. For all its shortcomings, the euro still accounts for a quarter of the world’s reserves.

8. And that is one reason to be more optimistic about the outcome. For private firms possess one trait identified as an ingredient of success: technique.

9. The chief economist of the Bank of England has proposed eliminating cash as part of a plan to permit negative interest rates. Yet for all its detractors, cash is puzzlingly resilient.

10. Output prices have fallen for 41 straight months, a symptom of overcapacity in much of China’s heavy industry.

Exercise № 17

But1) в качестве предлога переводится на русский язык: кроме, за исключением;2) в качестве союза – а) но, а, однако, тем не менее;б) если не, как не, чтобы не;3) в качестве наречия – только, лишь;

allbut –1) почти, едва не…;2) все кроме, за исключением;

anythingbut –далеко не;все что угодно, только не;

butfor если бы не, кроме, без, не считая, за исключением, если не считать;

canbut – а) во всяком случае, по крайней мере;б) только;

cannotbut – не может не.

Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Financial markets have calmed;Asia is showing signs of improvement;and the US economy continues to speed away. These positive developments are the beginning of a global economic revival. But the road to recovery may not be a smooth one.

2. “Spain is doing a lot of the things Germany did ten years ago,but in a much shorter time span and tougher global conditions,” chief economist at Morgan Stanley says, pointing to falling labour costs, rising exports and booming Spanish car factories.

3. Plenty of people on Wall Street and in Corporate America have all butgiven up on seeing the rapid gains of productivity that the US witnessed in the late 1990s.

4. Some experts praised Russia’s development, saying it was anything butsluggish or socialist.

5. Trade links enabled developing economies simply to join existing supply chains rather than build an entire industry from the ground up. But for those connections, the Chinese miracle might have been much less miraculous.

6. At a time when markets seem to deliver nothing but bad news, the expectation of bumper harvest in the northern hemisphere is a rare source of cheer.

7. European Central Bank interest rate cut shows economic recovery anything but secure.

8. In all but the rarest instances, tariffs hurt the country that imposes them, as their costs outweigh their benefits.

9. We can but hope that economy will improve this year.

10. The point is that economic reforms cannot be limited to the national stage for the same reason that economic agents cannot but operate beyond national borders.

11. There are those who really believe putting Asda into the Wal-Mart network will result in anything but success.


III. Причастия в функции союзов и предлогов

Exercise № 18

Причастия в функции союзов вводят условные, причинно-следственные и уступительные придаточные предложения. На русский язык они переводятся следующим образом: provided/providing, granted/granting─ при условии, принимая во внимание;supposing, assuming ─ если, допустим, предположим, что;seeing─ поскольку, принимая во внимание, учитывая, ввиду того что.

Причастия в функции предлогов стоят перед существительными и переводятся следующим образом: given ─ при наличии, учитывая, если учесть;failing ─ при отсутствии, в случае отсутствия, ввиду отсутствия, за неимением;regarding, considering, respecting ─ относительно;following ─ вслед за, после;barring ─ кроме, за исключением, исключая, если исключить, если не.

Given, failing, barring с относящимися к ним словам могут переводиться условным придаточным предложением.

Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 601; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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