Ex. 3. What would you say if you took part in these dialogues? Dramatize them
A.I have got the application form Moscow University recently. But I have some questions about its structure. Can you explain me what I should write in the section Academic background?
A.Is it enough to mention only my recent position and the company where I work now?
B.I don’t think so, because………………………………………………………..
A.I see that you haven’t filled in the section Professional background. Have you got any difficulties with it?
B.You are right. Can you help me with…………………………………………..
A.I started to write my Personal Essay yesterday. If you don’t mind I’d like you to read it and give me you remarks.
B.I’ll do it with pleasure. I suppose that………………………………………….
Ex. 4. Using the application form from the previous task fill the application form in as if you were the applicant.
British Chevening Scholarship
Part A. Personal Details
Family name:…………………………………………………………………………………………
(as on passport)
Other names:…………………………………………………………………………………………
Title:……….. Mr…………..Mrs…….….. Miss………... Ms…………. Dr
Sex: ……………………. Male …………………..Female
Place of birth:……………………………...……. Date of Birth:……………………………………
Status:………….. Single ………..…… Married……..……... Divorced………….….. Widowed
Address for correspondence in home country………………………………………………………….
Telephone number……………………………………………………………………………………..
Part B. Academic background
Please list all academic qualifications obtain since completing your secondary education, stating the institutions attended, the main subjects of study and when the main courses started and finished. Please indicate with an asterisk* those courses which were entirely or mainly English medium – i.e. where the language of instruction or supervision was English:
Qualification Instruction Subject Form To (including class or level) |
Please attach photocopies of all relevant academic certificates or transcripts, with accompanying translations into English, if they are written in another language.
Part C. Professional Background
Please list all positions helped since completing your secondary education:
Position Organization/Institution From To |
Part D. Proposed Course of Study in the UK
What qualification would you like to obtain and in what subjects? If there are alternatives to your first choice, please states order of preference. If you wish to conduct research rather that obtain a formal qualification, please state so clearly.
At which institution would you like to study or conduct research? If you have no particular preferences and would like the British Council to identify a suitable institution for you, please do not complete this section.
Are you applying for a fully funded British Chevening Scholarship?
……………Yes ………………No
If not, how do you propose to supplement your scholarship?
Have you already been in contact with the institution of your choice?
……………Yes ………………No
Have you ever studied in the UK?
……………Yes ………………No
Have you ever visited the UK on holiday or for other purposes?
……………Yes ………………No
If so, please indicate when and what the purpose of your visit was.
Are you applying for any other scholarships or awards to study in the UK, to be funded either by the British Government or by other institutions or foundations?
……………Yes ………………No
If so, please give full details.
Pleas attach letter from two referees (both of whom should be professional or academic) in support of your application for a British Chevening Scholarship. Please provide details of the two referees below. If you are unable to attach letters from your referees, please ask them to write to us as soon as possible.
First Referee
Title and name………………………………………………………………………………………….
How long have you know this referee? ..................................................................................................
What is his/her professional relationship to you? ..................................................................................
Second Referee (the same information)
*Finally, please state in not more than 1000 words in the space provided below
a) why you wish to study in the UK
b) why you wish to obtain the qualification listed as your first choice in Part D of this form, and
c) how you think you will benefit in terms of career and personal development from obtaining this qualification once you have returned to your home country.
Please also give full details of any particular areas on which you would like to concentrate while in the UK as part of your course of study or research.
Date………………………… Signature……………………..........
Ex. 5. * As you see the last section of Part D is a section for Personal Essay. The institution provides you with a special plan how to write it. Write your Personal Essay following their instructions concerning the content and the quantity of words.
Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 427; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы! |
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