Ex. 3. What would you say if you took part in these dialogues? Dramatize them

A.I don’t know personally the Managing Director of your company, but I’ve heard that he is a perfect specialist with big experience. Can you tell me what his responsibilities include now?

B.I’m pleased to help you understand…………………………………………….

A.I can understand why you have so many departments: Finance, Sales, Marketing, Production, Research and Development, Personnel. But who leads their work in the company?

B.It’s very simple…………………………………………………………………

A.You are a Sales Manager at this firm. I see that every day you work since morning till night, you travel frequently to the customers. What duties do you have at the firm? Who is your chief?

B.I agree with you, it’s a hard work but very interesting………………………...

A.Why do you have such a big Finance Department at your company? I counted 12 people there. I know who is the Chief Accountant and what are his responsibilities. But I see you have also the Cash Accountant, the Treasurer, the Statutory Accountant, etc. What do you all the people do there?

B.You are quite right but don’t forget that………………………………………..




The application form usually includes the following sections: general information about the institution, benefits, responsibilities, applicants’ criteria, closing date for applications.

    The application form contains usually:

Personal details(data):

Family name/ legal name (last, first, middle)

Title (Mr., Mrs., Miss., Ms., Dr.)

Sex (male, female)

Permanent home address, phone/fax number or Present address

Place and data of birth

Marital status (single, married, divorced, widowed)

Military status

Academic backgroundusually includes all academic qualifications obtained since completing secondary education, stating the institutions attended the main subjects of study and when the main courses started and finished. Usually the applicants attach photocopies of all relevant academic certificates or transcripts, with accompanying translations into English, if they are issued in another language.

    Professional backgroundlisting all positions held since completing secondary education.

    Residency issues(citizenship, permanent residence status, previous country of residence).

    Proposed course of study:What qualifications you like to obtain, in what subjects?

    At which institution would you like to study or conduct research? Are you applying for a fully funded scholarship?

    Often the applicants are asked to attach letters from two referees(both of whom should be professional or academic) in support of the application, sometimes it’s necessary to attach the Personal Essays. The Personal Essays provides individualized information about the applicant, his/her ambitions, interest.

    At the end you can find applicant’s obligationswhile studying. All the application forms should be filled in clearly or typed.


Vocabulary notes

fill in the form – заполнить форму

application form – заявление, бланк

provide specific information – обеспечить специфическую информацию

formalize information – формализовать информацию

data processing – обработка данных

benefits – преимущества, привилегии

criteria– критерии

closing data of applications – окончательная дата (срок) присылки документов

male – (пол) мужской

female – (пол) женский

permanent home address – постоянный домашний адрес

single– неженатый/не замужем

married– женатый/замужем

divorced– разведенный

widowed– вдовый

title – титул

military status – воинское звание

academic background – образование

complete secondary education – получить среднее образование

attach photocopy – приложить фотокопию

academic certificate - диплом

transcript(s) – копия

residency – страна проживания

citizenship – гражданство

residence status – местожительства

obtain qualification – получить квалификацию

conduct research – проводить исследование

apply for a scholarship – подавать документы (претендовать) на получение стипендии

referee – рекомендодатель

personal essay – автобиография, эссе

obligation – обязательство


Ex. 1. Translate the sentences into Russian:

a) Have you filled in the application form you got yesterday?

b) I read all the general information about the University, its benefits and my responsibilities.

c) What is the closing date (deadline) for my application?

d) Don’t forget to mention your permanent home address and telephone number.

e) What should I write in the section “Military status”?

f) Do you have any academic qualification?

g) I attached the photocopy of my academic certificate to my application form.

h) I’d like to continue my studies and conduct my research work at Oxford University.


Ex. 2. Make up sentences with the following words and word combinations:

a) to fill in (the form), to fill a glass with water;

b) to provide (information), to provide with books;

c) to be responsible, responsibilities;

d) to attach (photocopy, Personal Essay, documents);

e) residency, residence, to be resident of;

f) to obtain (qualification, experience).


Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 475; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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