IV. Работайте в парах. Составьте вопросы, поставив слова в соответствии с правилом составления вопросительных предложений. Проверьте свои ответы с ответами партнёра: 

1. Parts, of, plant, may, purposes, what, the, used, be, for, medicinal?

2. When, collected, different, are, plant, parts, of?

3. Preservation, why, storage, important, proper, and, of, a drug, are?

4. Do, the drugs, affect, moisture, how, air, light, and?

5. The, odour, drug, does, of, a plant, depend on, what?

6. Substances, classified, according to, are, how, taste?

7. What, included, physical, in, properties, are, description, the, drugs, of?

V. Закончите предложения:

1. Кто helped you to prepare this solution?

2. Почему did the doctor prescribe him this ointment?

3. Где do you keep this powder?

4. Что do we call a  combination of two or more substances without any chemical reactions?

5. Сколько drops are necessary for a child?

6. Чьи capsules are these?

7. I don’t know сколько it will cost.

VI. Переведите предложения с заменителями модальных глаголов. Укажите, какой модальный глагол заменён в каждом из предложений:

1.The patients aren’t allowed to take medicines themselves at the in-patients departments.

2. She had to take the pills twice a day.

3. He will be allowed to prepare a suspension next week.

4. Who is able to differentiate between hard capsules and soft capsules?

5. In some countries you are not allowed to buy medicines if you are not 18 years old.

6.We’ll have to decide whether it is a tincture or a solution.

7. They were able to powder the drug.

VII. Прочтите следующую информацию. Ответьте на поставленные вопросы устно:

There are many different types of medicines available to us today, some of which cure diseases while others make us feel better and able to carry on with our lives. They can be represented in various forms. What kinds of medicinal forms do you know? Which of them do you prefer when you are unwell? Why?

VIII. Прочтите и запомните следующие формы медикаментов:

There are the most common medicinal forms: tablets, pills, capsules, powder, solution, decoction, mixture, tincture, drops, suppositories, ointments.

IX. Запомните некоторые определения:

o Any chemically and physically homogeneous mixture of 2 or more substances is a solution.

o A tablet is the most common form of medication in a dry state. (a synonym is a pill).

o There are two forms of capsules, hard capsules and soft capsules. Hard capsules are for powders or semi-solid preparations and soft capsules for liquids.

o Ointments are semi-solid preparations for external application.

o Alcoholic or hydro alcoholic solutions prepared from animal or vegetable drugs or from chemical substances are tinctures.

o A drop is a dosage unit of a liquid medication.

o Powder is dry homogeneous mixture of fine particles of one or more substances.

o Decoction is dried parts of herbs infused in hot water.

o A combination of two or more substances without any chemical reactions is a mixture.

o A medicinal preparation in solid form suitable for insertion into a body cavity (rectum or vagina) is called a suppository.

o A suspension is obtained when comparatively large particles are mixed in water.

Besides you can find the following forms at the pharmacy:

dragee- драже; infusion- раствор для капельного введения, настой (напр.,трав);

extract - экстракт, вытяжка; syrup–сироп; spray, aerosol- аэрозоль;

liniment–линимент; emulsion–эмульсия; pessaries–пессарий; paste –паста;

lotion–лосьон; cream- крем; plaster -пластырь; dust–присыпка;

bolus - лекарственное средство в форме шарика, болюс.

X. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетaния:

1.аптека- pharmacy, chemist's (shop)

2.отдел ручной продажи- chemist's department

3.провизор, фармацевт- pharmacist

4.рецепт- prescription

5.рецептурный отдел- prescription department

6.отпускать лекарства- to dispense drugs (medicines)

7.побочное действие лекарственного средства- adverse effect of a drug

8.терапевтическое действие - therapeutic action of a drug

9.лекарственное средство для внутреннего (наружного) применения–drug for internal (external) use

10.принимать лекарство- to take a drug

каждый час –every hour

натощак - on an empty stomach

перед едой- before meals; после еды - after meals

по одной столовой ложке 2 раза в день –a tablespoon twice a day

11.капли–drops; накапать 7 капель- to drop seven drops

12.мазь- ointment; намазать мазь- to put the ointment on…

13.микстура- mixture

Встряхнуть бутылку с микстурой перед использованием - to shake the bottle with the mixture before use

14.настойка- tincture;

принять 10 капель настойки- to take ten drops of the tincture

15.отвар- decoction

Давать отвар 3 раза в день после еды- to give decoction three times a day after meal

16.пилюля- pill; обезболивающая пилюля- pain-relieving pill

17.порошок- powder; сложный порошок- compound powder

18.присыпка- dust, powder

19.раствор- solution

Давать раствор в соответствии с предписанием врача- to give solution according to the doctor's instruction

20.свеча- suppository; применять свечи - to use suppositories

21.таблетка- tablet, полтаблетки- a half tablet

Принимать таблетки 3 раза в день - to take tablets three times a day

таблетка, покрытая оболочкой–coated tablet

22.растирать лекарство в порошок –to powder a drug

23.настой - infusion; настой из трав — herbal potion

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