Text B. Classification of the Elements

Several years later, in 1864, J.A.R. Newlands proposed a system of classification of the elements in the order of increasing atomic weights, the elements being assigned ordinal numbers from unity upward and divided into seven groups having properties closely related to the first seven of the elements then known: hydrogen, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. This relationship was termed the law of octaves, by analogy with the seven intervals of the musical scale.

Then in 1869, as a result of an extensive correlation of the properties and the atomic weights of the elements, with special attention to valency (that is, the number of single bonds the element can form), Mendeleyev proposed the periodic law, by which “the elements arranged according to the magnitude of atomic weights show a periodic change of properties.” Lothar Meyer had independently reached a similar conclusion, published after the appearance of Mendeleyev’s paper. 

II. Write the names of the following chemical elements using symbols and formulas:

 helium, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, iron, lead, ammonia, cirate, ferric hydroxide, ferric sulfate, zinc oxide, sodium hydroxide, copper, potassium, sodium chloride, mercury



Грамматика:степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий; греко-латинские терминоэлементы


Запомните:суффикс – ar  является суффиксом прилагательных;

cуффикс – ive образует прилагательные от глаголов

I. 1. Прочитайте и переведите:

cellular, ventricular, corpuscular, muscular, vascular, regular, particular

2. Прочитайте и переведите:

effective, preventive, active. infective, penetrative, reactive, coagulative, hypertensive, successive, connective, attentive, constructive, collective, decisive

II. 1. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень данных прилагательных.

easy, bad, beautiful, big, difficult, expensive, good, hot, important, little, long, nice, old, rude, small, short, tall, strong, sunny, rainy.

III. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по образцу. Переведите получившиеся предложения.

Образец: I have a thin book. And what about Bill (Tom)? Bill has a thinner book, and Tom has the thinnest book.

  1. Doctor Black is a good doctor. And what about Dr. Brown and Dr. Smith?
  2. Peter’s brother is young. And what about Bill’s and Tom’s brother?
  3. I have many friends. And what about Mary and Jane?
  4. Nick’s translation is bad. And what about Bill’s and Henry’s translation?
  5. It was cold yesterday. And what about the day before yesterday?
  6. This mountain is high. And what about Everest?
  7. English is a difficult language. And what about Chinese and Japanese languages?
  8. I have a good dictionary. And what about Mike’s and Andrew’s dictionaries?

IV. Поставьте прилагательное или наречие в соответствующую форму.

1) Every morning I get up 10 minutes_____ (early) than my sister.

2) What are the_____ (dangerous) animals in Australia?

3) I can run as_____ (fast) as my elder brother.

4) You should buy the blue sweater. It suits you_____ (good) than the red one and I think it fits_____ (perfect)

5) If you worked_____ (careful), you would make_____ (few) mistakes.

6) Joy Fielding writes the_____ (exciting) books I've ever read.

7) Caroline is the_____ (pretty) dressed girl in this room.

8) Vienna is the_____ (large) city  in Austria.

9) Please, speak_____ (clear), I_____ (hard) understand the instructions.

10) Bob ran_____ (slow) than his classmates.

11) Jo is the_____ (good) footballer in my team and he plays very_____ (fair)

V.  Употребите либо as … as, либо not so … as  в следующих предложениях.

Образец: Ben Nevis is __________ as Mont Blanc (not/high).

              Ben Nevis is not as high as Mont Blanc.

1) The blue car is__________ the red car. (fast)

2) Peter is__________ Fred. (not/tall)

3) The violin is__________ the cello. (not/low)

4) This copy is__________ the other one. (bad)

5) Oliver is__________ Peter. (optimistic)

6) Today it's__________ yesterday. (not/windy)

7) The tomato soup was__________ the mushroom soup. (delicious)

8) Grapefruit juice is__________ lemonade. (not/sweet)

9) Nick is__________ Kevin. (brave)

10) Silver is__________ gold. (not/heavy)

VI. Соедините в пары названия органов и тканей человеческого организма и прилагательные, образованные от них с помощью латинско-греческих терминоэлементов.

  1. blood vessel
  2. liver
  3. blood
  4. stomach
  5. lung
  6. skin
  7. mouth
  8. brain
  9. joint
  10.  eye
  11.  cheek
  12.  tongue
  13.  nose
  14.  ear
  15.  neck
  16.  heart
  17.  kidney
A. vascular B. pulmonary C. hematic D. oral E. hepatic F. gastric G. otic H. ophthalmic I. cutaneous, dermal J. arthral K. cardiac L. buccal M.cervical N. (sub-) lingual O. nasal P. cerebral Q. renal


VII. Прочитайте слова, запомните их произношение и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

characteristic, unique, symbol, original, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, Latin, fundamental, compound, methane, formula, molecule, sodium chloride, positive, negative, discussed, substance, covalent, ionic, alphabet, synthesized, mixture

VIII. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

a compound – соединение

universe – вселенная

in pure form – в чистой форме

a sample – образец

to constitute – составлять

is designated – соответствующий; предназначенный

current – находящийся в обращении; текущий

respectively – относительно, соответственно

in the ratio – в соотношении

to indicate – указывать, обозначать

species – вид; род; порода; разновидность

IX. Прочтите и переведите текст А:

Text A. Chemical Compounds

All the matter in the universe is composed of the atoms of more than 100 different chemical elements, which are found both in pure form and combined in chemical compounds. A sample of any given pure element is composed only of the atoms characteristic of that element, and the atoms of each element are unique. For example, the atoms that constitute carbon are different from those that make up iron, which are, in turn, different from those of gold. Every element is designated by a unique symbol consisting of one, two, or three letters arising from either the current element name or its original (often Latin) name. For example, the symbols for carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are simply C,H, and O, respectively. The symbol for iron is Fe, from its original Latin name ferrum. The fundamental principle of the science of chemistry is that the atoms of different elements can combine with one another to form chemical compounds. Methane, for example, which is formed from the elements carbon and hydrogen in the ratio four hydrogen atoms for each carbon atom, is known to contain distinct CH molecules. The formula of a compound – such as CH – indicates the types of atoms present, with subscripts representing the relative numbers of atoms (although the numeral 1 is written).

Water, which is a chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen atom, contains H2O molecules. Sodium chloride is a chemical compound formed from sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) in a 1:1 ratio. Although the formula for sodium chloride is NaCl, the compound does not contain actual NaCl molecules. Rather, it contains equal numbers of sodium ions  with a charge of positive one (Na+) and chloride ions with a charge of negative one (Cl-). ( The process for changing uncharged atoms to ions (i.e., species with a positive or negative net charge] will be discussed below).

The substances mentioned above exemplify the two basic types of chemical compounds: molecular (covalent) and ionic. Methane and water are composed of molecules – that is, they are molecular compounds. Sodium chloride, on the other hand, contains ions – it is an ionic compound.

The atoms of various chemical elements can be likened to the letters of the alphabet: just as the letters of the alphabet are combined to form thousands of words, the atoms of the elements can combine in various ways to form a myriad of compounds. In fact, there are millions of chemical compounds known, and many more millions are possible but have not yet been discovered or synthesized. Most substances found in nature – such as wood, soil, and rocks – are mixtures of chemical compounds.

 X. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. How many chemical elements are there in the universe?

2. How is every element designated by?

3. What is the fundamental principle of the science of chemistry?

4. What are the two basic types of chemical compounds?

5. What can the atoms of various elements be likened to?

6. What are most substances found in nature?


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