Specify WEB service in a cloud technology
Cloud computing is the use of computing (hardware and that are delivered as a network (typical the Internet). The name comes from the use a cloud-shared symbol as an abstraction for the complex infrastructure contains in system diagrams. Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a users data software and computation.
There are many types of public cloud computing.
· Infrastructure as service (IaaS)
· Platform as a service (PaaS)
· Software as a service (SaaS)
· Store as a service ( STaaS)
· Security as a service (SECaaS)
The business model using software as a service users also rent application software and databases. The cloud croviders manage the infrastructure and platforms on which the application.
Web services and Cloud Computing
The following Venn diagram illustrates the relationships among Web Services, service-oriented architecture (SOA), and Cloud Computing . Web Services encapsulates Cloud Computing in this diagram because Cloud Computing uses Web Services for connection (you might find exceptions, but they are rare. It is possible, however ,to use Web Services in situation other than Cloud Computing. Such use of Web Services may be part of a service-oriented architecture ,but it may not. Web Services could be simply be a connection. Finally, it is possible to have a service-oriented architecture and not use Web Services for connections.
Specify design and organization of e-learning
Specify Design and organization of e-learning.
The delivery of a learning,training or education program by electronic means.E-learning involves the use of a computer or electronic device in some way to provide training, educational or learning material.
E-learning can involve a greater variety of equipment than online training or education, for as the name implies, *online* involves using the Internet or an Intranet. CD-ROM and DVD can be used to provide learning materials.
Distance education provided the base for e-learning's development. E-learning can be *on demand*. It overcomes timimg, attendance and travel difficulties.
As you increase the number of eLearning options available for your staff or students, you have probably given much thought to your overall eLearning system design. Having a friendly aesthetic and being easy to use are important features of your learning management system (LMS). Taking the time to set up an interface that works for your learners as well as training coordinators will go a long way toward acceptance and use of your LMS.
Elements of information infrastructure of electronic business.
Design and implementation of the electronic government.
Design and implementation of the electronic government.
E-gov strategies (or digital government) is defined as "The employment of the Internet and the world-wide- web for delivering government information and services to the citizens.
E-Government (short for electronic government, also known as e-gov, Internet government, digital government, online government, or connected government) consists of the digital interactions between a government and citizens (G2C), government and businesses/Commerce (G2B), government and employees (G2E), and also between government and governments /agencies (G2G).
Advantages of E-Government Implementation: Advantages and benefits of e-government implementation are the same for both developed and developing countries . However, e-government applications have many benefits for citizens, business and government entities. E-government applications allow people, businesses, and government sectors to access to available government information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which improves the quality of these services . According to implementation of e-government will reduce cost and levels of organizational processes by streamlining and re- organizing operating procedures. Moreover, the using of e-government systems will improve the performance of government agencies and that it will deliver the public service effectively and efficiently for all customers . In addition, declared that e-government has great benefits regarding economizing and improving of governments service operations, including efficiency, reduced transactional costs, increase the transparency and increased services for citizens. Furthermore, identifies e- government benefits as follows: reduction of customers’ and organizations’ time, effort and costs improvement of service delivery and citizens’ satisfaction increase of users’ ICT skills , internet knowledge and computer usage. creation of new business and work opportunities
In addition identified many advantages of e-government implementation such as: improves efficiency of government agencies in processing of data improves services through better understanding of users’ requirements, thus aiming for seamless online services.Share information and ideas between all government agencies and department to build one mega data base. assists a government’s economic policy objectives by promoting productivity gains inherent in ICT and e-commerce. Helps in building trust between governments and citizens, an essential factor in good governance by using internet- based strategies to involve citizens in the policy process, illustrating government transparency and accountability
Дата добавления: 2018-02-15; просмотров: 2289; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы! |

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