Find 15 words from the active vocabulary in the puzzle.



Пермь 2020

Составители: Лямова О.О. - доцент кафедры иностранных языков ФГБОУ ВО «ПГМУ им. ак. Е.А. Вагнера» Минздрава России; Титова З.В. – старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков ФГБОУ ВО «ПГМУ им. ак. Е.А. Вагнера» Минздрава России

Под редакцией: С.Т. Краснобаевой




Anatomy of the human body. Методические рекомендации для формирования и совершенствования лексических навыков английского языка по теме «Анатомия человеческого тела» / сост. Лямова О.О., Титова З.В. – Пермь: ФГБОУ ВО «ПГМУ имени академика Е.А. Вагнера» Минздрава России, 2020. – ??? с.

Методические рекомендации предназначены для студентов 1-го курса медицинского вуза с целью формирования и совершенствования лексических навыков по программной теме «Анатомия человеческого тела». Рекомендации предусматривают изучение, систематизацию и активизацию терминологической и общенаучной лексики, необходимой для описания строения основных систем человеческого тела на английском языке.

Методические рекомендации содержат 8 разделов, каждый их которых посвящен отдельной анатомической системе и включает: 1) тематический лексикон, 2) упражнения на его тренировку и закрепление, 3) задание на контроль. Лексический материал изложен системно, последовательно, задания сформулированы четко.

Методические рекомендации могут быть использованы как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы над языком.


Рецензент: зав. кафедрой русского языка как иностранного, к.п.н., доцент Гаспарян Лариса Алексеевна

Печатается по решению центрального координационного методического совета ФГБОУ ВО «ПГМУ имени академика Е.А. Вагнера» Минздрава России (протокол № … от … г.)



Лямова О.О., Титова З.В., 2020

ФГБОУ ВО ПГМУ им. ак. Е.А. Вагнера



Уважаемые студенты, предлагаемые методические рекомендации предназначены для изучения медицинской терминологии английского языка по теме «Анатомия человеческого тела». Выполнение заданий настоящего пособия поможет вам освоить базовый лексикон, необходимый для описания строения основных структур человеческого организма на английском языке. Каждый раздел методических рекомендаций посвящен отдельной анатомической системе и включает: 1) тематический лексикон, 2) упражнения на его тренировку и закрепление, 3) задание на контроль.

Инструкция к выполнению

При работе с пособием авторы рекомендуют придерживаться следующего алгоритма:

1. изучите предлагаемую тематическую лексику, пользуясь, при необходимости, словарем, представленным в конце пособия;

2. выполните задания на тренировку и закрепление тематической лексики;

3. выполните тестовое задание в конце пособия.

Рекомендуемое время выполнения – 30 - 45 минут на одну тему. Результат проверяется по ключам в конце пособия. При наличии ошибок необходимо повторить лексикон и выполнить задание правильно еще раз.



Желаем успеха!                                                                                Авторы    




ankle [ˈæŋkl] -

arm [ɑːm] -

armpit [ˈɑːmpɪt] -

back [bæk] -

body [ˈbɒdɪ] -

breast [brɛst] -

calf [kɑːf] -

cheek [ʧiːk] -

chin [ʧɪn] -

ear [ɪə] -

elbow [ˈɛlbəʊ] -

eye [aɪ] -

eyebrow [ˈaɪbraʊ] -

face [feɪs] -

finger / toe [ˈfɪŋgə, təʊ]

foot [fʊt]-

forehead [ˈfɒrɪd] -

hair [heə] -

hand [hænd] -

head [hɛd] -

heel [hiːl] -

hip [hɪp] -

knee (knee cap) [niː]-

leg [lɛg] -

loin [lɔɪn] –

mouth [maʊθ] -

navel (belly button) [ˈneɪvəl,ˈbɛli ˈbʌtn] –

neck [nɛk] -

nose [nəʊz] -

palm [pɑːm] -

shin [ʃɪn] -

shoulder [ˈʃəʊldə] -

sole[səʊl] -

stomach (tummy,belly) [ˈstʌmək,ˈtʌmi, ˈbɛli]-

throat [θrəʊt] -

thumb [θʌm] -

trunk [trʌŋk] -

waist [weɪst] -


1. Match the synonyms.

1 body A lower back
2 mouth B oral cavity
3 stomach C lower limb
4 navel D larynx
5 chest E thorax
6 throat F trunk
7 thigh G belly button
8 loin H hip
9 arm I tummy
10 leg J upper limb

2. Match the opposite words.

1 arm a big toe
2 thumb B lower
3 palm C foot
4 upper D leg
5 shin E back
6 chest F toe
7 finger G loin
8 hand H calf
9 elbow I sole
10 stomach J knee

3. Distribute the words from the box into three columns.

finger  head    loin leg hair  forehead belly button    eye knee  eyebrow     tummy  ear     nose     palm hip     cheek ankle   thumb    mouth sole   toe   chin          foot chest arm shin shoulder armpit calf elbow heel breast back hand


4. Find one odd out in every line.

1 hair face eyebrow leg eyelash
2 breast heel stomach navel waist
3 throat shoulder armpit palm thumb
4 arm elbow hand wrist neck
5 back loin finger belly belly button
6 ear breast eye nose mouth
7 leg hip knee finger foot
8 forehead chin cheek Jaw chest
9 shin tummy calf ankle sole

5. Fill in the crossword.

5 8
1 10 15
4 1 2
3 4
6 9
6 11 13
2 10 11
12 12
13 14


1. The part of the face above the eyes.

2. The organ through which a person breathes and smells.

3. The upper part of the tube which goes down from the mouth to the stomach.

4. The end part of the leg on which a person stands.

5. One of two fleshy parts of the face on each side of the nose.

6. The round top part of the body, which contains the eyes, nose, mouth, etc.

7. The physical structure of a person, as opposed to the mind.

8. The part of the body with which a person or animal walks and stands.

9. The hollow under the shoulder, between the upper arm and the body, where the upper arm joins the shoulder, containing several important blood vessels, lymph nodes and sweat glands. Also called axilla.

10. The part of the body from the shoulder to the hand, formed of the upper arm, the elbow and the forearm.

11. The scar with a depression in the middle of the abdomen where the umbilical cord was detached after birth. Also called umbilicus.

12. The muscular fleshy part at the back of the lower leg, formed by the muscles.

13. The part of the body from the neck downwards to the waist, which is made up of the spine and the bones attached to it.

14. The inner surface of the hand, extending from fingers to the wrist.

15. The organ on the side of the head which is used for hearing.


1. The bottom part of the face, beneath the mouth.

2. The part of the body where the foot is connected to the leg.

3. The front part of the head, where the eyes, nose and mouth are placed.

4. One of the five parts at the end of the hand, but usually not including the thumb.

5. A hinged joint where the upper arm bone joins the forearm bones.

6. One of the five separate parts at the end of the foot.

7. The round ball of tissue through which light passes, located in the eye socket and controlled by various muscles.

8. An opening at the head of the alimentary canal, through which food and drink are taken in, and through which a person speaks and can breathe.

9. The part of the body with which a person sees.

10. The part of the arm, beyond the wrist, which is used for holding things

11. The lower back part of the body above the buttocks.

12. The narrow part of the body below the chest and above the buttocks.

13. A joint where the top of the arm joins the main part of the body.

14. The part of the body which joins the head to the body.

15. The short thick finger, with only two bones, which is separated from the other four fingers on the hand.



bone [bəʊn] - 

breastbone [ˈbrestbəʊn] -

cartilage [ˈkɑːtəlɪdʒ] -

cervical [`sə:vɪkəl] -

chest / thorax [tʃest, ˈθɔː.ræks] -

coccyx [ˈkɒksɪks] -

collar-bone [ˈkɒləbəʊn] -

cranial [ˈkreɪniəl] -

extremity/limb [ɪkˈstremɪti, lɪm]-

eyeball [ˈaɪbɔːl] –

facial [ˈfeɪʃəl] - 

forearm [ˈfɔːrɑːm] -

joint [dʒɔɪnt] - 

ligament [ˈlɪɡəmənt] -

lumbar [ˈlʌmbər] - 

oral cavity [ˈɔːrəl `kævɪtɪ] -

orbit [ˈɔːbɪt] - 

pelvis [ˈpelvɪs] -

rib [rɪb] -

sacral [ˈseɪkrəl] - 

shoulder [ˈʃəʊldə] -

shoulder-blade [ˈʃəʊldəbleɪd] -

skeleton [ˈskelɪtən] -

skull [skʌl] - 

spinal / vertebral column [ˈspaɪnəl, ˈvɜːtibrəl ˈkɒləm] -

spine / backbone [spaɪn, ˈbækbəʊn] -

thigh [θaɪ] -

thoracic [θə`ræsɪk] -

to compose [kəmˈpəʊz] -

to connect [kəˈnekt] -

to consist of [kənˈsɪst] - 

to form [fɔːm] - 

upper / lower jaw [ˈʌpə,ˈləʊə ʤɔː] -

vertebra (ae) [ˈvɜːtɪbrə] -

wrist [rɪst] - 


1. Find 15 words from the active vocabulary in the puzzle.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 D V A B C H E S T
3 E E C W R I S T A
4 Y R O P R B C D E
5 E T C E J C O C C
6 B E C L O B X A F
7 A B Y V I A S R O
8 L R X I N C P T R
9 L A U S T K I I E
10 S K U L L B N L A
11 W E C D E O E A R
12 T H I G H N E G M
13 S F J K I E Y E M
14 O R B I T V R I B

Match the synonyms.

1 spine A extremity
2 chest B arm
3  trunk C clavicle
4 thigh D scapular
5 collar-bone  E backbone
6 shoulder-blade F hip
7 limb G body
8 upper extremity H arm
9 lower extremity I thorax
10 shoulder J leg

3. Distribute the words into 3 groups.

collar-bone       spinal column        orbit        rib      hand     elbow         nasal cavity forearm  breastbone         vertebra      coccyx         wrist        eyeball       cranial cavity cervical vertebrae         upper / lower jaw     thigh         oral cavity        chest       shoulder pelvis      foot        shoulder-blade          lumbar vertebrae      leg



4. Label the picture using the words from the active vocabulary.

5. Finish the sentences using the words from the box.

bone     chest    pelvis     ribs     spine     vertebrae     bones               cranial cavity      backbone      facial parts

1. The skeleton is composed of more than 200 __________.

2. The spinal column is formed by different __________.

3. The breast-bone is a long bone in the middle of the __________.

4. The bones of the skull consist of cranial and __________.

5. The lower extremity is connected with the trunk by the __________.

6. The basic part of the chest is formed by the __________.

7. The vertebra is a small __________.

8. The lumbar vertebrae are the largest in the __________.

9. The brain is located in the __________.

10. The most important part of the skeleton is the __________.

6. Match the medical term with its definition.

1 Bone A the part of your body between your neck and diaphragm
2 Skeleton   B the bones of a person’s or animal’s head
3 Skull   C the small bone at the bottom of your spine
4 Cartilage D one of twenty-four curved bones which form the chest  
5 Thorax   E one of the hard parts that together form the frame of a human, animal, or fish body
6 Coccyx   F a strong substance that can bend, which is around the joints in your body and in your outer ear
7  Joint G a long flat bone in the front of your chest which is connected to the top seven pairs of ribs
8 Breastbone H one of the small hollow bones down the centre of your back  
9 Vertebra I the structure consisting of all the bones in a human body  
10 Rib K the structure at the point where two or more bones join, especially one which allows movement of bones



biceps [ˈbaɪsɛps] -

blood vessel [blʌd ˈvɛsl] -

body weight [ˈbɒdi weɪt] -

bundle [ˈbʌndl] -

cardiac muscle [ˈkɑːdɪæk] -

connective tissue [kəˈnɛktɪv ˈtɪʃjuː] -

fascia (pl. fasciae)[ˈfæʃɪə] -

fiber [`faɪbə] -

filament [ˈfɪləmənt] -

layer [ˈleɪə] -

muscle [`mʌsl] -

muscular (structure, cell) [`mʌskjʊlə] -

musculature [`mʌskjʊləʧə] -

nerve [nɜːv] -

smooth muscle [smuːð] -

striated muscle [straɪˈeɪtɪd] -

tendon [ˈtɛndən] -

to contract / contraction [kənˈtrækt] -

triceps [ˈtraɪsɛps] –

visceral muscle [ˈvɪsərəl] -

voluntary / involuntary [ˈvɒləntəri] -

Find 15 words from the active vocabulary in the puzzle.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 N E R V E C A B B
3 F A S C I A M C I
4 S F I B E R U C C
5 T B L O U D S O E
6 R G H I J I C N P
7 I L M N O A L T S
8 A P Q R S C E R E
9 T M U S C U L A R
10 E B U N D L E C C
11 D T E N D O N T E
12 V O L U N T A R Y
13 D E F G L A Y E R
14 V I S C E R A L H
15 I J S M O O T H L

Match the synonyms.

1 cardiac   A filament
2 layer   B shorten
3 fiber   C striped
4 visceral   D heart
5 bundle   E coat
6 striated   F sinew
7 contract   G fascicle
8 tendon   H internal

3. Translate the word combinations using the active vocabulary.

a) contractions of muscles

b) walls of blood vessels

c) total body weight

d) cells of connective tissue

e) bundles of muscular cells

f) muscular fibers

g) smooth muscular tissue

h) skeletal muscle fibers

i) striated muscle contraction

j) a net of cardiac muscle

4. Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the words from the box.

exercises          skin         big net    constitute          blood vessels       limb       contract       striated or skeletal    muscles     muscle cramp


1. There are three main types of muscles: smooth or visceral, ______ and cardiac.

2. Connective tissue of smooth muscles contains nerves and __________.

3. Muscles can __________ voluntarily and involuntarily.

4. Muscles __________ approximately 50% of the total body weight.

5. Muscles are located under the __________.

6. As the muscle contracts the __________ moves.

7.  If you do a lot of __________ you develop strong muscles.

8.  The _______ in his legs were still weak after he had spent two months in bed.

9. She had __________after going into the cold water.

10. The heart is simply a __________ of cardiac muscular fibers.


5. Match the medical term with its definition.

Дата добавления: 2020-11-29; просмотров: 829; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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