Famous People of Great Britain.

Ch. Darvin, a great English naturalist, developed the idea of evolution of all living things from simpler creatures. He wrote two most famous books "The Origin of Species" and "The Descent of Man". Ch.Darvin is buried in westminster Abbey, among the greatest English scientists.

Isaac Newton, one of the greatest men in the history of science was born in England in 1642. He may be considered the founder of modern mathematics, physics and spectrography. He discovered the low of motion and the universal Law of gravitation. Sir Isaac Newton lies buried in Westminster Abbey.

Humphry Davy is one of the greatest English chemists. One of his inventions is the miners safety lamp, known as the Davy Lamp.

Michael Faraday is an English chemist and physicist. He was the discoverer of electromagnetic induction, of the law of relations between light and magnetism. He was the greatest experimental genious.


England is the largest and the richest part of GB. Its’ capital is London. The biggest industrial cities are London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, and other interesting cities as York, Chester, Oxford, and Cambridge. Stonehenge is one of the most popular prehistoric places in England. It is situate in the south-west of England. It is a circle of enormous stones (4 meters high) 80 meters across. Why it was built—is a mystery. However, there are suggestions.

Salisbury Cathedral is an example of splendid English gothic architecture. The oldest of England and one of four copies of Magna Charta are situated there. Oxford is the home of oldest English university. Christ Church is the most famous college of university. It has a great hall, which has been built during the reign of King Henry the VIII and its’ chapel became the cathedral of Oxford. Cambridge is the home of the second oldest university of England. York was the capital of Northern England. And it is one of the best preserved Medieval cities not only in England, but also in whole Europe. It was built by romans. Ruled by Vikings and conquered by Anglo-Saxon.

Birmingham is the city of 1.500 trades, because of great variety of industries.


Foreign languages. Now in schools they study 2-3 languages

Most people understand that without knowledge of foreign languages it is difficult to survive in the modern world. Therefore they send their children to schools where they can study two or even three foreign languages. However, is it good to study several languages simultaneously? On the one hand, foreign languages are the main part of our culture so they help us to expand our outlook. We cannot broaden our minds if we see the world only from the perspective of our own culture. In addition, learning languages is a good exercise for the intellect. Moreover, if pupils know at least one foreign language, they learn new languages much faster. On the other hand, many pupils find it confusing to learn two or three languages at a time, especially languages that are similar, because children usually mix up lots of words. Besides, some languages are tricky enough to learn. For example, in English there are more exceptions than rules. In this case, children can be overloaded with homework. More than that, some pupils do not know their native language well and learning several foreign languages could prevent them from mastering their own language.

In conclusion, I want to say that learning languages is extremely beneficial and I would like to know different foreign languages. However, I believe children should not learn too many languages at the same time so as not to get confused. They ought to get a solid base in one language before they start learning a new one. 16. Интернет. За и против We live in the age of information technology and nowadays the Internet is nearly as common as the telephone. No doubt that it is a unique invention, which has influenced all areas of our lives. However, some people consider the Internet one of the greatest evils of our time. On the one hand, the Internet is very useful, because it lets us access a world of facts, figures and knowledge. In addition, with the Internet, it is now possible to speak to friends and relatives any-where in the world cheaply and quickly. Other services are also available through the Internet such as booking tickets or buying things. Moreover, the Internet allows a lot of talented people to show the world their achievements and makes it easier to find a job. On the other hand, the Internet can become a disaster for our society, because people spend hours in front of their computers and neglect their everyday duties. Another worry is the activities of cybercriminals. For example, hackers can steal your money or even your property while cyberterrorists may ‘attack’ the world’s computers, causing chaos, and making planes and trains crash. What is more, leaders of different terrorist or oppositional organizations can use the Internet to find new followers.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that despite the criticisms by some and the fears of others, the Internet seems to have changed our world to the better and we must try to make the best use of it.


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The 20th century has begun a new stage of the human history: two world wars, intensive urbanization, and technical progress have changed not only political and economic situation, but also people’s mentality. Military conflicts, regular economic crises, and the collapse of colonial empires have revealed ties between all the countries and nations and, therefore, the necessity of peaceful dialogue.

The same situation has become evident in cultural context: popular mass media, universal educational standards, development of international book market have shown that even rather closed cultures (for example, Japanese or Israeli ones) cannot exist in isolation anymore.

These factors have caused the phenomenon of globalization – forming of the common cultural space and, at the same time, decrease of cultural differences. Globalization is an inevitable process: now it is impossible to imagine the absence of American movies in China or Russia, as well as the prohibition to wear jeans in Turkey. Often representatives of various nations, especially the youth, eat the similar food, buy the similar clothes, and listen to the similar music. English as a global language strengthens this unification simplifying the intercultural communication.

However, the evaluation of globalization remains a controversial question. Psychologists, sociologists, and cultural experts still argue about its advantages and disadvantages. Although uniformity helps to understand each other better and reduces cultural shock, sometimes it destroys national identity, makes people forget about their own traditions, religions, ethical taboos, and aesthetic norms. It is important not to hurt bright and ancient cultural diversity in the course of globalization.

Двадцатый век начал новый этап человеческой истории: две мировые войны, интенсивная урбанизация и технический прогресс изменили не только политическую и экономическую ситуацию, но и сознание людей. Военные конфликты, регулярные экономические кризисы и падение колониальных империй выявили связи между всеми странами и нациями и, следовательно, необходимость мирного диалога.

Та же ситуация стала очевидной в культурном контексте: популярные СМИ, универсальные стандарты образования, развитие международного книжного рынка показали, что даже достаточно закрытые культуры (например, японская или израильская) больше не могут существовать в изоляции.

Эти факторы подтолкнули феномен глобализации – формирования общего культурного пространства и, в то же время, ослабления культурных различий. Глобализация является неизбежным процессом: сейчас невозможно представить отсутствие американских фильмов в Китае или России, как и запрет носить джинсы в Турции. Часто представители разных народов, особенно молодёжь, едят одинаковую еду, покупают одинаковую одежду и слушают одинаковую музыку. Английский в качестве мирового языка усиливает эту унификацию, упрощая межкультурное общение.

Однако оценка глобализации остаётся противоречивым вопросом. Психологи, социологи и культурологи до сих пор спорят о её достоинствах и недостатках. Хотя единообразие помогает лучше понять друг друга и уменьшает культурный шок, иногда оно разрушает национальную идентичность, заставляет людей забывать о собственных традициях, религиях, этических табу и эстетических нормах. Важно не повредить в ходе глобализации яркое и древнее культурное разнообразие.

Global Problems of Mankind

Modern society is a complicated system affected by various processes – natural, political, economic, and cultural. It is constantly changing, and calm periods alternate with turbulent ones: wars, financial crises, or epidemics. Unfortunately, it is impossible to live in a serene and safe world, so the humanity faces many problems. Some of them have local character (for example, the lack of fresh water in Australia or the overpopulation in China), while the others are global and concern everyone.

In my opinion, the main global problem is the ecological crisis: now all our civilization is endangered. The planet suffers from harmful emissions, waste burial, forest cutting, and the draining of rivers. However, it is a threat to people as well: breaking ecological balance, we arouse natural disasters, remain without clean air, water, food, and spoil the climate.

Global problems tied with health (inherited diseases, AIDS, and cancer) also depend on the ecological situation. Besides, often their key reason is the unhealthy lifestyle of modern mankind, especially in cities.

Political and social global problems are even more obvious. Military conflicts and the arms race are among them, as well as the threat of terrorism and religious wars. A large number of African and Asiatic nations still struggle against poverty, famine, mass illiteracy caused by low life standard. In some countries, including Russia, society tries to deal with alcohol and drugs addictions, with developed criminal world.

It is necessary to mention less destructive, but urgent problems: unemployment, corruption, intolerance towards minorities. I suppose that unity of humanity, cultural and economic dialogue can help to fight global problems.

Глобальные проблемы человечества

Современное общество – это сложная система, на которую влияют различные процессы – природные, политические, экономические и культурные. Она постоянно изменяется, и спокойные периоды чередуются с бурными: войнами, финансовыми кризисами или эпидемиями. К сожалению, невозможно жить в безмятежном и безопасном мире, поэтому человечество сталкивается с многими проблемами. Некоторые из них имеют локальный характер (например, нехватка пресной воды в Австралии или перенаселение в Китае), в то время как другие глобальны и касаются всех.

На мой взгляд, главная глобальная проблема – экологический кризис: сейчас в опасности вся цивилизация. Планета страдает от вредных выбросов, захоронения отходов, вырубки лесов и осушения рек. Однако это представляет угрозу и для людей: нарушая экологический баланс, мы вызываем стихийные бедствия, остаёмся без чистых воздуха, воды, пищи, портим климат.

Глобальные проблемы, связанные со здоровьем (наследственные заболевания, СПИД, рак) также зависят от экологической ситуации. Кроме того, часто их ключевой причиной является нездоровый образ жизни современного человечества, особенно в городах.

Политические и социальные глобальные проблемы даже более очевидны. Военные конфликты и гонка вооружений – в их числе, как и угроза терроризма и религиозных войн. Большое количество африканских и азиатских наций всё ещё сражается с бедностью, голодом, массовой безграмотностью, вызванными низким уровнем жизни. В некоторых странах, включая Россию, общество пытается справиться с алкоголизмом и наркоманией, с развитым криминальным миром.

Необходимо упомянуть менее разрушительные, но актуальные проблемы: безработицу, коррупцию, нетерпимость к меньшинствам. Думаю, что единство человечества, культурный и экономический диалог могут помочь в борьбе с глобальными проблемами.

Great Patriotic War

The 20th century was full of cruel and tragic military conflicts, but the World War II and the Great Patriotic War, its main part, are the most global and memorable among them. The fight between Nazi Germany with its allies (Italy and Japan) and the anti-Hitler coalition countries, including the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the USA, France, and others, lasted from 1939 to 1945. The Great Patriotic War began on the USSR territory on 22 June 1941 and finished on 9 May 1945, with the conquest of Berlin and the collapse of the key Nazi forces. The occupied by the Nazis countries of Europe, Asia, North Africa, the Pacific and Atlantic islands were saved.

However, this war has become not only a victory but also a disaster: according to different estimates, from 50 to 85 million people dead. For the Russians, as well as for other nations of the former USSR, the Great Patriotic War is the turning point of history. Almost every family has a member who sacrificed his life or health for the motherland. Fierce battles of the Great Patriotic War (the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of Kursk, the Siege of Leningrad, the Operation Bagration that liberated Belarus, etc.) changed the destiny of the world. Besides, millions of men, women and even children labored for the army in the rear, despite the hardest conditions and famine.

Due to courage and patriotism of our ancestors, now we can live in peace and freedom, out of Nazi slavery. It is important not to forget about their heroic feat.

XX век был полон жестоких и трагических военных конфликтов, но Вторая мировая война и Великая Отечественная война, её главная часть, – самые глобальные и памятные среди них. Борьба между нацистской Германией с союзниками (Италией и Японией) и странами антигитлеровской коалиции, включающей Советский Союз, Великобританию, США, Францию и др., длилась с 1939 по 1945 гг. Великая Отечественная война началась на территории СССР 22 июня 1941 г. и закончилась 9 мая 1945 г., с завоеванием Берлина и падением ключевых нацистских сил. Оккупированные нацистами страны Европы, Азии, Северной Африки, острова Тихого и Атлантического океанов были спасены.

Однако эта война стала не только победой, но и катастрофой: по разным оценкам, погибло от 50 до 85 миллионов человек. Для русских, как и для других народов бывшего СССР, Великая Отечественная война – это поворотный момент истории. Почти в каждой семье есть тот, кто пожертвовал жизнью или здоровьем ради Родины. Ожесточённые бои Великой Отечественной войны (битва за Москву, Сталинградская битва, Курская битва, блокада Ленинграда, операция «Багратион», освободившая Беларусь, и т.д.) изменили судьбу мира. Кроме того, миллионы мужчин, женщин и даже детей трудились для армии в тылу, несмотря на тяжелейшие условия и голод.

Благодаря отваге и патриотизму наших предков, сейчас мы можем жить в мире и свободе, вне нацистского рабства. Важно не забывать об их героическом подвиге.

Дата добавления: 2020-04-08; просмотров: 177; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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