The final formation of absolutism in Russia occurred when?


A) Ivan IV.

B) Alexey Mikhailovich.

C) Peter I.

D) Catherine II.

E) Paul I.


Correct answer-C




What is the reform of Catherine II, carried out in the first period of her reign?


A) City reform.

B) Provincial reform.

C) Secularization of church and monastery lands.

D) Judicial reform.

E) The abolition of serfdom.


Correct answer-C




What is the main reason for the uprising led by E.I. Pugacheva?

A) The introduction of an unlimited search for runaway peasants.

B) Increase in feudal duties.

C) Working conditions in factories and manufactories.

D) The abolition of hetmanism in Ukraine.

E) The restriction by the government of the privileges of the Cossacks.


Correct answer- B




Which estate was the main base of Russian enlightened absolutism?


A) Philistinism.

B) The peasantry.

C) Merchants.

D) Nobility.

E) The clergy.


Correct answer-D




Has the death penalty been abolished in Russia?


A) Catherine I.

B) Anna Ioannovna.

C) Elizabeth Petrovna.

D) Peter III.

E) Catherine II.


Correct answer-C




What is the reform carried out in the second period of the reign of Catherine II


A) Provincial Reform.

B) Division of the Senate into six departments.

C) Liquidation of autonomous rights of Ukraine.

D) Replacement of boards by ministries.

E) Restriction of serfdom.


Correct answer-A




In what year was the first university in Russia opened?


A) 1689

B) 1725

C) 1755g.

D) 1762

E) 1801


Correct answer-C




What is the main historical significance of the industrial revolution?


A) In the dominance of the capitalist system.

B) In the transition from manufactory to factory.

C) In bourgeois reforms.

D) In ​​increasing labor productivity.

E) In creating a single national market.


Correct answer-A




When did the industrial revolution begin?


A) At the beginning of the XVIII century.

B) In the 60s. XVIII century

C) At the beginning of the XIX century.

D) In ​​the middle of the 19th century

E) At the end of the XIX century.


Correct answer-B




What is not inherent in the development of capitalist relations?


A) Private ownership of the means of production.

B) Concentration of production.

C) Preservation of the system of farms and monopolies.

D) The social nature of production.

E) Anarchy of production.


Correct answer-C




What is not characteristic of the American path of development of capitalism in agriculture?


A) The dominance of landlord tenure.

B) The widespread use of machinery in agriculture.

C) The use of labor of laborers.

D) Market orientation of the economy.

E) Sale of state land to all comers.


Correct answer-A




What is not characteristic of the Prussian path of development of capitalism in agriculture?


A) Preservation of feudal remnants.

B) The dominance of landlord tenure.

C) The use of farm laborers in the labor economy.

  D) Widespread use of machinery in agriculture.

E) The economic dependence of small landowners on landowners


Correct answer-D



Development of the basic principles of the peasant reform of 1861 was carried out in?


A) Ministry of the Interior.

B) the Ministry of State Property.

C) The third branch of "His Imperial Majesty's own Chancellery."

D) The Ministry of Finance.

E) Specially formed Secret Committee.


Correct answer-A




What was the situation in the peasant reform of 1861?


A) Immediate release of peasants with free provision of land allotment.

B) Immediate release of peasants with the provision of land allotment for redemption.

C) Providing peasants with personal freedom.

D) State assistance to peasants in the payment of ransom for the land plot.

E) Restriction of freed peasants in civil rights.


Correct answer-A




What is the first of the stages of the peasant reform of 1861? in Russia?


A) Drawing up the charter of landowners with peasants.

B) Granting peasants personal freedom and civil rights.

C) The transition of peasants to ransom.

D) The transition of peasants to the position of temporarily liable.

E) The termination of redemption payments of peasants to the state.


Correct answer-B




What political regime was established in France as a result of the coup d'etat of 18 Brumaire in 1799?

A) Directory.

B) & Consulate.

C) Empire.

D) Restoration of the Bourbons.

E) Jacobin dictatorship.


Correct answer-B



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