I.1. Definition of proverbs and sayings


In folklore among the variety and richness of its poetical significance and form it is difficult to find more interesting and researchable genre than proverbs and sayings. It is considered that proverbs and sayings are folklore speech where not only the person’s point of view but also general people’s outlook is expressed. Proverbs and sayings play an important role in language. They give emotionality, expressiveness to the speech. They have certain pure linguistic features that must always be taken into account in order to distinguish them from ordinary sentence. They are usually didactic and image bearing.

The famous Russian language Dictionary by S. Ozhegov interprets the words

«‘пословица’- краткое народное изречение с назидательным смыслом; народный афоризм, ‘поговорка’ – краткое устойчивое выражение; законченное высказывание».1 People say that a saying is a flower, a proverb is a berry.

The popular Macmillan Dictionary gives the following explanation: “‘proverb’ – is a short sentence, usually known by many people, stating something commonly experienced or giving advice; ‘saying’- is a well-known and wise statement, which often has a meaning that is different from the simple meanings of the words it contains.” 2

According to the above mentioned concepts in Russian and in English a proverb and a saying are slightly different. Meanwhile, the key words: advice and short statement are the same in both languages.



1 – Ожегов С.И. Словарь русского языка – М.: ОНИКС, 2006



During our investigation we found out that:

1. To express the idea straightly and logically proverbs are characterized by their features. Every proverb values or appreciates any event both positively and negatively. Such kind of features serves to make the proverbs popular among people.

2. Proverbs express wise and complete idea and sayings express the description of something but do not give complete meanings. They consist of one compositional composition.

3. Proverbs can be used in neutral figurative meaning. These features of proverbs widen the sphere of their usage thematically. That's why proverbs are famous among different nations and people. Sayings are characterized by limited usage in one or two nations who are near to each other geographically and in non related languages.


I.2. Proverbs and Sayings in language and culture.

Proverbs and sayings are very popular genre of traditional Russian and English cultures. We can’t say where or when proverbs appeared, but this is fact, that proverbs and sayings appeared in far antiquity and since then they have always been on the month of their folk through over the history. There are special reasons, why proverbs and sayings are so remarkable. They are still alive in everyday Russian and English languages. We owe many of them to Russian and English classics of the past such as A.Pushkin, M.Saltykov-Schedrin, A.Ostrovsky, W. Shakespeare, M. Twain and B. Franklin.

We come across these phraseological expressions everywhere.

When the pupils are not ready for the lesson at school, the teacher says:

«Ученье- свет, а неученье – тьма».

When children ask their parents to let them play computer games, they often say: «Сделалдело – гуляй смело» или «Делу - время, а потехе - час»

When you are in trouble and your friend helps, you think that

«Друг познается в беде» или «Не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей»

“A friend in need is a friend indeed”.

Reading fairy tales we get to know wise advice «Утро- вечера, мудренее».

So we hardly ever notice that we use proverbs and sayings in our speech. We can quote in English and Russian W. Shakespeare or B. Franklin:

“All is well that ends well” - «Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается»

“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”

- «Кто рано встает, тому Бог дает».

Many proverbs and sayings are easily used in the titles of films («Москва слезам не верит»), plays («Один ум хорошо, а два лучше»), songs («Делу- время, а потехе - час»).

Evidently, English and Russian proverbs and sayings fit any human situation and it gives them general application and preciseness.


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