Rules for the graduation project


The graduation project should be performed by a printing method using a computer and the printer on one side of white A4 paper.  Font - Times New Roman, normal, size-14. It is necessary to comply with uniform density, contrast and sharpness of the same image on all work. Thesis should be solid (book) binding. The text of the diploma project should be printed, subject to the following sizes of fields: left 30 mm, top-20mm, right 10 mm and bottom 25 mm. Indentation 10 mm. You may use the computer possibility of focusing on certain terms, formulas, theorems, using fonts of different headsets.

Regardless of the manner of implementation of graduation project the quality of the printed text and layout of illustrations, tables, printouts must comply with the requirement of a clear playback.

Typos, clerical and graphic inaccuracies detected in the process of preparation of the graduation project is allowed to correct cleaned Coy or painting white paint and applying the same place is-directional text (graphics) typewritten or manuscript  way (black ink or black mascara).

The names, names of institutions, organizations, companies, the name of things and other names in their own graduation project result in the original language.

Structural elements of the thesis «Content", "Normative references". "Definitions". "Identify-and reduction" "Introduction." "Conclusions", "References" headings are the structural elements of the work.

The graduation project should be divided into sections and subsections. Each section and subsection shall contain a completion of information.

The names of the sections together must disclose the subject of the degree project.

Names of sections and subsections should be clear and concise on-reflects their contents.

Names of sections and subsections should be printed with a paragraph indent with a capital letter without a point at the end, not stressing.

If the name consists of two sentences, they are separated by a point.

Pages of the graduation project should be numbered in Arabic numerals, following the numbered consecutively throughout the text. Number of the pages put down in the center of the bottom of the sheet without a point.

Cover sheet included in the total pagination. The page number on the title page is not put down. (Appendix 3)

Illustrations and tables are located on separate sheets; include the total page numbers of the thesis (project).

Illustrations, tables on the A3 size sheet counted as one page.

Sections of the graduation project should have the serial numbers in the entire document, marked with Arabic numerals without a point and recorded with the indentation. Subsections should have a number within each section. Sub-number consists of numbers and sub-section, separated by a dot. At the end of sub-point number is not assigned.

Each section of the graduation project should start with a new (page). Subsections within a section are separated by a retreat in two lines of text.

Pagination of the graduation project and applications that are part of the degree project should be cross-cutting.

Illustrations (drawings, maps, graphs, charts, diagrams) should be placed in a thesis project immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

Illustrations can be in computer performance, and color. All illustrations should be given references in diploma work.

Drawings, graphs, charts, diagrams, illustrations placed in the graduation project must comply with the requirements of the sovereign-governmental standards of the Unified system of design documentation (ESKD).

Except in illustrations applications should be numbered in Arabic numerals sequentially numbered.

If one picture, it is designated "Figure 1". The word "Figure" and its name in the middle of a line.

Allowed numbered illustrations within the section. In this case, the number of illustrations consists of a section number and serial number of illustrations, separated by a dot. For example: Figure 1.1.

Illustration, if necessary, can have the name and the explanatory information (caption text). The word "Figure" and its name are placed after the data and explanatory feature as follows: Figure 1. Structure of the banking system.

When referring to the illustrations should be written "... in accordance with Figure 2" with the continuous numbering and "... in accordance with Figure 1.2," in the numbering within the section.


The tables used for the sake of clarity and ease of comparison, figures. The table name should reflect its contents, to be precise, concise. The name of the table should be placed above the table on the next line after the words "Table 1".

The table should be placed directly after the text, in which it is mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

All tables should be referenced in the graduation work where reference is necessary to write "table", indicating its number.

A table with a large number of rows may be transferred to another sheet (page). When you move the table to the another  list (Page), the word "Table" and its number indicated once left on the first part of the table, on the other parts of the written word "Continued" and indicate the table number, for example: "Continuation of Table 1". When you move a table to another sheet (Page) header is placed only on the first part of it. When you move the lower part of the table horizontal line, defining a table, does not spend.

Table with lots of graph it is advisable to make to the application.

If repeated in different rows (columns) of the table text consists of one word, then it after the first writing is allowed for, change the quotation marks: If two or more words, then at the first repetition of it is replaced by the words "same", and then - quotes. Putting quotation marks instead of repeating numbers, marks, signs, mathematical and chemical symbols is not allowed. If digital or other data in a row of the table did not lead, then put a dash in it.

Tables, except for the application of tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals sequentially numbered.

Allowed to number the tables within this section. In this case, the number of the table consists of a section number and serial number of the table, separated by a dot.

Headers of graph and table rows should be written with a capital book-you in the singular, and subtitles graph - with a lowercase letter, if they make a proposal with a title, or a capital book-you, if they have independent significance. At the end of headings and sub-tables do not make a point.

Tables on the left, right and bottom, tend to limit the line. Allowed to use a smaller font size in the table than in the text.

Titles count, usually written in parallel rows in a table. If necessary, it may be perpendicular to the location of the graph header. The head table line must be separated from the rest of the table.

The word "Note" should be printed with a capital letter.

Notes should be placed directly after the text, graphics or the table, to which these prima Notes. If one note, after the word "Note" is put a dash and a note is printed with a capital letter. One note is not numbered. A few notes are numbered in order of Arabic numerals without putting points. Note to the table is placed at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the tables.

Formulas and equations should be separated from the text in a separate line. Above and below each formula or equation should be left at least one free string. If the equation is not in one line, it should be moved after the equal sign (=) or after the plus sign (+). minus (-). multiplying (x). division (:), or other mathematical symbols, the sign at the beginning of the next line is repeated.

Explanation of the symbols and numerical values ​​of the coefficients should be given under formula directly in the same sequence in which they are in the formula.

Formulas in the thesis work (project) should be numbered in ordinal numbering within the entire work of Arabic numerals in parentheses at the far right on the same line.

References in the text to the serial numbers of the formulas given in brackets. Example is in the formula (1).

Allowed numbering formulas within this section. In this case, the formula is the number of the section number and serial number of the odds-mules, separated by a dot, for example, (3.1).

References to the used sources should be cited in parentheses quad-martial.

For information on the sources should be placed in order of appearance of references to sources in the text of the thesis (project) numbered in Arabic numerals without a point and print to the indentation.

Applications make out as a continuation of this graduation (project) on its subsequent sheets.

The text of the thesis (project) for all applications must be given reference. Applications are arranged in order of reference in the text.


Each application should start on a new page with the decree in top middle of the page the word "application".

The application must have a title that is recorded symmetrically on the text with a capital letter in a separate line.

Applications must share with the rest of the first thesis project sequentially numbered pages.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-26; просмотров: 216; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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