Section 5                           Economic

The explanatory note is made in the amount of 15-20 pages and contains the following materials:

- The estimates for civil works;

- A summary of the costs to the estimate;

- The estimates for special work;

- Estimates of the object;

- Technical and economic parameters of the project.

The annexes to the explanatory note:

- List of required construction materials (Form M-29)

- Specifications:

a) a summary statement of prefabricated m / c elements;

b) a summary statement of joinery.

Explanatory note completes the list of the literature used by students in the projects.

Gets the execution of comprehensive development of the graduation projects, developed by a group of graduate students of different specialties. Each student is instructed to perform a separate independent section integrated graduation project. Guide the development of this project is the Department, for each of the sections appointed its supervisor that provides its development.

When protecting an integrated graduation project created commission with participation of representatives of the customer and the institution. They estimated each theme of the graduation project, the performance of individual students, as well as a decision on the project as a whole and the possibility of using it on a customer's enterprise.

Many departments of higher education institutions in cooperation with the enterprises make up of "narrow" places of production, of which then form the themes of course and graduation projects. This approach makes it possible to effectively use scientific and creative potential of students to solve specific problems of production, enhances the students responsible for the quality of work.

The research part can be abstract in nature, related to the analysis of the parameters that determine the effectiveness of design solutions or contain the results of scientific research.

Conclusion must contain a brief summary on the results of studies, assessment of completeness of tasks making specific recommendations for the study of objects of research.

The word "Conclusion" is written with indentation with a capital

letter without a point at the end, not stressing.

The list of references should contain information on the sources used in writing the work: for each source in the text of the paper should be a reference. References to sources used should be given in square brackets (eg [1]).

For information on the references should be placed in order of appearance of links in the text of work and numbered in Arabic numerals without a point and print to the indentation.

List of sources used is made according to certain rules (see. Appendix 5).

The words "Bibliography" written with indentation capitalized without a point at the end, not stressing.

The application includes materials related to the implementation of the project, which are not reflected in the main body.

The application is made on the last pages of the project as it is a continuation. The text of the graduation project on all applications must be given reference. Applications are arranged in order of reference in the text. Each application starts with a new worksheet. The word "Annex" is written as the header line in the middle at the top with a capital letter, indicating the order of applications in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A, with the exception of the letters E, G, J, G, H, L, N, b

Each application must have a title that is recorded symmetrically with respect to the text with a capital letter in a separate line. The numbering of pages of the application must be through, continuing the overall pagination work.

Communication with the main text applications via the links that are used with the word "see", it is usually reduced and is, together with the application number in parentheses.

Available to illustrate the application of text, tables, formulas and equations should be numbered within each application with the addition of designating the application before the letter number by performing the task of graduation project should be individual. Each student is issued a passport of the building or structure schemes and plans, sections, and for industrial buildings - and with the basics-governmental data on their structural elements. Together with the task are references to building a catalog of standard designs, numbers and collections of pages specified.

The initial data for the development of the graduation project are:

- Purpose of the building;

- Space-planning solutions designed building;

- Geographical point of construction;

- Data on the building site;

- A plan of land construction in horizontal lines, indicating it its orientation relative to the cardinal points, the location adjacent buildings and utilities;

- Geotechnical conditions;

- Regulatory pressure on the ground;

- Hydrogeological conditions;

- Sources of engineering support;

- Guidelines for architectural and construction part;

- Recommendations for settlement and structural parts thereof;

- Engineering information technology and organization construction

- Guidelines for the economic part.

The content of the graduation project includes the introduction, the serial numbers and names of all the sections, subsections, conclusion, list of references and the name of the application with the page numbers, which begin with these elements of the graduation project.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-26; просмотров: 213; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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