Bright star heralds the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher


For over 30 years author, lecturer and artist Benjamin Creme has been preparing the way for the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher.


On December 12, 2008, Share International, a non-profit organization, distributed a news release announcing that in the very near future a large, bright star will appear in the sky visible throughout the world, night and day. Around a week later Maitreya will give his first interview on a major US television program.


Since early January 2009, sightings of the star have been reported from Norway, South Africa, the United States, Dubai and Qatar. More and more sightings are now expected. Reports have already appeared in Norwegian newspapers.


A new article by Benjamin Creme’s Master, who is based in the Himalayas, reveals how close we are to witnessing this sign and the historic events which will follow. Maitreya’s first interview will lead to further and more frequent interviews in the USA, Japan, and other countries.


Maitreya’s First Interview

In the very near future, people everywhere will have the opportunity to witness an extraordinary and significant sign, the like of which has been manifested only once before, at the birth of Jesus. Then, according to Christian teaching, a star appeared in the heavens and led three wise men from the East to the birthplace of Jesus. Soon, once again, a star-like luminary of brilliant power will be seen around the world. What does this mean? How is it possible?


The answer lies in the fact that this mysterious event is a sign, and heralds the beginning of Maitreya’s open mission. Soon after the sign appears in our skies, Maitreya will give his first media interview on American television.


I cannot prove or disprove Benjamin Crиme's claims. However, given the credible history behind this story, the current disarray of the world's financial markets, and the sorrowful conditions on this planet, environmental and otherwise, I keep an ever-watchful eye on the possibility of a Maitreya. One thing is for sure. It feels as if the perfect foundation is being laid for His presence among us. Unarguably, we are in desperate need of an otherworldly influence to help us solve our problems in the short amount of time left before the environmental damage and over-populated conditions we continue to create reaches a point of no return.


As predicted, there is indeed a great deal of turmoil and upheaval occurring today. One cannot deny that this adds to the believability and validity of the many prophesies that have been made for these times. And that is why I take them seriously.


Each new day seems to bring a steady stream of news that rocks and shakes our reality to some degree. Our once secure and stable civilization is being turned inside out and upside down for all to experience and feel. All that has been secretly buried in the name of corruption, deception, control, power, and greed is being brought to the surface. Nothing will be spared as this takes place. In a very real sense, this is an important part of the cleansing that has been mentioned in many of the writings and transmissions found in this chapter. However, the cleansing will be incomplete if we, the masses, do not demand and bring about change from the bottom up, as quickly as we can.



When goodness grows weak, When evil increases,  I make myself a body.  In every age I come back  To deliver the holy,  To destroy the sin of the sinner,  To establish righteousness.   ~ Bhagavad Gita



~ 17 ~



Final Words

"When all the trees have been cut down,

When all the animals have been hunted,

When all the air is unsafe to breathe,

Only then will you discover that you

cannot eat money"


~ A Cree prophecy



Where is life on planet Earth really going? I don't think a day goes by when I find myself standing back from all the hustle, bustle, and seeming craziness of the world to wrestle with this question. It is very important to me, because we have indeed reached an historic moment of truth for mankind. BIG truth. Many are unaware of this very real possibility as they scurry around trying to survive, pay the bills, and find happiness. And I feel so much compassion and concern for them.


Today, there are some things I am quite sure of. Then again, a number of very compelling questions remain, whose answers lie just around the corner…


There are more than 7 billion souls on Earth at this time. Where did all of them come from? Apparently, many have participated in the various dramas of previous civilizations that have been here over the ages. It is now their karmic responsibility to make amends and use this opportunity to heal and balance through higher choices. I also believe that volunteers from other star systems are in our midst to help us in our time of need and assist with the shift in consciousness that is taking place.


We are now at the end of the 25,920 cycle that the Mayans and other ancient civilizations found so compelling. They always wanted to know where they were in that cycle because their very lives depended upon it. Today, relatively few are aware of this ancient knowledge and want to do something meaningful and positive because of it. Will that be enough to change the course of human history this time around?

Half way through the current Great Cycle, some 13,000 years ago, Edgar Cayce said that the last of Atlantis went into the sea because of a major cataclysm. The reason for the destruction of this once great civilization was that a majority of its inhabitants were caught up in excessive greed, self-pleasure, self-centeredness, materialism, and a lack of honor and respect for the environment. Sound familiar?


Over the past 30 years there has been a great wave of UFO and crop circle phenomena witnessed on this planet, as if to raise attention to their presence and our cosmic heritage. Why now? For what purpose?


Over that same period of time, a massive amount of spiritual/New Age information has been disseminated throughout the world. Were benevolent extraterrestrials or other advanced beings behind this movement? If so, why?


Parallel with the efforts to raise a Higher sense of awareness and help us remember who we really are, it has also been a time when rampant materialism, capitalism, greed, corruption, control, warfare, moral bankruptcy, and deception have reached unprecedented levels. Why did both phenomena occur at the same time? Is this part of a "calling" and sorting out process to see who responds to which influence?


The Hopi Indian prophecies have come to pass. Since then, rapid global warming, freak weather patterns, melting of the poles, drought, and other Earth changes that were foretold are occurring at a rate that is much faster than anyone anticipated. Why now? Why around the year 2012?


A long time ago the Mayan calendar described 2012 as the end of the Great Cycle, which will be accompanied by great changes. How did they know that so much social, economic, political, and environmental turmoil would be taking place at this moment in time?


How did other ancient cultures know that great changes would climax around 2012? They were physically separated from the Mayans by vast distances and unable to communicate with one another. Did they have outside help? If so, from who?


Why has a man by the name of Benjamin Crиme stepped forward over the past thirty some odd years playing the role of a global John the Baptist proclaiming that the Christ consciousness, physically materialized as Maitreya, was coming. He began to tell this story many years ago when it seemed that life and the status quo on this planet would go on forever, and the relevance of the year 2012 was known by just a handful of people. Why has his story gained credibility over time? Why does this drama seem to be cresting today?


This is a lot of sobering and thought-provoking information to ponder. No one can say for sure what's coming or when it might happen. However, those whose awareness has already shifted can sense the profound energetic changes taking place today. There is no question that things have gotten more intense, unsettled, and unsure for humankind over the past thirty years. And there is good reason to believe that this energy will continue to quicken exponentially over the next decade of life.


I have no doubt that there is an extraordinary shift in consciousness taking place that will bring about the next stage of mankind's evolutionary development, however it may occur. In my opinion, that is what the New Age stands for. It also appears that this shift is polarizing humanity into two mindsets: those calling for a higher level of consciousness that is more love-centered, compassionate, and sacred versus those who cannot let go of their fear-based, ego-minded, self-centered ways of life.


Clearly, one can begin to see that various institutions, whose self-serving agendas are based upon fear, deception, separation, and control are beginning to be exposed for what they are. Their moral decay is a very clear sign that the old order is slowly breaking down. Obvious examples are the Wall Street investment houses and their selfish business leaders. This list also includes corrupt politicians and the shadowy forces in the military and other dark agencies of their administrations that do their bidding. One can also point to the oil cartels and a colossal cobweb of powerful banking interests, which includes the Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund, the Bank of England, the World Bank, and others that are part of a network of control and greed headed by the super rich and elite. Their karma is due. Their moment of truth has come. They know it. They are trying to hold on for dear life. But it won't work.


More cracks in the old, self-serving structures of life can be seen in the mega shifts that are taking place in the Middle East, Europe, and other parts of the world today. The Arab Spring has awakened millions of people in many oppressed countries to new possibilities of justice, freedom, democracy, education, and the right to determine their future.


Slowly but surely, organized calls for change are happening within these countries and other nations in other parts of the world. People simply are sick and tired of their morally bankrupt and corrupt leaders. One can expect an Arab Spring energy to spread throughout the world led by a new generation of revolutionaries, 17 to 35 years of age, who are angry and wired into instantaneous action and demonstrations through the Internet. These disenchanted youths stare into the future, see no hope, and realize they have nothing to lose. They will lead the charge for a better world.            


Along with the new revolutionaries, new groups and organizations that desire an approach to life that is based upon love, honor, respect, self-responsibility, and sharing are beginning to strengthen and flourish. They know that the outcome of Godliness and goodness during the dawning Golden Age of Aquarius is inevitable. They also realize that Aquarius will be a time when we will learn to live kindly, choose our words gently and compassionately, and reconnect with our souls regardless of where and how this Age unfolds. Those who do not embrace this transformation will not evolve.


I for one believe that an old cycle of human history is indeed coming to an end so that something new can be born. I also feel it will be coupled with a form of cleansing; physical, mental or otherwise. How much upheaval occurs and to what degree it challenges our everyday lives remains to be seen. The reason is that the future is fluid and will be defined by the individual and collective choices we are making today. Either way, I feel we are in the early stages of a profound transition that will intensify, as we make our way past the year 2012 until a new foundation for life is born or our civilization collapses.


I base my feelings on two unmistakable warning signs that are difficult to ignore. Both exist for all to see: the relentless destruction of our environment, and the rampant end-of-the-Iron-Age symptoms, which are now apparent throughout the far reaches of this magnificent planet.


Clearly, humanity has reached an historic climax. Earth Mother cannot replenish her resources fast enough to satisfy our collective needs and greed. The environment is a breath away from irreversible destruction. And we are vastly overpopulated. If we don't take rapid action now, I would guess that we have a window of approximately ten to twenty years before Earth begins to rid itself in earnest of all the arrogant karmic filth we've put into her body and soul. And she has every right to do so.


For sure, there are gradual signs that higher choices are being made today for the betterment of mankind and the well being of our planetary home. What we need is overnight change that can tip the scales of humanity's collective consciousness towards God-centeredness, love, harmony, peace, justice, and sharing and away from the current madness. And that is exactly what it will take before the rapidly closing window of opportunity to advance the human spirit closes around us.


There seems to be five possible outcomes for our civilization. The first is that most of us decide not to change fast enough to heal the environment. As a result of that arrogant, selfish choice, our planet reaches irreversible ecological breakdown and takes most of us with it, leaving behind the deserving remnants of those individuals who will be the seeds of the emerging Golden Age.


The second possibility for mankind is that an outside influence, such as Maitreya, the Brotherhood of Light, and benevolent extraterrestrials make their presence known and point us in a new direction. They will provide us with the guidance if we ask. They will not wave a magic wand and solve our problems. We have to do that with their help.


The third alternative is that a small but crucial segment of our population, who desires to live according to the sacred principles of the newly birthing Aquarian Age, achieves a critical mass of collective consciousness. Like the hundredth monkey effect, this would "flip" the remaining planetary population and push us off in a new direction. The new collective consciousness would also slow down and calm the physical Earth changes that have begun until we can rebalance the planet.


The fourth possibility is that the ongoing polarization of consciousness reaches a point of climax and a fourth-dimensional planet Earth, vibrating differently than the one we currently reside on, is born. At that point individuals ready to occupy this new home would somehow be brought there. Those who have not graduated will remain in three-dimensional reality and continue to incarnate on three-dimensional Earth or a similar planetary sphere where they would continue to learn, grow, and evolve during subsequent reincarnational cycles.


The fifth possible outcome would be the occurrence of a massive natural catastrophe such as a flipping of the physical poles, an asteroid, and the like. It has happened before and will happen again.


One also has to assume that a hybrid of the aforementioned possibilities is also possible. Either way, the highest outcome and the greatest statement we could make for future generations is that we brought our civilization to the brink of destruction, changed our ways for the better, and created a model of success for others in the universe to follow. And we may have help in doing so.


Don't be surprised if, within the next few years, a credible country, group of countries, or the United Nations announce that extraterrestrials exist, that they have the proof, and then share it with us.


The first solid clue that we are heading in that direction came from, of all places, the Vatican, who chose to go public with the following information. Father Gabriel Funes is the director of the Vatican Observatory near Rome and is their authoritative voice for celestial matters. He is also a respected scientist who collaborates with many universities around the world. In 2008 he stated that the search for extraterrestrial life does not contradict our belief in God. In fact the official Vatican newspaper used the following headline for his article: "Aliens Are My Brother." In that same article, he also said that intelligent beings created by God could exist in outer space.


My reason for pointing out the Vatican's position is that it reaches into everything including politics, governments, the United Nations, and other influential organizations around the world. They do not want to get caught unprepared when it comes to credible extraterrestrial disclosures. Too much is at stake for them. In my estimation, they are readying their followers for an announcement that is imminent in order to blend their religious dogmas and beliefs into that of extraterrestrial life beyond planet Earth. The new Pope Francis is the perfect, wise and benevolent leader to help them do this.


I fervently hope that a Maitreya figure, and extraterrestrials who are part of His Brotherhood of Light, will announce their presence within the next few years. This extraordinary, unprecedented act would be the initial unstoppable force that begins to propel the collective human consciousness in a new and exciting direction. It may very well be that these two events become the focal point for the birth of the New Age of Aquarius that will begin to take mankind and our beautiful planet away from the edge of destruction that we are so close to now.


Is such a scenario possible? Consider this. During the early morning hours of December 9, 2009, a mysterious display of lights appeared in the northern sky of Norway. Eyewitnesses said that a white light rotated in the sky after which a blue-green spiral originated from the center of the white spiral. Apparently, the entire event lasted about ten minutes before gradually fading out. Although some have said it was a failed Russian rocket, Truls Lynne Hansen, the Director of the Tromso Geophysical Observatory in Norway stated, "We have seen rockets being launched from northwest Russia, and from the rocket range in Kiruna in northern Sweden, and from the neighboring Andenes in northern Norway, but nothing like this."


Furthermore, the United Kingdom's Daily Mailonline and Norway's Aftenposten also supported eyewitness accounts of a light that stopped in mid-air, after which it began to circulate, creating a giant spiral that covered a large portion of sky. Then, a green-blue beam of light shot out from the center of the white spiraling light just after it completed its large sky pattern. The following photos tell the entire story.


Early stages of the Norway light


Zooming in on the Norway light


Norway light begins to fade




Norway light begins to dissipate and slowly disappear


`What was the significance of the Norway Light incident? For one, it occurred over the same country, and at the same time, when the Nobel Peace Prize was being presented and when the G8 countries held a summit in Norway to discuss the issues of global warming. Was this an otherworldly sign sent to raise awareness and inspire the G8 participants to act responsibly?


Following this remarkable event was an announcement from Benjamin Crиme on January 14 of 2010, which was as follows…


Maitreya Steps Forward

“The way prepared by His Herald the ‘star’, Maitreya, the World Teacher, has given His first interview on American television. Millions have heard Him speak both on TV and the internet.


His open mission has begun.


He was introduced not as Maitreya, the World Teacher and Head of our Spiritual Hierarchy, but simply as a man, one of us. In this way He “ensures that men follow and support Him for the truth and sanity of His ideas rather than for His status”.


He spoke earnestly of the need for peace, achievable only through the creation of justice and the sharing of the world’s resources.


This is the first of many such interviews which will be given in the USA, Japan, Europe and elsewhere, bringing His message of hope to the world.”


Benjamin Creme, 14 January 2010

Several months later, during March 2010, Benjamin Crиme issued the following information:


"Now that Maitreya has stepped forward into the open arena of the world and has appeared several times in full view of the television cameras, we can take stock of what has been achieved so far and, to some extent, interpret the reaction of those who have seen and heard Him. Bear in mind that in these preliminary approaches to the public, Maitreya has been careful not to frighten away those He wishes to help by too great an emphasis on change, too drastic and radical a programme for renewal. While critical of our present practices in financial matters, bringing pain and hardship to millions, He praised men for their many achievements and their readiness to aspire to the creation of a better world.


From this point on, Maitreya will ‘step up’ the need for urgent change, the necessity for peace based on justice and sharing. He will also focus attention on the plight of planet Earth and the responsibility of men for its problems. Thus will the Great Lord orchestrate a mounting crescendo of action for the re-establishment of our world and life.


Interviews of this kind will continue to be given around the world, awakening men everywhere to their opportunity to set to rights their life, to create justice and peace by sharing, to see themselves as One, to end forever the competition and greed which for so long has held men back from their destined path to divinity."


I continue to watch this fascinating story unfold. Again, we won't know anything for sure until Maitreya steps forward as Maitreya. And if that happens, what a simple, yet incredibly loving, compassionate, and uplifting plan He has for humanity. Benjamin Crиme sums it up as follows:


"He is here to inspire us to create a new era based on sharing and justice, so that all may have the basic necessities of life: food, shelter, health care, and education."


I often ask myself, "What will happen to humanity if a Maitreya does not exist? Are there any world leaders today who can effectively inspire humanity to create a better world? Are they really trying to? Is there enough time left to save our civilization from destruction? Is humanity willing to change its ways over night?" I just don't see it. And without outside divine intervention in our lives at this point in time, the future gets very blurry for me.

Ancient lore says that Atlantis was destroyed because technology became God and relatively few Atlanteans were spiritually aware and living their truth. Humanity did not learn how to balance and harmonize the two for the greater good during those times. We are very close to making the same mistake again. Let's hope that our civilization's final epitaph is not, "Too Little, Too Late."


As for me, I pray for the highest outcome. As mentioned above, it would necessitate the emergence of a BIG messenger who, as a world teacher, would galvanize a critical mass of humanity so that we can begin to head in a higher direction of Self-awareness. After all, if we were sent advanced souls such as Hermes, Confucius, Zoroaster, Krishna, the Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed in the past to usher in a New Age or to help us during other challenging times, why not now, especially when we are in dire need of it? This first important step would also be taken with the assistance of our friends from the stars who can work with us to create a more benevolent way of life on this planet. It will take several generations of new souls to materially head us in a new direction and usher in a new Aquarian Age, but it can be done.


Over the next 2,500 years, the energy of Aquarius could help humanity end the artificial, ego-based separations that have prevented us from evolving as fast as we should. Its powerful influence, which is one of synthesis and togetherness, would give birth to an age of mutual sharing and justice that could be of benefit to all of mankind.


It could also be a time when material greed and political power are rejected, when all men and women are treated as equals, and their Aquarian children will come to us with expanded powers. If we can achieve this dream, the story of our civilization pulling itself back from the brink of extinction in order to press forward with a higher vision, would serve as a bold example for other civilizations in the universe who are struggling just as we are. And no one would argue that success stories are far more fun to share than failures.


As this drama unfolds before my very eyes, I try my best to stay God-centered, loving, fearless, in the moment, co-creative, hopeful, and dependent upon Source for all that comes into my life. And I will not move from that sacred God-spot regardless of what the future might bring.

"You are the way that God becomes human."


The Return of the Bird Tribes

~ Ken Carey


Bibliography for Books Cited Herein


A Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos the Tibetan. Copyright 1974 by Rudolf Steiner Publications and Copyright 1991 by Garber communications. ISBN 0-8334-0022-3

A Master Speaks through Benjamin Crиme. Copyright 1985 by Benjamin Crиme London. ISBN 90-71484-10-6

An Introduction to the Keys of Enoch through J. J. Hurtak. Copyright 1975 by J. J. Hurtak and The Academy for Future Science. Library of Congress Catalogue Number 81-65575

Bartholomew, Planetary Brother by Bartholomew. Edited by Joy Franklin And Mary Margaret Moore. Copyright 1991 by High Mesa Press. ISBN 0-9614010-6-0

Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume I: Ten Cases in India. Ian Stevenson (1975). University Press of Virginia

Children of the Gods by A. B. Curtis, Copyright 1995 by A.B. Curtis. ISBN 0-932529-57-7

Conversations with God Book I by Neale Donald Walsch. Copyright 1995 by Neale Donald Walsch. ISBN 1-57174-025-2


Conversations with God Book II by Neale Donald Walsch. Copyright 1997 by Neale Donald Walsch. ISBN 1-57174-056-2


Conversations with God Book III by Neale Donald Walsch. Copyright 1998 by Neale Donald Walsch. ISBN 1-57174-103-8


Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus by Edgar Cayce. Copyright 1968 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation. ISBN 0-425-10327-7


E. T. 101, The cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary Evolution, co-created by Mission control and Zoev Jho. Copyright 1990 and 1995 by Diana Luppi. ISBN 0-06-251267-6

Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock. Copyright 1995 by Graham Hancock. ISBN 0-517-88729-0

Flight into Freedom by Eileen Caddy and Liza Hollingshead, Copyright 1988 by Eileen Caddy and Liza Hollingshead. ISBN 1-85230-021-3

God Spoke to Me by Eileen Caddy. Copyright 1971 by Eileen Caddy. ISBN 0-905249-81-X

Inside the Spaceships by George Adamski. Copyright 1953 by George Adamski. Library of Congress Catalogue Number 80-80383


Kryon, The End Times Through Lee Carroll. Copyright 1992, 1993 by Lee Carroll. ISBN 0-9636304-2-3


Kryon, Alchemy of the Human Spirit through Lee Carroll. Copyright 1995 Library of Congress. ISBN 0-9639304-8-2


Kryon, Partnering with God through Lee Carroll. Copyright 1997 by Lee Carroll. ISBN 1-888053-10-0


Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss, M.D. Copyright 1988 by Brian L. Weiss, M.D. ISBN 0-671-65786-0

Messages from Heaven by Patricia Kirmond. Copyright 1999 Summit University Press. ISBN 0-922729-44-1

Message from the Pleiades, The Contact Notes of Eduard Billy Meier translated by Wendell C. Stevens. Four volume set; ISBN 0934269149, ISBN 0934269246, ISBN 0-934269-28-9, and ISBN 0-934269-30-0, respectively. Publish dates for the four volumes range from 1979-1995

Old Souls by Tom Shroder, The Scientific Evidence for Past Lives. Copyright 1996 by Tom Shroder. ISBN 0-684-85192-X

Only Love is Real by Brian L. Weiss, M.D. Copyright 1996 by Brian L. Weiss, M.D. ISBN 0:446-67265-3

Out on a Limb by Shirley MacLaine. Copyright 1983 by Shirley MacLaine. ISBN ISBN-13: 9780553240955

Revelation by David Spangler. Copyright 1976 by David Spangler. ISBN 0-914198-09-69

Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts and notes by Robert F. Butts. Copyright 1972 by Jane Roberts. ISBN 0-553-25592-4

Starseed the New Millennium Living in the Posthistoric World by Ken Carey. Copyright 1991 by Ken Carey. ISBN 0-06-250138-0

St. Germain – Earth's Birth Changes through Azena. Copyright 1994 by Triad Publishers Pty. Ltd. ISBN 0-646-21388-1

The 12th Planet by Zecharia Sitchin. Copyright 1976 by Zecharia Sitchin. ISBN 0-380-39362-X

The Calling by Rasha, Copyright 1998 Earthstar Press. ISBN 0-9659003-0-4

The Camino by Shirley MacLaine. Copyright 2000 by Shirley MacLaine. ISBN 0-7434-0073-9


The Great Approach by Benjamin Crиme. Copyright 2001 by Benjamin Creme. ISBN 90-71484-23-8

The Invitation by Sixto Paz Wells. U.S. Copyright 1st World Library. Translation from the Original Spanish by Monika Sehuanes. ISBN 1-887472-29-0

The Mysteries of the Great Cross at Hendaye
by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges. Copyright 1999, 2003 by Jay Weidner and Vincent bridges. ISBN 0-89282-084-X


The P'taah Tapes: An Act of Faith channeled by Jani King. Copyright 1994 by Triad Publishers Pty. Ltd. ISBN 0-646-07469-5


The P'taah Tapes: Transformation of the Species channeled by Jani King. Copyright 1991 by Triad Publishers Pty. Ltd. ISBN 0-646-13606-2

The Ra Material – Book 1 by Ra, an humble messenger of the Law of One. Copyright 1984 by James Allen McCarty, Don Elkins, and Carla Rueckert. ISBN 0-89865-260-X

The Seth Material by Jane Roberts. Copyright 1970 by Jane Roberts. ISBN 0-13-807198-5

The Starseed Transmissions by Ken Carey. Copyright 1982 by Kenneth X. Carey. ISBN 0-06-250189-5

The Urantia Book is channeled information by celestial beings. First published in 1955. Copyright 1955 by the Urantia Foundation. ISBN-13: 9780911560510


The White Sands Incident including An Extraterrestrial Statement by Rolf Telano. Copyright 1954 by Dr. Daniel Fry. ISBN 1-881852-00-8


Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo by Nirodbaran. Copyright 1972 by Sri Aurobindo ashram Trust. ISBN 81-7058-099-4


Twin Souls by Patricia Joudry and Maurie Pressman, M.D. Copyright 1993, 1995 by Patricia Joudry and Maurie D. Pressman, M.D. ISBN 0-517-70059-X

Twin Souls and Soulmates through Azena Ramanda and Claire Heartsong. Copyright 1995 by Triad Publishers Pty. Ltd. ISBN 0-646-21150-1


Vision A Personal Call to Create a New World by Ken Carey. Copyright 1985 by Kenneth X. Carey. ISBN 0-06-250179-8


Wrinkles in Time by George Smoot and Keay Davidson. Copyright 1993 by George Smoot



A Gift...From the Stars


The transformation of times has begun, and an unprecedented shift in human consciousness is underway. Our world and how we view it is being shaken and rearranged by events that will bring change to everyone. Many are searching for answers to questions that can help them find courage and hope during the unrest and uncertainty at hand.


I found answers to these questions when a series of unexpected crises turned my world upside down and brought a great deal of pain, suffering, and expanded awareness into my life. I’d like to share what I’ve learned with you.


What are these timeless questions? Who Am I really? What am I doing here? Where did I come from? Am I more than my body? What is my soul? What happens when I die? Have I lived here before? How can I find inner peace? And most important of all: who and what is God?


Other questions I’ve explored are: What will the years 2012 and beyond bring? Is a highly advanced being from another dimension already here to help us find our way? Why are soul mate and twin soul relationships so important for us? Have extraterrestrials influenced human destiny? Will they do it again now? And more.


I invite you to take a journey of Self-discovery. I promise you will never be the same again. And that will serve you well during the newly birthing Age of Aquarius, whose energies will foster unity, brotherhood, peace, and enlightenment among us.


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