What We Put Out Comes Back To Us

Different versions of this golden rule can be found in ancient writings, the Bible, and many of the Eastern mystical teachings.


It has been expressed in a number of different ways over the ages.


The most familiar versions are, "we reap what we sow," or "do unto others what we would have them do unto us."


This truth has also been referred to as the law of cause and effect. That is, for each action that we take there will be an effect.


It also means that we must take personal responsibility for all that we do.

Love-based actions build up positive karma over time; negative ones have to be balanced and healed.


If we do something that is irresponsible and hurts a person, animal, plant or Earth Mother, the consequences of this negative karma will eventually come back to us in this or some future lifetime. And we will have to find ways to re-balance them. The opposite holds true for the loving actions we unselfishly perform.


Eventually, we figure it all out and begin to make Higher choices, because we realize that by hurting other people and things, we only hurt ourselves. We are all One.


The law of cause and effect is just, totally fair, and should not be replaced with the man-made belief that we will all be judged and punished by an angry God.


Why? Prior to incarnating we plan our next life. And we, not God, are the ones who will choose how to balance and heal the negative karma we have created. Again, the opposite holds true for love-based actions that have created positive karma.


We Create Our Own Reality

The mind is more powerful than we are aware of at this time.


It is the creator and its every thought can be the source of something new.


Each day we create by making hundreds, if not thousands, of decisions that alter the reality surrounding our lives.


We decide to go to the store, drive the car, walk by the beach, build a chair, paint a picture, visit a friend or get angry at something.


There seems to be no limit to what we can create through our thoughts.


This awesome ability has been put to good use and it has also been severely abused throughout the ages.


Just take a look at the world around us.

There is no limit to what mankind can create using the power of the mind and the gift of free will.


And each time we use these gifts we can do so responsibly or without regard for the consequences.


As always, the final decision is ours to make. God will never do anything for us that we can do for ourselves.


Everything In The Universe Is Energy


All physical matter in our universe contains enormous amounts of energy.

There is also the "unreal" form of energy that seems more ethereal, subtle or intangible in nature.


For instance, we can often sense the energy in a room filled with people. Or we can feel the energy of someone's love that is always uplifting or another's negative energy that can be draining.


There is a basic law of science which states that energy, regardless of its source, can never be destroyed. It can only change from one form to another.


Here is the critical part.


You are energy.


Imagine yourself as a battery.


This morning, after a refreshing walk through the woods, you return home and are charged with a feeling of wonderful, positive energy that has been added to your reserve.


The phone rings. An angry person is calling.


You choose to plug your lifeline into that person's negative energy, and the positive life force you created during your walk in nature immediately begins to drain from you.

As your positive life force reaches empty, you begin to fill up with the other person's negative energy.


You become angry.


The wonderful feeling you had minutes ago has disappeared because your energy has changed from one form (positive) to another (negative).


We must constantly question every experience that can influence the quality of our energy.


If we don't like the negative vibrations of another person or a situation we find ourselves in, then we must look for ways to detach our lifeline from those influences and plug it into a source of energy that has a far more uplifting effect.


On a larger scale, the flow and exchange of positive and negative vibrations can ripple out and extend far beyond their points of their origin and impact more than one person or circumstance in the process.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 141; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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