Transformation of the Species

An Act of Faith

~Through Jani King (early 1990s)


"...your planet has gone through cyclic changes as has humanity... And now, dear ones, the whole Earth is quickening. The heart of humanity is quickening in anticipation of the culmination of this epoch...this year 1992 is important because it truly does mark the beginning of what has been historically called in your ancient writings 'the last days.'"


"Now it is very important for all to understand that this timing, the world as you know it, will fall into greater and greater chaos...The failure of your institutions and the Earth changes have already begun, but will accelerate in 1992."


"It (the changes) will affect the galaxies, dear one. These changes are not merely confined to this planet. It is a different alignment of star systems; it is not only this planet. It is coming into a different alignment of is beneficial to many worlds that your transition be one of great beauty, that it is one of joy, that it be one of love, that there be absence of fear."


"So in this time to come, which is very soon in your historical times, the Earth will shift and change; the consciousness of humanity will expand and expand and it will rise to what is called a higher density..."


"There are many of you who are terrified that you will die before the 'big bang' and cannot experience the reality of the fourth dimension. Well, you will not miss out. I promise you."


"The transition, the coming into ONENESS of all things, may be as quickly as the blink of the eye...For those who do not desire it, they will not experience it. Always, always it is your choice."

St. Germain – Earth's Birth Changes

~Through Azena (early 1990s)


"It is nigh unto the ripeness of time–indeed–a culmination of eons of time unto the harvest. The time is now...The rapture will allow you to perceive fourth density...therefore third density will no longer be able to perceive you, for you will be simultaneously existing, coexisting in the same space/time, but merely not perceived, because it is of a different frequency."


"The year 2012 of your time is the apex of it. It is a convergence point into unlimitedness..."


"Alright. Cycles—there are cycles within cycles within cycles. There are many, many, many different cycles that are culminating in this now.


The reason for the focus on planet Earth, and for all the galactic confederations coming forth unto this area of your solar system, is because the universe is in the shifting of is also occurring to the astral body of Earth, the etheric body Earth, and the soul body of Earth."


"These particular dates (2012) are all shifting, because consciousness is shifting all the time. It is a flux. It appears that it is somewhere between 2010 and 2013 of your now."


"…and when fourth density or super-consciousness comes upon the plane, it will not be perceiving third density and third density will not be perceiving fourth density, for they will be different dimensions then. Now they are co-existent dimensions, and when super-consciousness prevails, the shift will occur and that is called a rapture."

Conversations with God - Book 3

~Through Neale Donald Walsch(late 1990s)


"Walsch: You mean I can avoid the Earth shifting on its axis, or being smashed by a meteor, or being crumpled by earthquakes, or be caught in the confusing and hysterical aftermath of Y2K?


God: You can definitely avoid being affected negatively by any of that.


God continued...I am saying that once before on your planet you had reached the heights—beyond the heights, really,—to which you now are slowly climbing. You had a civilization on Earth more advanced than the one now existing. And it destroyed itself.


Not only did it destroy itself, it nearly destroyed everything else as well. It did this because it did not know how to deal with the very technologies it had developed. Its technological evolution was so far ahead of its spiritual evolution that it wound up making technology its God.


Walsch: This all happened here, on this Earth?


God: Yes


Walsch: Are you talking about the Lost City of Atlantis?


God: Some of you have called it that.


Walsch: And Lemuria? The land of Mu?


God: That is also part of your mythology.


Walsch: So then it is true? We did get to that place before?


God: Oh beyond it, my Friend. Way beyond it.


Walsch: And we did destroy ourselves?


God: Why are you surprised? You're doing the same thing now."

Messages from Heaven

~Through Patricia Kirmond (late 1990s)


These messages come from a man who passed away when he was 80 years of age. He sent the transmissions to his twin flame, the author of this book.


"The nation (USA) is experiencing a time similar to when the Roman Empire crumbled and when the continent of Atlantis sank. People's senses grow dull. They do not feel the deterioration of the basic moral fiber of the nation, or they feel it and do not know what to do about it."


"I do not feel that you will avoid all cataclysms, but you still have time to change the worst portents."


"...for people who do not understand the law of cycles. New cycles cannot begin until the karma of the previous cycle is cleared."


"What people find hard to understand is that in this period of time major karma has come due."


"I can tell you that the energies are intensifying. When energies intensify, people are often tested in unprecedented ways."


"At times like this, people are facing increased returning karma so they can balance the maximum amount before the turning of cycles. This can be a test that pushes you toward the limits of what you feel you can handle. Remember to stay anchored in God when all seems to be in chaos."


"Before a Golden Age can occur, every jot and title of karma comes up for balancing...The cosmic justice system is one of the most incredible things I have come to understand. We are given free will to create and select as we wish, but we are also given accountability."

The Calling

~Amitabh through Rasha (late 1990s)


The wisdom in The Calling is from a collective consciousness called "Amitabh." The Amitabh energy is The Father Consciousness, whose information is Divine Guidance from an aspect of God.


"What has come to be termed Christ Consciousness is the condition that all souls who survive into the Great Spiritual Age will attain. For in the coming times, none will remain who are defined by the limitation of physical expression."


"Those whose destiny it is to remain physically incarnate on this planet will need to have a deep-seated understanding that this turn of events is not an ending, but rather a beginning. A fresh start of historic significance."


"One should expect to see many instances of political upheaval, wars, uprisings and other instances of mass chaos in the coming times as unenlightened souls find themselves, unknowingly, at the effect of the shifting vibrational energy forces."


"Those who permit themselves to be swept into a state of panic and despair over the upheavals of these times are less likely to be able to withstand, psychologically and emotionally, the times to come."

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