Your inner voice tells you that change is coming.

You feel a restlessness stirring deep within.

You find yourself searching for a deeper meaning and purpose to life.

Struggling for survival and happiness in the material world just doesn't satisfy you anymore.

More and more you are becoming bored and frustrated with the routines of everyday life.

You no longer feel connected or attached to things, places, or even people you once felt close to.

Your career or personal relationships with other people don't feel the same anymore.

Your hunger for the material comforts and pleasures of life leaves you feeling empty and incomplete.

You are beginning to realize that lasting peace and happiness is an inner thing.

You find yourself breaking ties with all things physical.

You find yourself looking into the spiritual or mystical realms for a greater sense of purpose, direction, and meaning to life.

Tests of personal, financial or physical hardship have found their way into your life.

Perhaps you suffer through periods of profound doubt, depression, dissociation, disorientation, rootlessness, and a profound sense of loss.

Heavy foods such as beef, rich deserts, and the like no longer feel right and lower your vibrations.

You often find yourself wondering…who am I, what am I really doing here or what is my real purpose on this planet?

Perhaps your feelings are becoming more intense, that you cry or become overly emotional for no good reason.

You feel that time is speeding up.

Sometimes you question your own sanity, but there is a knowingness deep within that says you are on the right path.

You find yourself going through a personal cleansing process where old belief systems are being weeded out from your inner world.

At times you feel exhausted for no apparent reason.

Other times you find it difficult to focus on your job or other types of work.

Your traditional belief system is showing signs of upheaval and you find yourself detaching from it.

You find yourself in career crisis and are perhaps seeking employment and professional fulfillment in an entirely new area or a series of unfocused projects that have little substance to them.

You may feel a sense of separation from family and friends.

Material things no longer are a source of security for you.

For some, it seems that your entire world is falling apart.

You begin to look at things in a much different way.

Some days everything seems to go right, other days everything seemingly goes wrong.

You no longer seem concerned with financial security.

You trust in the knowingness of your higher Self and in the notion that the spiritual journey is one's true path.

Your old life is dying while at the same time a new life is emerging.

You find yourself very uncomfortable in the presence of negative energy.

Religious dogmas that have motivated you through fear and guilt no longer feel right.

You find yourself waiting for signs.

More and more you feel out of touch, out of sync, with the rest of the world.

You no longer find meaning in your work.

Your life has recently gone through upheaval, perhaps in the form of a health crisis, financial loss, career failure, divorce, or a broken relationship.

You feel that your vibration is increasing and that things such as traffic, noisy malls, busy highways, bustling airports, violent movies, and other kinds of negative energies lower your vibrations.

You now find that attachments to any and all things put limitations on you...that your sense of freedom is diminished.

You find yourself detaching from the rat race, material possessions, negative relationships, and old belief systems that don't serve you well anymore.

You no longer feel connected to consensus reality.

You find yourself seeking ways to achieve inner peace and simplicity of life.

You often feel that you live in and sense two different realities simultaneously. The 3-dimensional material reality your old self used to occupy and a new reality of higher vibration and spirituality that you find yourself shifting into.


Feel good if you can relate to the symptoms of personal transformation!

There are massive changes taking place on our planet these days.

Mother Earth's vibrations grow stronger every passing day and they are reaching higher and higher elevations.

As that happens, you will experience profound changes within yourself.

Inner change is happening for many of us.

And a greater sense of the Universal Truth is awakening in the mass
consciousness of humanity.







~ 7 ~



Universal Truths

"The Truth shall set you free"


~ Jesus


When the universe was breathed into existence, something else was "out there" besides the galaxies, stars, and planets. This "something" will never be measured by scientific instruments. Physical creation and all the wonders that go with it would be more than enough to keep the minds of the scientists occupied. But the All-Knowing mind knew that scientists would not be the only ones who would want to seriously contemplate the nature of the universe and how we fit into it.


There would be the mystics, the philosophers, and the metaphysicians who would want to seek and understand the Universal Truths that were also an integral part of creation. They are the ones who would use the heart more than the mind in their pursuit of what interested them most. And in the process of peeling away the layers of false beliefs and illusions about material life, they would try to gift us with their best insights into the nature of humanity and our connection to the universe in which we live.


Somehow, these wise souls would know that the quest for Truth transcends all other activity. They also knew that, sooner or later, their own journey would inspire the same search in many others who might find themselves on the threshold of spiritual awakening and awareness.


What is the Truth? How do we know it? What is its purpose? How does it influence our spiritual compass? Why is it so important to our cosmic journey?


To begin answering these questions, one has to return to the source of all truth, the Absolute Truth, before time and space ever existed. By divine design, God chose to place in each soul an endless need to search for an understanding of its Source. Even though All That Is is impossible to fully comprehend, the need to do so is eternal. Sometimes this need is forgotten, while at other times it is quite active. In the process of searching for the Truth, we become more of who we are and advance the growth and evolution of our consciousness.

Truth is something that is self-evident and can be traced to the knowledge or feeling we have about any given thing. On an everyday basis, we know that heat burns, food nourishes, and one plus one is two. However, I'm not talking about that kind of mind-based truth.


There is another kind of truth that can only be found with the heart. By design, the heart is the seat of knowingness where one feels that something is right and what is not right; what is the highest choice we can make and what isn't. The reason for this is that the heart is intimately co-joined with the soul, and the interplay between the two serves as the spiritual compass and moral rudder that guides us on our journey through the cosmos.


There is another property of Truth that is also very important: it is unchangeable. In God's world, there are cycles within cycles. Some are large, while others are small. Yet, all of it guarantees a constantly changing universe so that nothing, including us, remains static. On the other hand, within all of that incomprehensible unsettledness and shifting around, the Truth is forever constant, applies everywhere, is never forced upon us, and is always available to those who seek it.


While here on Earth, we have the opportunity to search for this Truth lifetime after lifetime so that it may free us from the compulsive over-identification we have with our physical bodies and the material world. Even though the Truth can threaten and destroy our structures of false beliefs and how we might view reality, at the right time in our ongoing journey we also find it incredibly inviting. Sooner or later its pull and influence becomes the most important part of our lives, especially when we try to live our Truth.


What are some of the truths that can be found all over the universe? I am going to describe some of the big ones. This is not the entire list by any means. Nor is it my list. It comes from the teachings I've exposed myself to over the years. And their availability does not belong to any exclusive group or religion. They are free for the asking. No one owns them. There is no fee or donation required to access them. The real God, not the ones fabricated and personalized by various religions to satisfy their self-serving agendas, made it that way. As with any truth or teaching, each should be brought to the heart to see if it feels right and then used according to ones own choices and wishes.

The Universal Truths


God Loves Us Unconditionally


Unconditional love is totally free of any limits, reservations, controls, restrictions, attachments, needs, provisions, qualifications, demands, expectations, judgments, restraints, regulations, legalese, fine print or footnotes.


In other words, no matter what we do, God loves us.


This is not what many of us have been taught. And those teachings have caused much of the fear, doubt, guilt, and anxiety that far too many of us walk around with today.


Some religious leaders of the Western world would have us believe that God gets angry and punishes us when we are bad or commit sin.


This cunning use of fear and guilt has been with us for almost two thousand years and it is a clever means of control. In fact, Hell was invented to support this concept.


On the other hand, if God loves us unconditionally, how can there be a place called Hell?


God cannot be unconditional love and a Supreme Being who causes fear through eternal punishment at the same time. It can only be one or the other.


The real God gave us a way to always find the truth. Go to your heart, not your mind, when you ponder Spirit's unconditional love for us. Then, see what feels right for you.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 143; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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