Match the terms and their definitions.


a. a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply

b. a long pipe, typically underground, for conveying oil, gas, etc., over long distances

c. a part or element of a larger whole

d. an artificial channel for conveying water, typically in the form of a bridge supported by tall columns across a valley

e. designed, developed, constructed

f. happen; take place; exist

g. involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design and planning

h. the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures

i. the process of keeping something in good condition

j. the supply or provision of something

k. the use of a chemical, physical, or biological agent to preserve or give particular properties to something



Make a summary of the text according to the following plan.

1. The title of the text is “…” .

2. The text is devoted to … .

3. Such problems as… are touched upon in the text.

4. The text consists of … parts.

5. The first part deals with … .

6. The second (third, forth, etc.) part describes … .

7. The main idea of the text is to show … (to underline … / to prove

… / to inform the reader about ...).

8. In my opinion, the text is useful / informative / interesting. It is worth reading.


Skim over the text. Answer the following questions.

Text B. The Scheme of Water Supply


In general, water supply can be represented as the following scheme:

Pict. 6. The General Scheme of Water Supply

Water supply systems get water from a variety of sources. Water sources include:

1. underground sources (groundwater from aquifers, artesian water);




2. surface water (water from rivers, lakes, reservoirs, as well as seas through desalination);

Water accumulation and conservation.

The water is then, in most cases, purified, disinfected through chlo- rination and sometimes fluoridated. Treated water then either flows by gravity or is pumped to reservoirs which can be elevated (e.g. water tow- ers) or can be on the ground.

Having been treated, water is to be distributed to all the water con- sumers served by the area water undertaking. Methods of water distribu- tion vary. For towns and cities, water companies treat water collected from wells, lakes, rivers, and ponds and distribute it to individual build- ings. In rural areas water is commonly obtained directly from wells.


The construction and maintenance of a water distribution system for a large city is a complex operation since there must be at least one water main in each street. A water main is a main line in a water supply sys- tem. The basic elements of a typical distribution system are shown be- low:

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 364; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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