- муж
- жена (+ мн. число)
- свекор, тесть
- свекровь, теща
- зять
- невестка, сноха
- невестка, золовка, свояченица
- зять, шурин, свояк, деверь
- родители мужа или жены
- мачеха
- отчим
- пасынок
- падчерица
- неродные дети
- неродной брат
- Кто вам этот человек? Как его фамилия? Он вам родственник?
- У Мэри куча родственников со стороны матери.
- Скажите своё имя и отчество, пожалуйста.
- Какое у него прозвище?
- Билл наш знакомый. Он мой тезка.
- Дэвид твой сосед?
- Он ее близкий друг / партнер.
- Где вы познакомились?
- Фред мой одноклассник / сосед по парте / напарник.
- Питер холостой.
- Вильям развелся с ней. Он разведен.
- Элис вдова. Брайан вдовец.
- Том и Сюзан помолвлены.
- Когда была свадьба?
- У них был счастливый брак.
- невеста до свадьбы, на свадьбе
- жених до свадьбы, жених на свадьбе
- Они поженились в прошлом году.
- Робин женился на Джулии.
- Он женат на ней.
- Кейт родила ребенка вчера.
- Джим родился вчера.
- Роберт единственный ребенок.
- Келли была хорошенькая в детстве.
- Маргарет отличная хозяйка.
- Нас четверо в семье..
- У нас много / мало общего.
- У них дружная семья
- С Джорджем легко общаться.
- Мартина уважают коллеги.
- Лиз только что закончила школу.
- Эрнст ушел на пенсию год назад.
- Марк на пенсии.
- Джон умер в прошлом году.
- Стивен мертв.
1. Кровь гуще воды.
2. Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает.
3. В семье не без урода.
4. Друг познается в беде.
5. Для чего же тогда друзья?
6. Всяк задним умом крепок.
7. Если держишь собаку, сам не лай.
8. Кот из дома - мыши в пляс.
9. Дареному коню в зубы не смотрят.
10. Не суди о книге по обложке.
11. Внешность обманчива.
1. Давай устроим праздник и зажжем бенгальские огни.
2. Они отмечают годовщину свадьбы завтра. Ты пойдешь на празднование?
3. Когда у тебя день рождения? Ты собираешься его праздновать?
4. Кого мы пригласим на званый обед? В какой ресторан мы пойдем?
5. Гости будут есть и пить, шутить и смеяться, петь и танцевать.
6. Все будут развлекаться, веселиться (2) и хорошо проводить время.
7. Дети любят играть в игры и запускать фейерверки. Это очень весело.
8. Давай разыграем его и купим ему смешные воздушные шары. Это очень смешно.
9. Мы пошлем ему открытку и поздравим его с Рождеством.
10. Давай подарим ей игрушку на день рождения. (2)
1. Мама всегда готовит что-то вкусное, а мы накрываем праздничный стол.
2. Я хочу сказать тост. Давайте выпьем шампанское за Ваше здоровье!
3. Давайте наполним бокалы вином. Бокалы наполнены вином. (2)
4. Они любят наряжаться (2) на праздник.
5. Они наденут костюмы (2) и пойдут на маскарад.
6. Мы всегда ставим елку и украшаем ее игрушками и мишурой.
7. Мы обычно украшаем дом гирляндами и разноцветными лампочками.
8. Сначала мы провожаем старый год, а потом встречаем новый год.
9. Кремлевские куранты бьют двенадцать и все поднимают бокалы.
10. С праздником! – Вас также!
11. С днем рождения! Желаю долгих лет жизни!
12. С Новым Годом! Веселого Рождества!
13. Поздравляем! Ваше здоровье!
1. calf – calves
2. wolf – wolves
3. elf – elves
4. knife – knives
5. wife – wives
6. leaf – leaves
7. half – halves
8. life – lives
9. shelf – shelves
10. loaf – loaves
11. thief – thieves
12. dwarf – dwarfs / dwarves
13. scarf – scarfs / scarves
14. handkerchief – handkerchiefs
15. man – men / person – people
16. people - peoples
17. woman – women
18. goose – geese
19. foot – feet
20. tooth – teeth
21. mouse – mice
22. louse – lice
23. child – children
24. ox – oxen
1. key – keys
2. baby – babies
3. army – armies
4. radio – radios
5. mosquito – mosquitos / mosquitoes
6. photo – photos
7. kilo – kilos
8. piano – pianos
9. Negro – Negroes
10. zero – zeros / zeroes
11. tomato – tomatoes
12. hero – heroes
13. gentleman – gentlemen
14. mouse-trap – mouse-traps
15. German – Germans
16. man-eater – man-eaters
17. passer-by – passers-by
18. mother-in-law – mothers-in-law
19. grown-up – grown-ups
20. forget-me-not – forget-me-nots
21. merry-go-round – merry-go-rounds
22. alveolus – alveoli
23. mass media
24. thesis – theses
25. datum – data
26. phenomenon – phenomena
1. This is bad advice.
2. I want this information.
3. What luck!
4. Their knowledge is good.
5. Where is the money? – It’s in the safe.
6. Their progress is great.
7. He got permission.
8. There’s a lot of travel in her life.
9. This is good work. / This is a good job.
10. He’s got a lot of work.
11. Hand in your works.
12. Her hair is dark.
13. This is bad news.
14. Phonetics is a difficult subject.
15. These two sheep are in the yard.
16. We caught five fish.
17. Where are my jeans?
18. Your pyjamas are here.
19. The scissors are on the table.
20. Where are my glasses?
21. These are binoculars.
22. Where are your clothes? – They are here.
23. His wages are high.
24. one TV series – two TV series
25. one bird species – 20 bird species
1. What do you do (for a living)?
2. What is your profession / occupation?
3. What is he?
4. accountant
5. actor, actress
6. artist, painter
7. architect
8. hairdresser / barber
9. builder
10. businessman – businessmen
11. carpenter
12. clerk, office worker
13. coach – coaches
14. composer
15. conductor
16. cook
17. dentist
18. dancer
19. director
20. doctor
21. driver
22. engineer
23. farmer
24. fashion designer
25. guide
26. headmaster / headmistress
27. housewife – housewives
1. translator / interpreter
2. journalist, reporter, correspondent
3. lawyer
4. locksmith
5. manager
6. mechanic
7. miner
8. model
9. musician
10. nanny / child minder / babysitter
11. nurse
12. photographer
13. policeman – policemen
14. postman – postmen
15. programmer
16. salesperson / salesman / shop assistant
17. sailor
18. scientist
19. secretary – secretaries
20. singer
21. soldier
22. surgeon
23. teacher, tutor
24. waiter, waitress
25. worker
26. writer, author
1. ant
2. bear
3. bee – bees
4. beetle
5. butterfly – butterflies
6. camel
7. cat (kitten)
8. cock, rooster
9. cow, calf – calves
10. crocodile
11. one deer – two deer
12. dog, puppy – puppies
13. donkey – donkeys, ass – asses
14. duck
15. eagle
16. elephant
17. fox – foxes
18. frog
19. giraffe – giraffes
20. goat
21. goose – geese
22. hamster
1. hare
2. hedgehog
3. hen, chicken
4. horse
5. one kangaroo – two kangaroos
6. leopard
7. lion
8. monkey – monkeys
9. owl
10. parrot
11. peacock
12. penguin
13. one pig – two pigs / one swine – two swine
14. pigeon, dove
15. rabbit
16. roe
17. one sheep – two sheep, lamb
18. snake
19. sparrow
20. squirrel
21. swallow
22. swan
23. tick
24. tiger
25. turkey – turkeys
26. tortoise / turtle
27. whale
28. wolf – wolves
29. woodpecker
1. air 2. ear 3. heir
4. bare 5. bear 6. beer
7. buy 8. Bye! 9. by
10. chair 11. cheer
12. dare 13. dear 14. deer
15. fair 16. fare 17. fear
18. hair 19. hare 20. hear 21. here
22. line 23. lion
24. Mary 25. marry 26. merry
27. pair 28. pear 29. peer
30. peace 31. piece
32. quiet 33. quite
34. tail 35. tale
36. than 37. then
38. their 39. there
40. tide 41. tied 42. tired
43. to 44. two 45. too
46. wear 47. were 48. where
49. wood 50. would
51. write 52. right 53. rite
1) one 2) first 3) eleven
4) two 5) second 6) twelve
7) twelfth 8) twenty 9) twentieth
10) three 11) third 12) thirteen
13) four 14) fourteen 15) forty
16) five 17) fifth 18) fifty
19) nine 20) ninth 21) nineteenth 22) ninety-eighth 23) a hundred
24) six million seven hundred and fifteen thousand two hundred and thirty-eight
1. He lives by himself. He lives on his own.
2. Behave yourself!
3. Enjoy yourself!
4. Help yourself.
5. Make yourself at home.
6. That’s it.
7. This is it.
8. That’s just it.
9. And that’s that.
10. Same with me.
11. The same to you.
12. Same time, same place.
1. On the whole / All in all, …
2. Neither I nor my children are tired.
3. Neither my children nor I am tired.
4. Some other time.
5. He comes here every other day.
6. I saw him the other day.
7. I’ll see him one of these days.
1. Australia
2. Austria
3. Belgium
4. Brazil
5. Bulgaria
6. Canada
7. China
8. Denmark
9. Еgypt
10. Finland
11. France
12. Germany
13. Great Britain / the UK / the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
14. Greece
15. India
16. Ireland
17. Italy
18. Japan
19. Mexico
20. the Netherlands / Holland
21. New Zealand
22. Norway
23. Poland
24. Portugal
25. Russia
26. Spain
27. Sweden
28. Switzerland
29. Turkey
30. the USA \ the United States of America
- Canberra
- Vienna
- Brussels
- Brasilia
- Sofia
- Ottawa
- Beijing (Peking)
- Copenhagen
- Cairo
- Helsinki
- Paris
- Berlin
- London
- Athens
- New Delhi
- Dublin
- Rome
- Tokyo
- Mexico City
- Amsterdam
- Wellington
- Oslo
- Warsaw
- Lisbon
- Moscow
- Мадрид
- Stockholm
- Bern
- Ankara
- Washington
1. Australian
2. the Austrians
3. a Belgian
4. the Brazilians
5. Bulgarian
6. a Canadian
7. the Danish \ the Danes
8. Arabic
9. an Egyptian
10. Finnish
11. a Finn
12. two Frenchmen
13. the French
14. two Germans
15. the British, the English
16. two Englishmen
17. a Greek
18. Indian
19. the Irish
20. two Irishmen
21. an Italian
22. two Japanese
23. a Mexican
24. the Dutch
25. two Dutchmen
26. New-Zealand
27. Norwegian
28. Polish
29. a Pole
30. a Portuguese
31. the Russians
32. the Spanish \ the Spaniards
33. the Swedish \ the Swedes
34. two Swiss
35. Turkish
36. a Turk
37. the Americans
1. Africa
2. Antarctica
3. Australia
4. Eurasia (Europe and Asia)
5. North America
6. South America
7. the Atlantic Ocean
8. the Arctic Ocean
9. the Indian Ocean
10. the Pacific Ocean
11. the Baltic Sea
12. the Black Sea
13. the Caspian Sea
14. the Mediterranean Sea
15. Lake Baikal
16. Lake Michigan
17. river
18. the Amazon
19. the Mississippi
20. the Nile
21. the Danube
22. the Thames
23. the Panama Canal
24. the Suez Canal
25. the (English) Channel
26. the Gulf of Mexico
1. mountain
2. the Andes
3. the Alps
4. the Caucasus
5. the Cordilleras
6. the Himalayas
7. the Urals
8. Elbrus
9. Everest
10. Mont Blanc
11. Kilimanjaro
12. the Canary Islands, the Canaries
13. the Hawaiian Islands, the Hawaii
14. the Bahamas
15. the Bermudas
16. the British Isles
17. Corsica
18. Cyprus
19. Iceland
20. Madagascar
21. Sicily
22. the Arctic
23. the Antarctic
24. the Crimea
25. the Equator
26. the Far East
27. the Near East / the Middle East
28. the North Pole / the South Pole
1. It’s a pity.
2. What a pity!
3. It’s a pleasure. What a pleasure!
4. It’s a disappointment. What a disappointment.
5. Don’t be in a hurry.
6. As a result, we were late.
7. As a rule, he isn’t late.
8. Have a good time there!
9. They are at a loss.
10. Don’t tell me a lie!
11. Sleep for a while.
12. Don’t catch (a) cold.
13. She has a cold.
1. It’s out of the question.
2. Read books in the original.
3. Tell me the truth.
4. On the whole, he is right.
5. On the one hand, he is wrong.
6. On the other hand, I am sorry for him.
7. By the way, he is late.
8. Do you play the piano or the violin?
9. We seldom go to the cinema and to the theatre
10. Let’s go to the country, shall we?
11. Keep to the house to be on the safe side.
12. Keep to the bed, please.
13. What’s the news?
14. What’s the matter?
15. Tell me the time, please.
1. Let’s go by bus.
2. Let’s go on foot.
3. Does he play tennis or football?
4. It’s love at first sight.
5. Is she at home or at work?
6. They met by chance.
7. He did it by mistake.
8. He calls her by name.
9. Learn the text by heart from beginning to end.
10. He is sorry at heart.
11. Don’t take it to heart.
12. Don’t lose heart.
13. Don’t take offence.
14. He will give permission.
15. She will get permission.
16. Ask permission.
17. She keeps house.
18. He gets up at sunrise.
19. They walk at sunset hand in hand.
21. He is in debt.
1. It’s a pity! It’s out of the question.
2. He does everything in a hurry.
3. On the one hand, there is no news.
4. On the other hand, it’s not bad
5. As a result he is in debt.
6. He reads books in the original.
7. As a rule, he gets up at sunrise.
8. Let’s go to the cinema or to the theatre.
9. Read the text from beginning to end.
10. What’s the matter? – She isn’t at home.
11. We have a good time here.
12. We were at a loss.
13. Do they tell a lie or the truth?
14. He went there by mistake.
15. She takes everything to heart.
16. They walk hand in hand.
17. We don’t lose heart.
18. They go to bed late.
19. He likes to stay in bed in the morning.
20. She always takes offence.
21. He gave permission.
22. We got permission.
23. We don’t ask permission.
24. She came for a while.
25. We liked him at first sight.
26. They learn poems by heart.
27. I have a cold. – What a pity!
28. They went from house to house.
29. They met face to face.
30. May I call you by name?
31. What a pleasure!
32. What a disappointment!
33. You know it at heart.
34. She told us the time.
35. He heard it by chance.
36. On the whole, I agree with you.
37. They played football the other day.
38. By the way, he is at work.
39. We play tennis here.
40. She plays the piano.
41. I don’t play the violin.
42. They keep to the house.
43. Who keeps house?
44. Ask him to be on the safe side.
45. He is wet from head to foot.
46. I don’t want to go on foot.
47. What’s the news?
VOC . 1 ( part 1)
1. He is good-looking / pleasant-looking
2. She is pretty.
3. He is handsome, isn’t he?
4. What a charming girl!
5. She is nice to look at.
6. She has a good / slender / plump / stout / graceful / well-cut / well-shaped figure
7. He is stooping.
8. He’s strongly built /slightly built / well built
9. He’s narrow-shouldered / broad-shouldered
10. She is long-legged.
11. She has thick / thin / curly / wavy / straight dyed / blonde / red / dark / hair.
12. She wears a haircut / a fringe.
13. He has a crew cut.
14. She wears her hair long / short / shoulder-length.
15. She wears a plait.
16. Her hair is done in a pony tail.
17. He is bald.
18. He wears a beard / (a) moustache / sideburns.
19. He is always clean-shaven.
20. She has a common / round / oval face.
21. He has regular / irregular / rough / delicate features.
22. He has a high / open / low forehead.
23. She has a pale / rosy / fair / dark / tanned complexion.
VOC. 1 (part 2)
1. She has blue / wide-set / close-set / deep-set slanting / small / large / expressive eyes
2. She has long / short / curving eyelashes.
3. He has thick / thin / bushy /arched / straight eyebrows
4. He has a long / short / straight / aquiline / snub / turned-up nose.
5. She has hollow / plump / rosy cheeks.
6. He has a pointed / double / round / square chin.
7. She has thin / full / well-shaped lips.
8. He has even / uneven teeth.
9. She is blue-eyed and rosy-cheeked.
10. He is fair-haired and round-faced.
11. She has smooth skin / freckles.
12. He has a dimple in (on) his chin /
dimples on his cheeks.
13. She is like Mum in appearance.
14. They are as like as two peas.
15. He is the image of his father.
16. She is very different from her elder sister.
1. absent-minded
2. bright
3. capable
4. clever
5. intelligent
6. honest
7. hospitable
8. just
9. kind-hearted
10. light-minded
11. naughty
12. reliable
13. selfish
14. serious
15. slap-dash
16. sociable
17. stubborn
18. trustful
19. well-read
20. witty
1. What’s your age?
2. How old are you?
3. He is under 17.
4. He is nearly 17.
5. He is over 17.
6. He is about 17.
7. He is a fourteen-year-old boy.
8. He is under age.
9. She will come of age soon.
10. He is a teenager. / He is in his teens.
11. He is in his early thirties.
12. He is in his mid thirties.
13. He is in his late thirties.
14. He is elderly.
15. She is middle-aged.
16. She doesn’t look her age.
17. They are (of) the same age.
18. Jim is the same age as Dave. /
Jim is as old as Dave.
19. She is three years younger than me. /
She is three years my junior.
20. She is three years older than me. /
She is three years my senior.
1. Janet is a secretary in an insurance company.
2. Her boss is secretly in love with her.
3. They get on really well.
4. Tina has a lovely face.
5. She has big hazel eyes.
6. She makes up very little.
7. She likes swimming and gardening.
8. Harry is a tutor.
9. He is a quiet man, rather shy but strict with his students.
10. He is a good listener. He is not much of a talker.
11. He has fair hair slightly grey at the temples.
12. She takes after her mother.
13. Sandra is fond of old films.
14. She watches television quite often.
15. She cooks perfectly.
16. She is married to a guy called Ray.
17. Stan is a fifty-four-year-old barber.
18. He is proud of his teenage son.
19. Danny is broad at the shoulders and thin at the waist.
20. He does well at school.
21. His favourite entertainment is playing the trumpet.
22. She enjoys yoga a lot.
23. Her biggest passion is photography.
24. She loves taking photos of people.
25. You can capture their personality.
1. Of all my relatives…
2. She is my mother’s youngest sister.
3. She has never married.
4. She lives alone in a small village.
5. She is in her late fifties, but she is quite young in spirit.
6. She has a fair complexion.
7. She has thick brown hair, which she wears in a bun.
8. Her face is a little wrinkled.
9. She is still rather attractive.
10. The first thing you notice when you meet her is her smile.
11. She is the sort of person you can always go to if you have a problem.
12. She still goes for long walks over the hills.
13. She is extremely generous.
14. She isn’t very tolerant with people who don’t agree with her.
15. I hope I am as contented as she is when I am her age.
1. mother, mummy, mum, mom
2. father, daddy, dad
3. sister, half-sister
4. brother, half-brother
5. son, daughter
6. (identical) twins
7. grandparents
8. grandmother, granny, grandma
9. grandfather, grandpa
10. grandson, granddaughter, grandchildren
11. great-grandfather, great-grandmother
12. great-grandchildren
13. uncle, aunt
14. cousin
15. second cousin
16. nephew, niece
17. close relatives
18. distant relatives
Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 462; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы! |
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