The doctor asked the nurse to give him the patient’s card. 2. You must give up smoking, you have a lung trouble. 3. I had to give in because I was not right.

XVII. Answer the questions according to the model:

What does a patient complain of if something is wrong with his ear? If something is wrong with his ear, a patient complains of an earache. What does a patient complain of if something is wrong with his stomach?

Lungs? heart? liver? kidneys?



I. Выполните следующие задания и ответьте на вопросы:

I. Дайте формулу страдательного залога. 2. Какую формулу вы получите, если поставите вспомогательный глагол to be из этой формулы в Continuous? 3. К какому залогу и к какой группе времен вы отнесете эту формулу, если глагол to be будет в Continuous?

Употребите глагол to examine по этой формуле и скажите, что изменяется в ней по временам, лицам и числам. 5. Как образуются отрицательная и вопросительная формы?

II. Переведите следующие предложения, определив время сказуемого:

Now the total number of platelets in the blood of the patient is being counted by the laboratory worker. 2. The exact amount of salt was being determined during the experiment, which we were carrying on yesterday at 10 o’clock. 3. We can clearly observe that a favourable effect is being produced on the patient’s condition by the administration of these drugs.

III*. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение слова to follow:

Now my father is following a bed regimen because he has a bad heart disease. 2. In this female a bad heart disease was followed by dyspnea.

Following the administration of this drug the normal heartbeating developed in the patient. 4. The high intracranial pressure followed by constant headaches may be one of the symptoms of intracranial growth.

IV. Выучите парные союзы. Предложения переведите:

The patient complained both of a high temperature and of the pain in the chest. 2. Both the therapeutist and the surgeon have come to the conclusion to treat the patient at home. 3. You must investigate either the blood gases or the corpuscular elements of the blood. 4. The therapeutist did not administer him either a bed regimen or a diet. 5. The physician revealed neither the increased respiratory rate nor the increased pulse rate.

V. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания : cough [kɒf] n кашель ; v кашлять ; cough mixture микстура от кашля moist [mɔist] а влажный rale [ral] n хрип ( в легких ) acute [ə'kju:t] а острый

cold [kə υ ld] n простуда ; to catch a cold простудиться

accumulate [ə'kju:mjuleit] v накапливать ( ся ); собирать ( ся )

light [lait] а легкий ; светлый

orally ['ɔ:rə1i] adv внутрь ; через рот

VI. Переведите следующие словосочетания (письменно):

Влажный климат, влажный воздух, влажная (окружающая) среда, влажные руки; 2) влажные хрипы, сухие хрипы, обнаружить хрипы в легких, слышать влажные хрипы в легких; 3) сухой кашель, принимать микстуру от кашля, сильно кашлять.

VII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

What is the time now? 2. My father visited Moscow many times. 3. We have classes in Physiology three times a week. 4. What time do you have lectures in Microbiology?


VIII. Read and memorize the following words:

bronchitis [brɒŋ'kaitis], catarrh [kə'ta], discomfort [dis'kAmfət], bronchial ['brɒŋkjəl], diet [daiət], recommend [,rekə'mənd], tablets ['tfbləts], symptom ['simptəm], procedure [prə'si:eə], abnormal [fb'n;ml].

IX. Supply conjunctions both- and. Translate the following sentences:

Experienced therapeutists and neurologists work at this polyclinic. 2. At the polyclinic consulting hours may be in the morning and in the evening.

The nurse fills in temperature charts and gives injections.

X. Translate the following sentences:

The patient was in such a poor condition that he could neither sit up nor move. 2. This patient with pneumonia will be administered either streptomycin or penicillin injections. 3. The growth was revealed neither in the lungs nor in the mediastinum. 4. You may take this medicine either before or after meals.

XI. Choose the sentences with the predicate in the Continuous Passive:

No changes are being observed in the patient’s condition now. 2. The blood was dropping from the wound slowly. 3. The functions of the left lower extremity were being restored rapidly during the treatment of the patient at the clinic. 4. At the end of October this female visited the clinic complaining of a bad pain in the heart.

XII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of the Active and Passive Continuous tenses:

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 650; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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