XVI. Read Text F. Answer the teacher’s questions and retell the text.

Text F. The Discovery of Cholera Bacterium

In 1883 Koch went to Egypt to study cholera. At that time there was a widespread epidemic of cholera in Egypt.

Nobody knew the origin of this disease, there were not any protective measures against it.

The disease spread very rapidly from one place to another and thousands of healthy people died. But sometimes some people who were in a constant contact with the diseased person did not catch cholera.

As soon as Koch came to Alexandria he and his two assistants Gaffky and Fisher began their investigations. In the blood, kidneys, spleen, liver and lungs of the people who died of cholera Koch found many microorganisms but all of them were not the agents of cholera. However in the walls of the intestines and in stools Koch always found a microorganism which looked like a comma. Many times Koch tried to grow this bacterium on gelatin but he failed to do it. Many times Koch inoculated ( прививал ) this bacterium to the experimental animals, but none became ill with cholera. As the epidemic of cholera became less in Egypt, Koch went to India to continue his investigations there. In Kalcutta Koch often walked along its muddy ( грязный ) streets, where the poor lived. Once Koch saw some muddy water on the ground near a small house.

Koch looked into that water and he thought he saw there those “commas”. He took some of this water, analysed it under the microscope many times and found there the same bacteria which he had so many times revealed in the people with cholera. Koch also established that animals could not catch this disease. The source [sɔ:s] of the disease was the water, which people drank.



Словообразование: cуффикс -less.

Грамматика: послелоги. Употребление Present вместо Future. Времена группы Continuous Passive . Парные союзы : both- and, either- or, neither- nor.


I. Обратите внимание на перевод глагола-сказуемого в придаточных предложениях. Ответьте на вопросы :

If you come to me, we shall study Anatomy. Если вы придете ко мне, мы будем заниматься анатомией.

As soon as the patient is admitted to the hospital the doctor will examine him. Как только больной поступит в больницу , врач обследует его .

Before the surgeon performs the operation he will have to observe the patient’s condition for some days. До того как хирург сделает операцию, он должен будет наблюдать за состоянием больного несколько дней.

1*. Определите виды придаточных предложений. 2*. Определите время глагола-сказуемого в английских предложениях: а) главных, б) придаточных. 3*. В каком времени стоит глагол-сказуемое в соответствующих русских предложениях: а) придаточных, б) главных? 4. Какой вывод вы можете сделать из сопоставления русских и английских предложений?

II. Переведите следующие предложения :

If the red blood cell count decreases, the patient will require additional treatment. 2. The development of cortical inhibition will begin after the experimental animal is given the proper drug. 3. The infant will be fed artificially until the mother’s health is restored.

III. Переведите со словарем предложения, обращая внимание на перевод слова look и его сочетаний с after и for:

We looked but saw nothing. 2. The nurse looked after the patients

Carefully. 3. I looked for the Anatomical Atlas but could not find it. Что изменяет значение глагола?

IV. Выпишите и переведите значения следующих глаголов с послелогами:

To give in, to give up, to give away; 2) to get up, to get down, to get in, to get off.

V. Запомните чтение следующих слов. Переведите их:

polyclinic [,pɒliklinik], neurologist [njυə'rɒləeist], urine ['jυərin], urinalysis [jυəri'nflisis], regimen ['reeimen], test [test], diagnosis [,daiəg'nəυsis].

VI. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания: institution [,insti'tju:ʃn] n учреждение ring up (rang up, rung up) v звонить, вызывать по телефону call [kɔ:l] n вызов; to call in v вызывать (врача) physician [fi'ziʃn] n врач complain [kəm'plein] v жаловаться (на - of) complaint [kəm'pleint] v жалоба correct [kə'rekt] а правильный; v исправлять, поправлять administer [əd'ministə] v назначать; давать (лекарство) consult [kən'sAlt] v обращаться (к врачу); consulting hours приемные

часы; consulting room кабинет врача reception [ri'sepʃn] n прием; получение; принятие serious ['siəriəs] а серьезный; вызывающий опасение (о болезни) sick [sik] a , n больной sick-leave больничный лист; to be on a sick-leave находиться на боль

ничном листе definite ['definit] а определенный, точный chart [tat] n таблица; график; диаграмма; схема; карта; temperature

chart температурный лист patient’s card карточка больного fill in v заполнять; вписывать, вносить

VII. Переведите следующие однокоренные слова:

Locate, local, locality, localize, localized, location; person, personal, personality, personally, impersonal; administer, administered, administration, administrative; correct, corrected, correction, corrective, correctly, incorrect, incorrectly.

VIII*. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

1. My brother looks ill because he has been ill since the beginning of the spring. He fell ill with the grippe on the first of March. 2. Yesterday a call from a patient who lives in Ordynka street came to our polyclinic. The patient called in a doctor because he had pain in the chest. The therapeutist made the diagnosis of pneumonia. This disease is called pneumonia because its name takes the origin from the Greek term ‘pneumoni’.

IX*. Закончите следующие предложения, выбрав нужный вариант окончания:

A therapeutist is- (a) a person who treats the diseases of the inner organs, ( б ) a person who investigates the life of microorganisms. 2. A neurologist is- (a) a physician who treats ear, nose and throat diseases, ( б ) a physician who treats the diseases of the nervous system. 3. A physician is-


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