VI . Під б еріть терміни до їх визначень.

1. vitamin a) a chemical substance which is found in certain foods, and is important for growth and good health
2. substance b) the quality of having none or not enough
3. constitution c) the way in which something is put together, formation
4. deficiency d) to experience pain, difficulty or loss
5. manufacture e) to make or produce
6. suffer f) a material type of matter

VII. Утворіть одне речення з поданих двох, використовуючи герундій та слова в дужках. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.


The hands may be contaminated with disease bacteria and they are not necessarily infected. (without)

The hands may be contaminated with disease bacteria without being infected.

1. Pathogenic bacteria can produce an infection. (be capable of)

2. A contaminated object is one that contains bacteria. They can produce disease. (be capable of)

3. The microorganisms of rumen can break down the fibrous constituents of feeds. (are capable of)

4. You can make up for the lack of Vitamin D. You should take fish-liver oil. (by)

5.  The dogs pant. They can lower their body temperature. (by)

6. Bacteria clean up our environment. They feed on toxic wastses, petroleum and sewage. (by)

7. The microorganisms of rumen can transform food proteins. (are capable of).

VIII . Утворіть питальні та заперечні форми за зразком:

The vitamins are classified as fat-soluble and water-soluble.


Are the vitamins classified as fat-soluble and water-soluble?

How are the vitamins classified?

What is classified as fat-soluble and water-soluble?

Заперечення: The vitamins are not classified as fat-soluble and water-soluble.

1. Vitamin A is formed in the animal body from pigments called carotenoids.

2. The pigments are associated in the plant with the green colouring material chlorophyll.

3. Vitamin D is often called the anti-rachitic factor.

4. Rickets is characterized by a failure of the animal to lay down calcium and phosphorus in its bones.

5. The remaining water-soluble vitamins are all grouped under the name Vitamin B complex.

6. The hands may be contaminated with disease bacteria without being infected.

7. Panting helps lower the dog’s body temperature.

IX. Спростуйте твердження або погодьтеся з ними.

Зразок 1:

- Vitamin A is a coloured substance.

Do you agree with me?

- No, that is wrong. Vitamin A is a colourless substance.

Зразок 2:

- The vitamins are classified as fat-soluble and water-soluble.

Do you agree with me?

-Yes, that is right (you are (quite) right). The vitamins are classified as fat-soluble and water-soluble.

1. The fat-soluble group includes vitamin C and vitamin B complex.

2. Carotene is slowly destroyed in the presence of oxygen.

3. Vitamin A deficiency in young cattle is usual.

4. In some animals secondary bacterial infections may prolong the life of an animal.

5. Vitamin D is often called the rachitic factor.

6. Rickets can occur as a result of a deficiency of phosphorus.

7. Vitamins E and C are essential and required by all animals.

8. The microorganisms of rumen manufacture the vitamins of B complex in sufficient amounts.

9. When the rumen flora of the young animal is fully established it needs a source of these B complex vitamins in its ration.

10.Horses require some member of the vitamin B complex.

X .Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Заражений об’єкт – це такий, що містить бактерії, здатні викликати хворобу.

2. Вітаміни розрізняють на розчинні в жирі та у воді.

3. Вітамін А – безбарвна речовина відомого хімічного складу, що знаходиться у жирі печінки риб та тварин.

4. Можна поповнити нестачу вітаміну D шляхом вживання риб’ячого жиру.

5. Дорослі жуйні тварини не потребують жодного представника комплексу вітаміну В.

6. Нещодавні дослідження показали, що коні потребують деяких вітамінів комплексу В.

7. Бактерії очищують навколишнє середовище шляхом розкладу токсичних відходів, нафти, нечистот.

8. Вітамін D часто називають протирахітним фактором.

XI. Перекажіть текст.


The vitamins are classified as fat-soluble and water-soluble. The fat-soluble group includes vitamins A, D, E and K and the water-soluble group – vitamin C and the numerous members of the vitamin B complex.

Vitamin A is found in the liver oils of fish and animals. It is formed in the animal body from pigments called carotenoids. Dried grass of high quality is the best source of the vitamin. The main signs of vitamin A deficiency in young cattle are failure to thrive, night blindness and, later, total blindness due to damage of the optic nerves. In all animals secondary bacterial infections occur where the deficiency is prolonged, and it may lead to the death of an animal.

Vitamin D is present in cod-liver oil, which was essential to the prevention of rickets. Vitamin D, in fact, is often called the anti-rachitic factor. Rickets, the disease due to vitamin D deficiency, is characterized by a failure of the animal to lay down calcium and phosphorus in its bones. Rickets can occur as a result of a deficiency of calcium or phosphorus in the diet.

Vitamin E is a dietary ingredient essential for the reproduction of rats.

Vitamin C is required only by guinea-pigs, humans, and the higher apes, where a lack causes scurvy. Farm animals and birds manufacture the vitamin in their systems.

The remaining water-soluble vitamins are all grouped into vitamin B complex. Member of the vitamin B complex is required by adult ruminants. Before the rumen of the young animal is fully established it needs a source of these vitamins in its ration.

UNIT 17.


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