Сравните острый бронхит и пневмонию. Занесите информацию в таблицу (письменно).

Organs affected
Causative agents

2. Используя информацию из таблицы, сравните острый бронхит и пневмонию.Используйте следующие союзы: both… and, unlike, as…as, not so (as)… as.

EXAMPLE : Both flu and common cold are viral infections.


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5. Используя данную ниже информацию, дайте рекомендации по профилактике острого бронхита и пневмонии у детей. Используйте конструкцию You should… You’d better (письменно).

EXAMPLE: To avoid being in crowded places with your child in flu season, -----------------pneumonia often occurs as a complication of a flu. –You should avoid being in crowded places with your child in flu season, because pneumonia often occurs as a complication of a flu.

1. To get a flu vaccine, -----------------pneumonia often occurs as a complication of a flu.

2. To teach your child wash his or her hands and use separate plates and glasses, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------viruses cauing pneumonia live on the contaminated hands and dishes.

3. To eat healthy diet and get enough sleep, -------------------------------------------------------------- pneumonia in children occurs due to the weakness of their immune system.

4. To avoid your child’s exposure to secondhand smoking, --------------------------------------------------------pneumonia can be caused by toxic substances of the tobacco smoke.

5. To humidify the air in the child’s room, ---------------------------------moist air does not let the viruses causing pneumonia get into the lungs.

6. To call a doctor if your child feels sick, ------------------------------symptoms of pneumonia can be different in different children.


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Asthma is a condition that causes difficulty breathing, and it's common among kids and teens. Asthma affects the bronchial tubes, or airways. All children with asthma have inflamed airways. They swell and produce lots of thick mucus. In addition, their airways are overly sensitive, or hyper reactive, to certain asthma triggers. When the muscles surrounding the airways are exposed to these triggers, the airways tighten and become narrower. Some common triggers are exercise, allergies, viral infections, and smoke. During an asthma flare-up (attack, episode) (приступ астмы), kids may experience coughing, wheezing (a whistling sound in the chest when breathing), chest tightness, increased heart rate, sweating, and shortness of breath.


Ответьте на вопросы по тексту (письменно).

1. What problems does asthma cause?

2. Only adults can have asthma, can’t they?

3. What organs does the condition affect?

4. What are inflamed airways?

5. What are overly sensitive airways?

6. What are some common asthma triggers?

7. What do kids experience during an asthma flare-up?


Объясните родителю ребенка, что происходит во время приступа астмы.

Прочитайте текст о двух видах лекарственных препаратов для пациентов с астмой.

Preventers quell (подавлять) swelling and inflammation in the airways and reduce mucus. They also reduce the sensitivity of the airways. The protective effect accumulates gradually over a period of about 2 weeks. The medication must be taken daily, even if there are no symptoms. Most common types of preventers are inhaled steroids. But if asthma is acute and severe, steroids may be given as tablets or injections. The main side effects are hoarseness (осиплость) and an increased risk of mouth and throat infections caused by thrush (молочница).

Relievers are drugs that relax and open up the airways making it easier to breathe. Some relievers remove symptoms almost instantly (rescue relievers). Others have a longer lasting action (long-lasting relievers). Relievers are prescribed during an actual asthma flare-up, and before exercise to reduce the risk of a flare-up. The most common are inhaled bronchodilators.

Side effects are usually mild and pass away quickly. The main ones are a slightly increased heartbeat, and muscle trembling, especially in the hands. Some oral relievers may cause dry mouth, blurred vision, difficulties passing urine, or constipation.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 316; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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