Can you answer the following questions?

1. What does the Antikythera Bronze represent? How is theAntikythera youth (Perseus) depicted?

2. Why is the Marathon Boy considered to be more adventurous in conception and execution than the Antikythera youth?

3. What statues were found in excavations in the Piraeus?

4. What did the Athenian state commission the sculptor Kephisodotos around 370 всE?

5. Who was a leading sculptor of the 4th century bce?

6. Why is Hermes' stance considered to be High Classical?



Give Russian equivalents for the following phrases.

The Late Archaic bronze Apollo; to ascribe it to smb; a growing enthusiasm for expressing smth; to represent the ideal in realistic figures; with interest in movement; accurate representation of the anatomy; the chiastic (X-shape) balance of muscular tension; the leftward swaying pose; the outstretched right arm; the tilt of the
head; a bronze original; to adopt a more precarious pose; under lifesize; an innovative example of a temple; to stand with his weight on the left leg; the volume of the torso; the soft shapes of the limbs; athletes in the palaestra; the over-lifesize Athena; the inauguration
of a cult of Peace in Athens; later marble copies; ‘full-frontal’
view; datable Panathenaic amphoras; water jar; in the crook of
the left arm; sources are lavish in their praise of the figure's
beauty; precursors of the High Classical style; the clinging wet drapery; a bulge of the eyebrow; transitions from plane to plane; pedimental figures; to challenge the conventional Classical four-sided approach.


Give English equivalents for the following phrases.

Cохранившиеся бронзовые оригиналы; полагаться на комментаторов последуюших веков; скульптурный стиль; бросить вызов общепринятому классическому подходу; атлетические фигуры; вытянутая правая рука; наклон головы; статуя ниже человеческого роста; статуя выше человеческого роста; переместить вес на правую ногу; статуя Аполлона из бронзы позднеархаического периода; раскопки, проведенные в Греции; введение культа Мира в Афинах; поздние мраморные копии; литературные описания; поддающийся датировке
амфоры; на сгибе левой руки; предшественники классического стиля; облегающая «мокрая» ткань; переход от одного плана к другому; изобразить идеал; интерес к движению; детальная передача анатомии человека; принять более непринужденную позу; баланс сохраняется на очень короткий период; литературные источники; бронзовая группа; приписывать


Match the words and their definitions.

1. stance a. in ancient Greece and Rome a wrestling school or gymnasium
2. contour b. the trunk of a statue without, or considered independently of, the head and limbs
3. torso c. an instrument with a curved blade used, especially by ancient Greeks and Romans, to scrape sweat and dirt from the skin in a hot-air bath or after exercise; a scraper
4. strigil d. a method of moulding, carving, or stamping in which the design stands out from the surface, to a greater or lesser extent
5. relief e. the way in which someone stands; a person's posture
6. palaestra f. an outline representing or bounding the shape or form of something


After reading the text set forth your own opinion of it.

Praxiteles' most famous statue was the Aphrodite of Knidos. This statue presented a fullscale female nude for the first time. Literary sources are lavish in their praise of the figure's beauty, and Pliny thought it the best statue in the world. He even suggested that Aphrodite herself must have helped in its creation, though others thought the statue represented Phryne, Praxiteles' mistress, it was copied again and again in Roman times, and many variations of the type developed. The statue also appeared on the coinage of Knidos. Why did it exercise the power it did? Was it just its surprising, and perhaps shocking, nudity? Aphrodite stands naked, caught in a fleeting pose, her left hand resting on the drapery thrown over the adjacent water jar, her right brought across in front in an intuitive defensive gesture. Like Hermes, she has long legs and a small head. Her right hip pushes out, and the S-curve rises slowly through her body. She has soft, wavy hair, and her face has a triangular forehead, shadowy eyes, a straight nose, and a small mouth. The marble original was made around 350 bce and stood in an open shrine visible from every side. Thus, the divine had become accessible, almost personal, captured in an intimate moment.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 145; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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